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    Thursday, December 26, 2019

    Anno [Mod] Historic_harbour v1.0 (Downloadlink in comments)

    Anno [Mod] Historic_harbour v1.0 (Downloadlink in comments)

    [Mod] Historic_harbour v1.0 (Downloadlink in comments)

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:59 AM PST

    I found Santa...

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:25 AM PST

    Still one of my favourite screenshots

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:29 AM PST

    Santa what have you done?!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:35 AM PST

    [MOD] Create your own Logo

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 05:25 AM PST

    [MOD] Create your own Logo submitted by /u/Ace-BP
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    Finished my island

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 03:06 AM PST







    I think the trees and double roads really give the city life, I just wish the islands were a little bit bigger. Great game though

    submitted by /u/_BEKFAST
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    Before the seasonal decorations disappear

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 07:44 PM PST

    Could you please add the option to leave them on? I really like the snow fall and trees with decor and all that stuff. The flying Santa was also a really nice touch.

    submitted by /u/Alcharus
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    Can the devs integrate more of the soundtrack into sandbox play?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 12:42 PM PST

    I was just listening to the soundtrack and there are so many beautiful songs that play from during the campaign that I would love to hear while city building in the sandbox mode. Listening to the same few songs over and over does get repetitious and having more of the campaign soundtrack introduced to sandbox would add more variety. I am just starting up a new sandbox game since the newest content update, so if this is already the case, then please ignore.

    submitted by /u/kipperedRR
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    Things I'd like to see in future updates -- your thoughts?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 10:36 PM PST

    1. Some way to quickly gauge how long a trade ship will take to get from one port to another. This would help me to figure out how many production buildings on what speed are needed to sustain a given trade route.
    2. A more robust patrol system -- I'd like to be able to do things like:
      1. Drag out a square/circle for 'patrol/guard area'.
      2. Specify areas where my patrols should not go, for example within range of an enemy's port guns (or have patrols be smart enough to avoid kill zones like that).
      3. A simple option to assign combat ships to patrol a given trade route (I know I can have them escort particular trade ships, but what I'd like is to have ships proactively keep the route clear, rather than just shoot back at ships that are already in range of the trade ships themselves).
      4. Assign ships to patrol from port to port rather than having to scroll around the map clicking on each spot. Perhaps there could be a "fleet anchorage" harbor building that military ships could be sent to.
      5. Set up patrol routes like trade routes, so that (among other things) having a ship stop, attack, get repairs, or go do something else doesn't mean you have to set the whole patrol route up all over again from scratch.
    3. Be able to tell ships to travel to a given port -- rather than having to click on the ship, then pan over to the port, then click on a spot near the port, then pan back to what I was doing before.
    4. Build adjacent bridges, so that my double roads don't have to stop, split, make two separate bridges, and then re-merge on the other side.
    5. Not have goods slots on ships be so restrictive. Currently, if the ship can carry 100t of goods, and I put 1t of potatoes and 1t of work clothes in it; suddenly 98t worth of cargo capacity magically becomes unusable for any other goods. This seems like a rather strange design choice, and not one that really has a discernibly useful, necessary, or logical game design justification behind it.
    6. Better trade route management -- right now it's hard to know whether to 'wait for load/unload' or to dump cargo, or to leave all of those turned off. Also, how much of a given good is demanded by a given island of yours is not listed. Is the amount I'm sending enough, too much, or too little? When cargo can't be dropped off, many times, the ship will just fill up with 'stuck' cargo, blocking slots (especially since like goods don't combine). When this happens, not only is there no alert -- you see an island starving of something you thought you were sending, manually track down the ship, and see that it's just driving from port to port doing nothing, because it's got 5 to 10 schnapps in all 4 of its cargo slots -- but no alert, no indication this is happening (how long has this been going on?!) and the only solution is to pause the trade route, manually sail it back to port, manually unload it, and then resume the trade route. Extremely clunky and frustrating. Also, I'd like to see in a menu somewhere how much the trade route is earning me (without having to manually follow it to each port, watch for the numbers to pop up, and then be sitting there with a notebook writing each one down and manually adding them up when I've followed the damn thing to each port on its route.
    7. Ability to send a single shipment of something using the trade route menu rather than having to micro every step of the process.
    8. Ability to tell ships to automatically try and retreat to the nearest friendly port when they are damaged, rather than sitting there getting pounded until they sink. Don't ships have captains? Why does the CEO have to micro each and every one of them, instead of giving standing orders?
    9. Ability to specify a port in the new world for my ship to go to. There's absolutely no good reason why this isn't doable or should not be a thing -- is it really that unbelievable that a ship destined for another hemisphere would have a particular destination in mind? There's no excuse for the current system of "oldest island" or for replacing that with "most populous, biggest, closest to border" or any of that junk. Just let us click on the port we want the stinking thing to go to. Anything else is just objectively stupid. If the devs are really that bound and determined to make this part of the game arbitrarily more difficult, they can make you build a port building, like a "Trans-Oceanic Port" or something before you can send ships directly there from another area.
    10. Conquered islands should not be destroyed. That's dumb. It would add interesting depth to the game and be far more realistic and fun, not to mention it would make at least some small amount of sense, for conquered islands to have a take-over period, where:
      1. the enemy can easily take the place back
      2. the population is resistant to the new owner, and riot chance goes way up;
      3. nobody pays any taxes, production buildings are either reduced or on strike,
      4. upkeeps go way up, rebels and saboteurs go around setting fires
      5. the conqueror has to get everything back under control by using police, ships in harbor, sending certain demanded goods in addition to the needs and wants of the population (which would have to be shipped in, since they are rioting/on strike/slow walking their production).
      6. Maybe there'd be citizen quests to partly pacify or get the support of certain population tiers.
      7. Town halls needed with riot chance stuff, newspaper propaganda becoming very important.
      8. Island can revert to the losing owner if they still exist and you ignore the people too much.
      9. TL;DR, having everything just magically fall down because the harbor buildings lost too much HP is both extremely silly, and a missed opportunity for a metric shit ton of gameplay depth.
    submitted by /u/DontHateDefenestrate
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    Disappearing Ships and Influence

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:34 AM PST

    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone else encountered this bug. When I started a new full load trade route from the New world to the cape I had a supply fleet nearby consisting of 5 cargo ships. Opened up my trade menu set the route and deliverables and 3 ships from said fleet to start out to see how the load was handled. When I came back out ALL ships were moving 3 on said trade route and two were said to be heading for somewhere.

    I stopped the whole procession, paused the route, then from the instance tried to send them off one at a time on the route. They would always drag another of the cargo ships not on the trade route on a magical journey, then when I saw staring at it them thinking wtf ALL but one ship in that small fleet just disappeared. Glanced at my influence and it had not changed to denote they were destroyed and I scrolled through all the instances and checked the transition map and there was nothing. So I was wondering if anyone ran into this problem and knows how to fix it since I am short some influence to build more.

    P.S. On the trade route I made sure to start in the new world but they just tried to head to the high seas without stopping anywhere.

    submitted by /u/Lcuk_inc
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    How to attack a sky trading post?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:35 PM PST

    This may be a silly question... But how do I attack Sky Trading Posts? Or is buying out shares the only option for take over of arctic cliffs with gas resource occupied by AI?

    submitted by /u/NappingYG
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    I bought Anno 1800 through epic games but..

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:32 PM PST

    When I launch it, it launches Uplay and Uplays asks for an activation Code, where can I find it?

    submitted by /u/maxeli95
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