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    Saturday, April 10, 2021

    Anno anon reached artisans

    Anno anon reached artisans

    anon reached artisans

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    Our new capital is coming along very nicely

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    Conceptualising a new session: The United States of Vespuccia!

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    Hi r/Anno! With Season 3 in full swing and an exciting mod adding a new Asian session on the horizon, I have been playing a lot of Anno recently! I started thinking about how a Season 4 headline session could work and posted it on the r/anno1800 subreddit. Since then, I've put some more thought into it and present to you several paragraphs of fun fan speculation and wishful thinking! I hope you enjoy reading it and any comments/criticisms of the ideas will be welcomed!

    Land of Lions made frequent references to "Vespuccia" and its Harvurt college. Vespuccia is likely the Anno equivalent of America (named after Amerigo Vespucci). The first New World expedition flavour text explicitly mentions we are travelling to a new part of the Caribbean. However, this means that Vespuccia, in the 1800s, is an established nation that we have yet to explore or have contact with despite America's importance to the real-life 19th century. This post is a collection of some ideas I've had for a new session DLC that could build on the mechanics of the past three years of this fantastic game.

    The desire ethos behind these ideas is "inter-connectivity". After Season 3 focuses on the Old World and 'coming home', this DLC would focus on completely the web of your empire- aiming to tie your colonies together more tightly with more interconnections and demands on your trade routes. To compensate, the grand prize of the DLC would enable you to stretch your influence further. Influence is one of the biggest late-game limiting factors in your game, especially after Docklands reduced the pressure on island space and mineral resource nodes. This DLC's monument will enable you to get more colonies, more trade ships, and more item buildings.

    The DLC builds on the narrative concepts introduced in Land of Lions. It also aims to add some challenge to the End Game in a different way to the dependent ice plateaus or Scholar population tier. At the same time, the challenge has great rewards that should extend your playtime.

    Session and story

    The map would be "Reverse Cape Trelawney" mixed with Enbessa: In the west is a large landmass the player cannot settle home to one of the states of Vespuccia (named Hamilton/Maddison/Franklin). Vespuccia is a mixture of America and the Bolivarian Republics- a democratic country that is the opposite of Enbessa- different factions want to separate and go their own way whilst the leaders are trying to keep the country together. The session story would follow the various conflicts between the different factions on the map, with branching pathways and rewards. The player can support a federal state, the separatist states, or the smaller island states, each with different end states for the region. However, all paths should lead to the main reward with options to ignore the story if you choose.

    The DLC would be accessed as soon as you finish you first World's Fair exhibition. You would receive an invitation to travel to Vespuccia to demonstrate some of your expertise as a city planner, colonial official, and business person. As such, other players will not start to colonise the session until you arrive, so there is no rush to get there.

    Like the Arctic, the islands would be home to Old World resources produced at a faster rate- zinc, copper, and coal. This is designed so you extract more in Vespuccia and send it back to the Old World, Arctic, or Cape Trelawney. Vespuccia would also be home to a new resource mine- silver- that is used in several important new production chains.

    The session would have the Vespuccia to the west, a colony of La Coruna to the east (this session's pirates who are much easier to become neutral with. They start neutral if you have completed the Trelawney quest line). Several native states would also exist on small islands- including a Haiti free slave state, a Sioux-expy, a Creole-expy, and a Quecha-espy. These six groups would all a role to play in the story.

    Resources and Production

    Resource Fertilities







    Non-fertility resources






    Sweet potato





    The resources in this session are based on the remaining major crops from the "Colombian Exchange" from the New World that haven't been represented in the game yet. These resources would be used in producing local population needs. 'International' production chains are discussed further below.

    Population Tiers


    3 local basic needs, one with goods imported from OW/CT

    3 local luxuries, one with goods imported from New World

    Settlers represent the various European/American settlers, mostly ranchers living on the frontier.


    2 local basic needs, three with imported goods

    2 local luxuries, three imported luxuries

    Peninsulares represent the wealthier class of settlers and more historic settlers (i.e. American WASP communities). They are also supposed to reflect recent diaspora populations in Vespuccia.


    1 local basic need, five from imported goods

    5 imported luxuries

    This tier are the Engineers/Investors of Vespuccia. They consume a large amount of good imported from the the Old World. However, unlike Investors they don't generate Influence for you and can be put to work in several new production chains that produce 'international' goods for the Old World.

    International Production Chains and "Speciality" Needs

    As Vespuccia is a cultural melting pot, the demands of the various diasporas mix to create a variety of pressures on your resources. Many chains are about adding value to old products that get consumed at a lower rate but require multiple cross-session journeys.

    As some require DLC products, potential substitutes are in brackets if the other DLCs aren't owned by the player.

    Peanut + tallow = refined soap at an artisanal soapworks (inspiration is the blue soap of the Marseille soapworks)

    Tomato + wheat = pasta at an Italian (or whatever the Anno-verse name is) restaurant

    Bean + squash + corn = succotash at a communal kitchen

    Spices (vanilla) + grapes = mulled wine at mulled wine shop

    Goat milk (beef) + tortillas + spices (peppers) = chile con queso at a Mexican (Anno-verse equivalent) kitchen

    Goose feather (Turkey feather) + linen (wool) = cushions at a haberdashery

    Lobster (fish) + beans= high society food at high end restaurant

    Furs + Sanga leather (felt) = Gloves at a tailor

    Beeswax (tallow) + zinc = cosmetic cream at a beautician's shop

    As the Old World is also supposed to be the centre of the game, the most complex products must be completed in Vespuccia and returned to the Old World to be consumed by Investors or Engineers. These goods all need to be satisfied in a new "needs" tab called "specialities". When all "speciality" demands are fulfilled in a household, the household adds +1 influence. These speciality goods effectively turn money and space into influence, as in the late game you often have a hoard of money but little influence. These new chains will provide a money sink that turns into wider benefits.

    Some Vespuccia resources can be exported to other sessions to help improve populations there. Quinine goes to Enbessa, gloves to Arctic, and succotash to New World. These three resources increase household population by +1 (tier 1) or +2 (tier 2) in each session when they are supplied as "speciality" goods.

    Unique Building and Reward

    The culmination of the Vespuccia storyline is a new structure that can be built in Vespuccia, the Old World, or Cape Trelawney. The Company House is the centre of your trade company and combines elements of many previous 'wonders'. It is built in stages, requiring materials from multiple sessions, and can only be built once. It is an administrative hub that comes with 'offices' that you can place experts (people with rank epic or above) to gain culture and unlock access to more ways of increasing influence gains (and reducing influence costs) to expand your colonies even further.

    The Company House comes with three unique sub-modules that can also only be built once per save file- the mansion house (supposed to be your private residence cf. the one in the campaign), the guildhall, and the colonial office. These sub-modules grant large attraction bonuses and reduce local (island) influence costs for town halls (mansion), trade unions (guildhall), and harbourmasters (colonial office). These sub-modules should be around the size of the Research Institute (or smaller).

    The architectural style of these buildings should be most similar to the Investor style, although with the (likely) victory of the Vibrant Cities pack, we may see more options for how buildings can appear!


    The challenge of Vespuccia takes a different approach to Enbessa or the Arctic. They both created difficulty by restricting where you could grow crops, making islands smaller, and the 'heat' mechanic. This mechanic is quite enjoyable as an initial challenge, but judging from the Nexus modding scene it seems like most people get tired of it after a while!

    Instead, Vespuccia takes inspiration from history for its challenging conditions, which should seem less arbitrary and more of an ongoing difficulty curve. Most of the region has already been settled. Apart from your starting island, which is sufficient to advance to Tier 2, all the islands are owned by Vespuccia and you cannot freely settle them. Instead, you have to buy the land with cash. If you follow the story, you get access to a few more islands but not nearly enough to dominate the session and you still have to settle them. Buying more islands increases the price and a buy cool down prevents you land-grabbing the whole session as soon as you arrive.

    This is compounded by another part of the session- fierce protectionism. Vespuccia is keen to protect its own domestic industries and so places a tariff on all goods you bring into the session. To import goods, you need to build a customs office on your main island and all goods must visit that island first before thvvcey can be distributed elsewhere. Customs rates are based on your profile level, so importing costs remain significant as your economy grows and it remains a challenge you need to consider at all levels of play. Alternatively, you can buy high-cost OW goods from the various Vespuccian traders, but this costs money and is unreliable.

    These two elements of the session force the player to think a lot more about your trade routes and how they use the space on their islands. It also forces you to weigh up importing your own goods from the OW or buying them from Vespuccia. Either choice requires a money sink and adds several high-cost barriers to entry into the session.

    The difficulty can be mitigated by following the story to its conclusion, which provides options to reduce customs duties or remove them entirely.

    The late game challenge, once you start making speciality goods, is the reverse of the original- exports out of the session also need to be tracked so you need to send all goods leaving the session to your custom's island first. This makes developing your original island to produce as much of your finished goods as possible the most efficient way to play, importing raw resources from elsewhere in the session and assembling them there. This reflects real world mercantilist practices that are somewhat explored elsewhere in the game.

    In my opinion, this type of difficulty is distinct from the other three challenging sessions, providing variety but also fun. Additionally, if you follow the story there will be a suitably bellicose ocean that will require military escorts to protect your trade routes from frequent raids and seizures from the numerous factions (unless you can find a way to please everyone!).

    In the end game, most challenges level off and the game becomes about maximising efficiency, increase Palace Prestige level, collecting all the items, and beautifying the cities. In Vespuccia, there will be new cultural items and sets (see below) as well as the usual items that boost local industries and goods. However, the new 'end game loop' for Vespuccia would be a new set of missions and expeditions that help send settlers into the western most regions of Vespuccia (off-map). These expeditions require 'donating' population (in a similar mechanic to donating goods to contribute to world's fairs) and items- which you do not get back even if the expedition is successful. These settlements, if they are successful, sending small quantities of goods, resources, and cash back to you over time. This mechanic provides an outlet for excess items and populations whilst also providing a fun new way of engaging with 'expedition' mechanics once you've got Great Easterns easily completing Tier 3 missions (and once you've exhausted the reward pool!).


    New zoo collections can include more native American (Vespuccian) animal biomes (Great Plains, Patagonia, Rockies, and "Hawaii") and new cultural sets (Vespuccian civil war, one for each island nation).


    Anno 1800 is clever game in that it manages to present a lot of real-world political issues in a fun and engaging way. It doesn't delve very deeply into controversy, although class politics always lie underneath the surface. In this session, there are a lot of opportunities for social commentary that I have tried to avoid making here. Notably, it's hard to discuss the 19th century history of America without touching on slavery. In this plan, I have skirted round the topic but I do feel that Jean de la Fortune could have a 'main character' role to play in this DLC, akin to Archie in Enbessa. I don't think many people play Anno for Marxist analysis of the industrial Revolution, but I feel it is important to acknowledge that the story and mechanics of Vespuccia should reflect the issues of the real world it draws inspiration from.

    These are just some ideas had when playing around in the game so all thoughts, comments, and criticisms are appreciated. I'm not a game designer, but these concepts (if not the exact details) feel fairly fitting for the game. Of course, a lot of the work that goes into this game is in the visual department, and I imagine new sessions cost a huge amount to make. Thank you for reading this wall of text and I hope you've found it at very the least entertaining, if not viable. I have no clue if there will be a Season 4 or not, but I feel like after the great things coming up with the rest of Season 3, a DLC like this would be cherry on top of an already delicious and filling cake!

    submitted by /u/LordOsvar
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    TIL: Investor workforce is a thing and can matter in the early stages of investor tier with World's Fair.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 09:07 PM PDT

    Basically if you have a town hall around your investor residences consider keeping in the book items that give like +50% workforce for all residences. I found out it can increase your investor levels to get to the max world fair rewards without having to have the actual investor number. I took the item out and it re-locked the max reward tier. So if you want the best of the World's Fair early on get the workforce up!

    submitted by /u/wreckage88
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    Why isn't palace effects island wide?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    I feel it incentivizes placing the palace in an optimal position and size too much which discourages creative building. So why isn't the palace effects island wide? I guess it would be overpowered on Crown Falls, but I cant think of any other reasons.

    submitted by /u/spinnywheely
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    Gothic Anno

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    So I Am At A Cross Roads Of Sorts

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 11:37 PM PDT

    Well I have pretty much finished building up all my other regions, I now just have Cape Trelawney left. Crown Falls is going to be my big beautiful main city but I am really just struggling to get going. With Tourist season due out in spring I don't want to build Crown Falls now, only to have to redesign it (I really hate doing that). I know there aren't many details out but I know there will be some kind of bus network involved so now I am worried about road layout. I thought about building 3 square wide roads and just putting trees in the middle for now, in case we need extra roads for Tourist DLC but I don't really like they way it looks and then if we don't need extra roads well I have wasted space and and annoying layout.

    I am just feeling really blah about it all today. I was looking forward to building up Crown Falls but now the enthusiasm has gone.

    submitted by /u/Nienna000
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    ... and here (last but not least) a few golden battleships in pirate mode :-)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 12:30 PM PDT

    All deposits starting island

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 11:50 PM PDT

    Has anyone encountered a starting island with all types of deposits on it?
    Or a starting island with nitre and fur?

    submitted by /u/jjalexander91
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    My first city without only squares

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    Anno stuck launching

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    Anno stuck launching

    Game is stuck like this after I updated it today.


    I am sick and tired of this shit.

    I bought the game, bought the season pass, can't play it - again.

    This is the third time I attempt to play the game and every time something is broken - either the servers are down, the connection is unstable or shit like this happens.


    PS: game files verification and running as admin does not help.

    PPS: ubishit support is limited to chat because Covid and chat went offline 3 hours ago - brilliant.

    submitted by /u/szaybus
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