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    Monday, January 13, 2020

    Anno My Super Cities

    Anno My Super Cities

    My Super Cities

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:30 AM PST

    My Super Cities

    I tend to look at Youtube for some inspiration when trying to build huge sprawling cities in Anno, but most of the videos focus on maxing out stats (population/money) and the cities themselves tend to not look very good at all.

    The cities I made in 1404 / 2070 and now 1800 aim to be huge, making money and having max population happiness but also being beautiful to look at, functioning like a (mostly) real city and making sense in the placement of buildings and services.

    Anno 1404 - Emerald Bay:







    Anno 2070 - Irongate MegaCity:












    WIP of Crown Falls - Anno 1800:



    submitted by /u/Sh0dan_-
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    looking for your lists of usefull Items

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 05:45 AM PST

    Hello there,

    i was just starting to browse the Asset Viewer to make me a list of all the useful items i could use in a farm, factory, harbour or wherever.

    i then realized 2 things: first, there are a LOT of items and 90% are useless or have better variants and second, i cant be the first/only one making such a list.

    so i ask, what do you put in your trade union (and other) buildings? im sure everyone has those items he allways buys when they show up, i have those too, like hermann or feras.

    i guess most farm types will have very similar items - patent steel seed drill and miraculous Steel Plow as some common overall insane good items for all kind of farms or the Arborist in the new world which is also quite good.

    then the mining and stuff which is the main limiting factor for population size. Iron, Oil, Copper etc. for those i guess most will be similar as well, like gargantuan smokestack or the bechamel converter.

    maybe there are some cool items for the harbourmasters office?

    then at last the town hall stuff to maximize the inverstors and their happiness/income.

    so, help me spend my millions :)

    submitted by /u/Tamelon
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    Mod idea: walls/gates/towers

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:48 AM PST

    Anno 1800 (sadly) does not have land combat. That means a lack of walls, gates and towers aswell. I my opinion this gives a constant feeling of threat and also takes away a lot of the cozyness that anno 1404 had. I love building multiple towns on each island, but it feels weird for them all to be so open and they lack a certain history. Dare I say (ask): it would be amazing if someone is able to make some buildable walls/gates/towers for the game, for instance by using the models from anno 1404!

    Love to hear if you guys agree! I would extract and import the models if I could, but I have no knowledge when it comes to the needed coding skills.

    submitted by /u/YuriRomanov
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    Guide about supply and demand

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 05:54 AM PST

    Hey volks,

    Short question, ist there a Guide which tells you how many inhabitants can bei supplied by e.g. a fishery? There ist only this rough overlook in the statistics

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/himselftt
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    Passieve trade

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:08 AM PST

    What is considered as passive trade? Only the ships of archibald etc? Or also the charter ships?

    submitted by /u/lordfil
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    Anno 1800 next steps for DLC...

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:03 AM PST

    So after several improving tries I just finished the main quest with only the new world and old world developed but restarted in sandbox mode again.

    This time I've reached the point where I have artisans with a solid 3k income and just unlocked the new world and claimed several islands but now that there are 2 DLCs, what's ideal for the next step?

    I've seen recommendations to just immediately go to Trelawney and develop that up and forego the old world and then use the new world to supply Trelawney instead with rum etc... but what about the arctic? Should I do that instead of unlocking Trelawney? At a glance it feels like CT is basically just restarting the old world again.......

    Side questions: 1. If I move to CT and just focus on that, do expeditions still originate and return to the old world? 2. I started with 1 normal and 2 advanced enemies but the normal got wiped out already. Should I just restart with 3 advanced to keep it somewhat balanced? Right now one of the advanced has 1/2 of the islands in the old world. Or does it not really matter that much?

    submitted by /u/pandaru_express
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    Anyone ever fall asleep playing?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 02:57 PM PST

    Ten hours sleep later, it turns out I wasn't paused.

    My tortilla distribution broke, so my oil wells shut down, so my electricity went out.....

    Also, various fires and explosions and illnesses hit, including one illness on my biggest new world island that had been running for over an hour, based on newspaper results.

    Ive played most of today, I'm still finding the odd issue. My sewing machines are still in the red, as are some other odds and ends.

    Anyone else had this happen?

    submitted by /u/IndraSun
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    Anno 1800 Story

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 12:47 PM PST

    I'm starting to play Anno 1800 but i'm getting a bit confused with all the characters. Anywhere that mentions the story or plot simply so it's easier follow?

    submitted by /u/TheSilverBug
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