• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 8, 2020

    Anno Been a massive Anno fan for more than a decade, but seeing the breathtakingly beautiful and organical NPC islands in Enbesa (and the 90° railroads and canals), I have to say I hope this is the last Anno with a grid system

    Anno Been a massive Anno fan for more than a decade, but seeing the breathtakingly beautiful and organical NPC islands in Enbesa (and the 90° railroads and canals), I have to say I hope this is the last Anno with a grid system

    Been a massive Anno fan for more than a decade, but seeing the breathtakingly beautiful and organical NPC islands in Enbesa (and the 90° railroads and canals), I have to say I hope this is the last Anno with a grid system

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 02:59 AM PST

    All the Enbesan islands look stunning, especially if you walk the streets in first person. Makes me feel sad that I can't build such organic and natural villages and small towns.

    submitted by /u/videki_man
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    Pirates ATAKKK (no idea what happened to AI :D )

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 10:42 AM PST

    Scholar residences on multiple islands?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 12:05 PM PST

    Do scholar's residences built on other islands connected with commuter piers still contribute to the scholar number for research? What about building scholar residences in the old world while your main campus is in cape Trelawney?

    submitted by /u/nbrow93
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    Beryl's ships are cheating and travelling outside the map boundaries and not attackable! Bug or feature?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 11:46 AM PST

    Beryl's ships are cheating and travelling outside the map boundaries and not attackable! Bug or feature?

    I love to play with 3 AI's and co-exist in peace for as long as I don't need their islands.

    Beryl decided to declare war and I positioned battle cruisers to interrupt her ship supplies.I looked at the map shortly after and saw many purple ships still travel along the map border.

    I had to discover that all her supply ships are travelling outside, but along the map borders!Not only that, but my stationed ships, one of which is directly at the border, aren't able to move towards them or attack, even when they are well within shooting range!I can click on them and see their name and all, even tell my ships to target (and subsequently follow) them, but they will not shoot, unless the ship is also inside the map border!

    Edit, forgot the picture:


    This can definitley NOT be a feature, I'm a right?Even if the ships are on trade routes to other regions, they should not be present on the map unless they are "in" the map, and if they are, they should be attackable, right?

    Her ships are literally invincible to anything, except when they turn into the map area towards the target harbour..

    Has anyone encountered this, and if so, what are your thoughts on it?Thanks

    submitted by /u/SgtCold
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    Some old screenshot I found :D

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 02:10 PM PST

    Gas mine items?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 12:19 PM PST


    Looking to start building my gas mines in the arctic but the labour requirements are crazy. Could someone tell me if any of the trade union mine items work on the gas mine as well? I looked on the wiki but they dont seem to specify

    submitted by /u/DorianOtten
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    Can you not get to the other regions, New World, Arctic, etc, on Sandbox?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 10:35 AM PST

    Single player -> coop

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 02:28 AM PST

    Is there a way to transfer single player save into coop? I finished campaing and other story quest lines and I wonder is there a way to continue this game with somebody.

    submitted by /u/vadzier
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    Character's Nationalities guess

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 05:31 AM PST

    I wanted to know a little bit more about each character in the game if they were real, so I made a little guess for which nation they might come from, I would love to get your thinking as well :)

    Computer characters :

    • Bente Jorgensen = England
    • Princess Qing = Japan
    • Willie Wibblestock = Australia
    • Artur Gasparov = Russia
    • Beryl-O'Mara = I really don't know, maybe England
    • Carl Leonard Von Malching = Germany
    • George Smith = USA
    • Admiral Vicente Silva = Spain
    • Alonso Graves = Portugal
    • Lady Margaret Hunt = England

    For the traders & pirates :

    • Anne Harlow = England
    • Jean la Fortune = France (more like French colonies)
    • Eli Bleakworth = I don't know
    • Madame Kahina = France, french colonies as well
    • Sir Archibald Blake = England
    • Isabel Sarmento = South America, could be any country there

    I won't do the DLC's ones but you can make your guess anyway :D

    submitted by /u/LoXyO
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    Season 3 - scenarios?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 02:36 AM PST

    I've never played Anno 1404 but I read some comments about different scenarios included there. Maybe it could be possible to add something like this to Anno 1800? Because there won't be any new map so it may be tricky but still possible (as long as game engine allows it to implenent) in few ways:

    - NPC ships traveling from island to island (like Queen in Crown Falls) giving different tast to fullfill on different islands

    - global goals to fullfill on any island choosen by player

    - Queen (or other NPC) ask you to sell her one of your islands. Then remove everything from this island, build some infrastructure (like Bright Sands in Campaign) and then give back this island to you with some quest concerning this specific island

    - probably there can be more ways to implement new quest lines (or scenarios), those are few that came to my mind

    What do you think about it?

    submitted by /u/vadzier
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    DC LİNK?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 03:27 PM PST

    Discord link plz

    submitted by /u/Environmental-Sea-31
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