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    Sunday, August 30, 2020

    Anno Anno Designer v8.8 Release

    Anno Anno Designer v8.8 Release

    Anno Designer v8.8 Release

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    The Anno Designer is a standalone windows application that can be used for creating and exporting layouts. It uses a drag/drop system and is intuitive and easy to use. The Anno Designer supports the following Anno versions: 1404, 2070, 2205, 1800.

    The newest release can be downloaded from here: https://github.com/AnnoDesigner/anno-designer/releases/tag/AnnoDesignerv8.8

    EDIT: There was a small rendering bug that we missed during our testing. We've a released a fix and it can be downloaded here: https://github.com/AnnoDesigner/anno-designer/releases/tag/AnnoDesignerv8.8hotfix1

    Changes in this release

    • Ability to select all buildings of a certain type at once. Hold Control + Shift when selecting a building to use.
    • Added search icon to Search text box.
    • Added a list of recently used layouts, accessible via the "File" menu.
    • Actions for registering file extensions, resetting zoom and normalising the layout have been moved under a "Tools" tab in the menu. The "Extras" tab has been removed.
    • Add a "Preferences" window (accessible via "Tools" -> "Preferences...").
      • Can now remap specific hotkeys and actions within the Designer.
      • Update settings have been moved to the preferences window.
      • Added a general settings page, accessible via "Tools" -> "Preferences..." -> "General Settings".
        • Customize the border color of buildings.
        • Customize zoom sensitivity.
    • Language menu now includes images.
    • Zoom to point is now implemented! The zoom to point feature can be toggled on and off via the General Settings page.
    • Anno Designer now has scroll bars on the canvas - this was a major piece of work, and should now make the designer usable for users who use a touchpad. The scroll bars can be switched off via the General Settings page. Scrolling and panning directions can also be inverted.
    • Hotfix Presets v3.5.1 removed menu "CultureModule".
    • Fix "Palace Buildings" missing translations.
    • New Ornament Menu 15 to 19 translations added.
    submitted by /u/Agmas
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    Amusement park’s buildings are cool, but the rollercoaster’s screams they come with seriously kill it.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:45 AM PDT

    It's a big nope for me when I build a Beverages Stand, Ticket Booth or even such a simple build as the Bar Stand - in my quiet and cozy Botanical Garden, only to get background sound of Rollercoaster's screams and woosh around it.

    It has drastically limited my use of those yet interesting and various building outside of my two amusement parks, because of those background sounds.

    And I find it sad. It has so much potential.

    It should be restricted to the Rollercoaster build itself, only.

    So far, I've found out that sound comes with everything but the Portrait Painter, Balloon Seller and Barrel Organ Player... better than nothing, yeh.

    I may be experiencing a bug, but I doubt it.

    What about you?

    submitted by /u/Sharblue
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    Suddenly war, despite treaty

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 08:16 AM PDT


    As visible in the short video, I am suddenly at war with both pirates, despite not only having a trading treaty but also being in the non-aggression treaty with them.

    I might be overlooking something - or this is a bug. In both cases, any information on how to avoid this is greatly appreciated since I would like to keep my carefully bread relationships with the pirates.

    This video has been recorded by reloading shortly before it happened and it will happen regardless of what I do, I already started the treaty to avoid this, but was unsuccessful.

    submitted by /u/AlcatrazruleZ
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    No upkeep cheat mod

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Hi, i would love to just build a big empire without any competitors and without having to rush any production chains to keep my upkeep up while i just have fun building my artic empire for example

    Is there a way to do this? Or will i for ever be restrained with upkeep and racing to islands?

    submitted by /u/lordfil
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    Can we get a MOD for more than 4 companies in multiplayer?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    I love this game, but not being able to add more AI in multiplayer is really disappointing. Since each of my friends and I want our own companies, when we do a 4 player game, there's little to no combat because we can't add any AI to fight. I know that the worlds are too small to fully support 5-8 AI, but that's fine--we WANT the chaos of having to go to war to get the islands we need, and the resources we need. We don't want it to be easy. I don't know why they aren't allowing more AI in multiplayer.

    Is anybody working on a MOD, or do they know of one, adding more AI to multiplayer or Sandbox? I know there is an AI Shipyard Mod, but that comes late in the game--so most islands are already settled and the human players have a massive, massive head start on any AI that enter the game. So all the joy of having to battle them to get to the top is removed. Even if somebody just made an AI Shipyard type MOD where it cost 1 wood, and you could make it as soon as the game starts, add the AI you want, then delete the shipyard--that would be tremendously helpful. If you're a MOD maker and can do that, you have my donation!!

    submitted by /u/Pop317
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    I would like some tips to reach endgame

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    I generally play on expert settings, except i allow building movement and revealed map. Pirates are set on hard, but ais tend to vary. Either im playing alone to figure out which islands are best, or i go somewhere between easy and almost hard - so no triple 3 star yet except for the campaign (to get that achievement and portrait which i never use).

    1. Pirates. Apparently the thing to do is to make peace with them and sell them beer. This is something i havent been doing since i enjoy hunting them down for weapons and people (especially crew for voyages), plus some ai like it when i sink them. So my question here is how much excess beer are you producing (say by the end of artisan tier) to make this relationship worthwhile?

    2. Iron. So i tend not to set up my steel production until i already have my soap and beer production running (love ya blake), plus unlocked a few hundred artisans, and even then its only one furnace, one steelworks and maybe one weapons factory. How do you guys manage your midgame iron needs and your starting 2 iron mines? E.g. 4 furnaces > 3 steelworks, sewing factory and two concrete, with mines at 110% so extra ore can be for canned goods. It's the worker requirement that does my head in since theres only so much space on a small island, plus the extra farmers to accommodate.

    3. Timing to colonise and build up new world and Cape Trelawney. This i definitely havent figured out. When do you make your move, when do you commit 109 influence to settle crown falls, and in the new world whats your first island priority - cotton, sugar, oil, gold? Right now i prefer to buy fertilities and settle a spacey island, even with no bananas.

    4. Military. Lets say im playing with margaret and or alonzo, thus having a decent navy is required since they may betray me even with decent friendliness scores. Whats your early game and midgame strategy?

    5. Is it worth it to get electricity right away so i can half and free up my major production?

    submitted by /u/SpicyPepperPasta
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    Can Anno 1800 be an e-sport?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Once the Seasson pass 2 is completed, since we have multi-player feature in the game, is it possible to be competitive Anno 1800 e-sport?

    Categories: solo, duos, team of 4 against 4 other online opponents. I have never seen a team of 4 vs 4 vs 4 vs 4 on any anno 1800 video.

    My main gripe from an online match:

    If you use a large land, it's easier to spam the worker residents and sailing shipyards to build more warships and focus on ship battles, and not focused on the city building aspect because once you get to 750 artisans, it unlocks the Ship on the line and cease to building more and go right to the war if players are competitive and would not build further to Engineer or investor tier so I ask you. If they failed to defeat an island with spammed cannon tower fortress and they just give up and quit. What is the victory condition should be? Would small island, small world map and island difficulty hard helps preventing shipyard spamming and actually implement the strategies using character items? Once they get the character item, they often sell this item to make quick cash. It seems repetitive for an online match.

    Any opinion on that strategy that online multiplayer often use? Again, will Anno 1800 be an e-sport? If you are able to implement victory condition, what it will be? I don't see this topic anywhere on anno reddit on this topic and I'm surprised after more than a year since the game release thinking that someone might bring up about the e-sport seen by other video games.

    submitted by /u/coolboarder80_
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