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    Monday, June 21, 2021

    Anno everyone is in a rush to leave my Exquisite Metropolis...the bus stops should have queues like this, it'd be more realistic

    Anno everyone is in a rush to leave my Exquisite Metropolis...the bus stops should have queues like this, it'd be more realistic

    everyone is in a rush to leave my Exquisite Metropolis...the bus stops should have queues like this, it'd be more realistic

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    how do you design your cities?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    as in, how do you start? pen & paper? or what else? what are your strategies to make a city look interesting and/or amazing? So far I've gotten to the 10x10 grid, which doesn't match houses so every square is different, but apart from that I'm mostly continuing existing cities, thinking about the other grand city I'm going to build, but then never get around to them. even when I start on an empty island, I just somehow freeze on the road laying level, too overly focused on planning (I have quit anno 1800 at that point)

    submitted by /u/Sheepy_Gorilla
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    Why do adjacent trees (to the road or buildings) disappear after loading a save game?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 03:56 AM PDT

    Why do adjacent trees (to the road or buildings) disappear after loading a save game?

    I fill everything with trees (1 screen), save game, exit. Then, when I load my save, I notice that some of the trees have disappeared (2 screen). Why??



    submitted by /u/Bogette
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    Which is better, +1 town hall slot vs. +60 public building range & further +22 power plant range for investor island?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 02:16 AM PDT

    For an investor island made from scratch, which is the better policy? They're from two different palace departments so can only pick 1 per island.

    Option 1: +200 island workforce per Town Hall, +1 extra item slot for town halls

    Option 2: +60 area of influence for all Public Buildings (including power plants), +22 additional area of influence for power plants

    Let's say I'm trying to maximize population size for the investor island. Having an extra townhall slot means i can put a 4th population boosting item, of 10% (on the base number of 50 investors, so 5 extra investors per house). But i'd have to build additional power plants, lay more railway tracks, build more public buildings such as membership club, banks etc. all of which takes space, space that i can use to build more investor residences.

    submitted by /u/doitrodiz
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    Unocking expeditions without visiting other sessions.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 06:22 AM PDT

    I am currently at investor level and I only have 3 expeditions available - NW, Arctic and Enbesa. I don't want to do them yet, but I want to do normal hunt, rescue etc expeditions. Will they unlock automatically at some point (perhaps with world fair done)? Or do I have to do one of the already available expeditions first?

    submitted by /u/Avalyah
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    AI Players Lady Hunt and Admiral Vicente Silva

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 08:12 PM PDT

    So, I had a crazy idea to challenge myself and started a fresh campaign on custom expert settings. I toned down the influence one notch and allowed for moving of buildings by paying coins. Everything else is expert level. I picked Silva, Hunt and von Malching for the three AI players. So the game has been brutal from the get go. Silva declared war on me within the first hour. He didn't like my strategy of colonizing too many islands to deprive him from any future room for growth. Hunt declared war on me soon afterwards when I was hanging by the thread. I had total fleet of 1 SotL and 2 Frigates combined for NW and OW. After hours and hours of war, I have managed to completely eradicate her from the NW. However, it has exhausted my time and resources. I haven't expanded beyond the OW and NW since I am short on resources and influence. I have finally managed to finish the campaign by destroying the Pyrphorians and got the Island of Bright Sands. Most of my influence is now tied up in Islands, Cannons and Ships. I have been in a state of war with Silva and Hunt from almost the start and it is still going on. Neither will agree to a cease-fire. Hunt has been pure evil from the get-go.

    Now, I want to continue this hard-won campaign and expand to Enbesa, Cape Trelawney and finally the Arctic. However, I do not see any path to these next steps unless she signs a peace treaty with me or I wipe Hunt out of the OW region as well. She targets my economy surgically. In the OW, she has her main island and one tiny island remaining. I have pretty much taken all of her other islands, however, in the process, I have very little in terms of coins or economy. Both her remaining islands have significant defenses including Big Bettys. Her tiny island has no power plant, yet it has a big betty! (AI cheating much). Ever since she declared war on me, the best diplomacy score I achieved with her was 10 (8 of which was because I signed trade rights with Harlowe). It is back to zero now. So here is my question: Does Lady Hunt play a 'binary' game, i.e., dominate or be destroyed. What's the best strategy to play against her?

    submitted by /u/No_Weekend_3320
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    Gas or Oil?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:44 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    i see many of your awesome city screenshots. On some of them i can see rails which lets me wonder, how many of you went to the artic for the gas since the DLC seems not to be the most popular one.

    For me, im thinking about to skip the artic since i want to test oil only.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/attenzionee
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    Pirates Friend or Foe

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    So I'm new and I played a custom game where I chose the easiest Ai like Bente and Qing however I was able to befriend and Ally with the pirates and had to lose my alliance with the Ai which cost me trade. Is it worth befriending the pirates and losing your Ai allies or not and it's not just on the easy difficulty either I wanna try hard Ai also so is befriending the pirates worth losing an alliance with the Ai?

    Thank you for any advice

    submitted by /u/Iam_a_CulturedMan
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    Anno 1800 Mod Loader Help?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:13 PM PDT

    Hello, I am clearly an idiot.

    I've been trying to mod Anno 1800, and I've gone through a bunch of articles trying to find why it won't work. I downloaded the latest mod loader, and put the python dlls in the appropriate folder. I put the mods in the mod folder, and I'm also using the mod manager too.

    The mod manager recogonises that there are mods in the folder, it even says 6 mods active, but when I launch the game the mods are not loaded? like no little icon saying mods on the main menu, and they're not working in the game. Can anyone think of a reason it's not working?

    I've installed VCRedist, I've reinstalled the game... Uplay btw. Help appreciated. <3

    submitted by /u/TehFunk-
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    Game stalling for long times at random moments

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I've been trying this game out for the first time since the Tourist DLC came out and somethings been bugging me. Formerly the game would slow down a little at times when it had to switch to an expedition-load-out-screen or when it had to pull up the harbor area or whatever.

    Now the game is full on locking up at times. I can hear my hard drive trying to load up things while I'm staring at a non-moving screen for 20 seconds. It happens at random times. It can be when the game has to load up a talking head, or switch to another menu. Sometimes this happens because the game loses connection². It's not that my system can't handle it, I always have processor, memory and GPU capacity to spare. Could it be because I'm not yet using an SSD for the Anno files?

    ²(screw internet connections being necessary for a singleplayer game)

    submitted by /u/ArgonV
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    Looking for Advice

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    Hello guys I am new to the Anno Series and Anno 1800 is my first ever Anno game and I bought all battlepass. I am asking that should I disable all dlc when playing and how many Islands should I have and should I add Ai? My first game is that I had 3 other Ai and I was able to finish the The Passage Mission where I found Sir John then that's it I got so overwhelmed by the game I couldn't do anything.

    Any advice would help since I'm really new.

    submitted by /u/Iam_a_CulturedMan
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    How do your games run with ALL DLC activated?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    I've yet to play through Sunken Treasures, the Passage, the Palace and Land of Lions because I'm afraid that the game will just become unplayable performance-wise with all active, and I'd hate to give up the save for that reason.

    I play on a 1070, i5 8600k, 16gb ram and I play on 1080p, so nothing fancy. I'd love to hear from ya'll, with your specs, how you experience the game with all the DLC active and played.

    Right now I never even discover NW in my saves since I have this idea that it'll cause strain.

    submitted by /u/Rorcanna
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    How do I know how much stuff to sell?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 07:28 AM PDT

    Can somebody please explain me how to calculate this from demand and production screen? What is the shortcut, ctrl + q? Thanks friends.

    submitted by /u/RealityOfModernTimes
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    Day/Night Cycle and Statistics Menu gone?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 06:33 PM PDT

    So I had to reinstall Anno1800 through the Epic games store because I was having an issue. Started a new game and noticed the statistics menu is not an option and the Day/Night cycle isn't an option anymore.. it seems like the game reverted back to an older version and I can't figure out how to fix this or update it. Any suggestions would be great

    submitted by /u/ScottyD_95
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