• Breaking News

    Monday, December 7, 2020

    Anno You: a local hoodlum looking for a fight. Enter two piratesses with a friggin mountain lion who are gonna kick your ass.

    Anno You: a local hoodlum looking for a fight. Enter two piratesses with a friggin mountain lion who are gonna kick your ass.

    You: a local hoodlum looking for a fight. Enter two piratesses with a friggin mountain lion who are gonna kick your ass.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 02:25 AM PST

    Started playing again, aaaaand "time flies! It's been 10 hours, and there's no time-based achievement honestly"

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 11:38 AM PST

    Questions about modding

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 10:56 AM PST

    Hello, it has been one week I started thinking about creating mods for Anno 1800, but I cannot find any tutorial on how to do it, all of them are "how to install mods" and not how to create them. On the wiki, it says that I need to edit a certain "assets.xml" file but I can't find it in my game files. I also wanted to know if it's possible to create new scripted quests (like the one to get the "Great Eastern") and new ships (with new 3d models).

    Can anyone help me?

    submitted by /u/LoXyO
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    Any mods to unlock Club rewards?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2020 10:50 AM PST

    Long shot here. So there's currently a bug affecting Ubisoft's new client that has locked all the previously unlocked Club rewards for some players. I'm one of those players.

    Ubisoft has been investigating this bug for over a month now with no ETA in sight. Are there any mods that exist that unlock these Club rewards, by chance? I miss my duck pond yall.

    submitted by /u/mutefarmanimal
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    Imperial Pack and MERMAID statue

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 10:12 PM PST

    Ubisoft Blue Bite, please allow us to upgrade our ANNO 1800 to Imperial Edition. The case is about recent bug where i cant use club rewards but can use Imperial Pack's stuff where i found the Anno 1602 memorial. The thing is i'm obsessed with mermaids and from now all my islands must have that memorial to worship. But when this bug will be fixed i will cannot build that magnificent statue so can you please allow us to upgrade or made a flavour pack with mermaids because the thematic is so good with sea, islands and stuff.

    submitted by /u/vadklop96
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    Anno 1800 Club Rewards Not Applicable

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 04:38 PM PST

    Hello. Ubisoft connect (formerly Uplay) has given me all the games club rewards. But, when in game, I cannot apply the ship skins or place the unique ornaments. Anyone know what I need to do in order to use these items?

    submitted by /u/Cluelessroom87
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    Guys, what are the chances of us getting a blueprint book?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 02:10 PM PST

    It was mentioned a couple of times here before, and it is something that I would love to see. But I don't know how hard it would be to implement or if the developers even want to implement it. For those who is wondering I see the blueprint book as a place where you for example could save you schnapps production after you build it once, and just place it in another game. And perhaps there is people who aren't interested or maybe straight against such a thing and it's fine, we are bound to have different opinions, I am just wondering what the chances are of developers introducing such a thing.

    submitted by /u/Inwate
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    2 questions for the zoo, museum, garden.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 05:12 PM PST

    Q1, when you buy those collections from trader, is there a way to know whether you already bought the item before? Since I can't remember all those items I bought before, I keep buying the same thing again and again, I don't want to do that.

    Q2, how do you guys earn enough influence points for zoo,museum and garden? It seems like they needs thousands thousands point, how comes that's possible to get that many?

    submitted by /u/sunson29
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    DLC Rankings - LoL best DLC so far?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 12:25 PM PST

    IMVHO it surely is. Good and long story line. A map that actually feels new, chains that actually feel new and with the Research Institute something that really adds something to the game and has cross zone impact. Way more so than for example the Palace does.

    Quick ranking of DLCs IMO (in relation to their price):

    1: LoL - Adds the most. A cool map, good story and actual game features that help the other zones

    2: Sunken Treasures - Very good map you cant do without, other bits less impressive.

    3: Seat of Power - Palace is a pretty nice edition that actually effects gameplay

    4: Botanica - I like working on my garden, its not bad for its price

    5: The Passage - The artic just sucks, bad story, terrible map and very disconnected from the rest of the game. Will start a new game without it even though I own it.

    -: Bright Harvest - Probably cool, but I work with a mod that makes farms and their field sizes irrelevant so I don't feel Im the right person to judge this DLC. I do however have it because of the pass.

    Season 3 pass feels tricky, best (and most expensive) DLCs are the ones that add (good) new zones. Since its already a sure thing that Season 3 won't add a new zone it better be way cheaper than Season 1 and 2. Because that price isn't justified without a new zone. There is no way you can make a DLC as deep, good and long as LoL or ST without adding a zone.

    submitted by /u/Belthazor4011
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