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    Sunday, January 19, 2020

    Anno [Anno 2070] City of Brussels

    Anno [Anno 2070] City of Brussels

    [Anno 2070] City of Brussels

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:35 AM PST

    Is there a version of this image with the updated Arctic figures?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:32 AM PST

    Whats next for DLC?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 05:30 PM PST

    Whats next for DLC?

    Ok guys this is going to be a long one so buckle up … Let's talk a bit about DLC. (An analysis and concept)

    The season pass was actually pretty good, in my opinion, sunken treasure gave us access to new session and new mechanic, Botanica gave us new items and new beatification options and items. The latest DLC the passage gave us a new session, new productions chains, items, goods, neutral trader, and airships. While good, I thought the passage was going to be the best part of the season pass and couldn't wait for it. When it arrived at first I loved it but after well it just kinda seems like a side quest that you can do when you have time and has very little integration with the actual progression. Yes It does require good from the new and old world but it only provides one that is of any real use to the Old World, Gas for gas power (yes I know it can also provide fur and gold but they can be gotten elsewhere and so it's just an added bonus and not the main "purpose" of the arctic). With that said I know why the developers added it as the connection to the Old world, the problems people were having with the train system on the new massive island crown falls. So where do we go from here?

    To answer that question let's look at the question "What should a good DLC do?" not an easy question. In short a good DLC should give the players what they want (address issues) and introduce more content. Content, in anno, can be under the form of:

    - new mechanics that can either be through all session (like the diving bell) or local ones like heat in the arctic,

    - new productions and goods,

    - new cosmetics

    - new items,

    - new buildings,

    - new sessions,

    - new neutral traders or players

    - new story

    - Etc…

    So quite a diverse range of options. For the passage, many of these were included but it still felt off to me. I think it all comes back to the fact that there isn't really a reason to visit the arctic other than Gas. This is because of the type of goods the arctic both uses and produces. But what are the types of goods? Let's look at that (I know I'm going down the rabbit hole but bear with me)

    Goods can fall into 4 categories that can be defined by where they are produce and where they are used. On a graph with production (can we produce it) and consumption (we need to consume it) that look like:


    • Produce: Good used in session and needs to be produced to ensure survival/prosperity of population.

    • Export: Good not used in session but may be used or is critical in another.

    • Import: Good cannot be produced in this session but required for production, construction, or consumption by local population.

    • No impact: good has no production or consumption in this session and is not needed.

    So what are these goods? (Here we go…)

    *Color code from simplify and thought the rest green = old world, yellow = new world, blue = arctic*

    Production of goods


    Consumption of goods


    I won't list the goods but there they are as they currently exist and the relationships between each of the 3 worlds for production and consumption.

    With these 4 types of goods we can look at why the arctic doesn't feel as connected to the game as it should. In types of goods the arctic only produces one export good (gas), while it requires 9 import goods (canned food, schnapps, cement, reinforced concrete, motors, brass, coffee, sails, and iron). While its export productions that can also be made elsewhere are 3 (fur, gold, and coal (I included coal but if you are produce and exporting coal from the arctic…)). With such little impact on the other world, and if you don't end up using gas power plants, there is no real purpose to go and develop the arctic. This outlines one of the main issues with DLC in general. The problems with adding content are:

    - Connectivity and integration to game and other DLC,

    - Incentives for player to use and continue to use new content (beyond the fact that its new),

    - Integration of content mechanics to existing game without altering existing ones,

    - Over all purpose or goal.

    With this we see that there is no wonder the new world has so many important links old world as it is base game content and so has been specifically designed to support the main purpose of all sessions other than the Old world ( and by extension the cape). The overarching reason to go and develop any other session is for it to support the main (old world) sessions. This should be what any DLC with a session focuses on with the current mechanics. (This could be changed however and that would be interesting but the currently main point of the game is to develop the old world sessions).

    So with all of this in mind, let's talk about what the next DLCs could be and what there purposes would be. A new DLC (or season pass) should address the current problems that come with the late and end game. In my opinion the current problems are:

    • Late/Endgame progression

    • Connectivity/utility of new sessions

    • Incentives to ether beatify or streamline production

    • Use for excess items

    • Completion of sets (specific item needs)

    Any new DLC should move towards addressing one or more of these issues instead of just adding content for the sake of it, and should include some sort of story element that introduces the new mechanics in doing so, like sunken treasure and the passage. So like many of you I started to think of what could be the new content and immediately noticed the bottom part of the world map view, the large mostly desert land mass. Could this be a new session? Absolutely and in fact I would think it is.


    The problem I kept coming up with is its utility and connectivity to the other session. What would be this session's purpose?

    I looked at many interesting ideas on reddit and other forums to see what it could be. And there are a lot of great ideas out there but they were missing the idea of purpose and main connectivity to the game. Then I came across a post by u/Novuake on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/anno/comments/eiobgn/dlc_idea_china_and_the_east/ and it was exactly what I had been looking for.

    ** Disclaimer the original idea was first found on the post above and made by u/Novuake**

    Taking his idea of adding a new population tier to the old world in order to create the need for new session, productions, and goods, brought it all together, the aristocrat, the highest members of society that require nothing but the best. I then took his idea, tweaked it a little, and sprinted with it.

    So here we go the main event.

    So where could this be and what could it be called? I went looking for this and while, and while I like the idea of china, I don't think it will happen. Then I came across this in the official anno-union web site: https://www.anno-union.com/en/vote-your-favorite-npc/

    You will notice "B) Hafsa Sultan – The Ambassador - A hookah pipe-smoking princess of the near-east, Hafsa revels in her wealth – loving jewelry and clothes best of all. She is a talented, enigmatic lioness, yet finds her duties as ambassador lack challenge. She only seems to have a vague interest in keeping her family dynasty alive, despite the fact it crumbles at home. Nevertheless, through her charm an ulterior plan appears, a plan she is keeping extremely secret."


    So we know the Near East exists. This set me on the path and I had decided it would be the Near East. So let's take a look at the new Near East DLC possibility.

    The Near East


    The near east is dry and will require a new mechanic, irrigation, in order to grow crops. Like the other DLC there should be an attached story that teaches the player to use the new mechanic and how to develop the Near East (story creation is not my strong suite so I'm going to stay away from that one but if there are any idea's feel free). There should be a new neutral trader and a new NPC (possibly Hafsa Sultan?) and a new pirate. Like the other session, it would have 2 population tier and new productions chains and goods of all types, with a focus on imports to the old world for the new population tier the aristocrats. As well, it will have new sets for the zoo, museum, and botanical garden and new items. With this in mind, let's go over each component in depth.

    The new mechanic

    The Near East is a dry climate and has much desert on its medium to large size islands. There are small oasis on the islands that permit the growing of a limited number of crops but over all, it is imperative to irrigate the ground in order to grow substantial amounts of crops to support the population and the Old world. Irrigation I accomplished though creating wells that extract the water and act as a town center for the early population. Wells are placed on spots, much like clay pits, that have an availability of water. They provide a small radius for farming and houses alike. Any need to move water any further will require a pump station and hoses in order to create an irrigation network. Pumping stations require electricity in order to operate. All farms and city services require irrigation.

    The population of the Near East

    The near east is populated by 2 population tiers. After a short look on Wikipedia… I called them the Shudras (workers) and Vaishyas (craftsmen) (I'm not a history buff so if there are better ideas lay them on me). Here we go down the rabbit hole again…

    To determine the proper amount of needs and the complexity of the goods they should need I did an analysis of the other sessions population tier needs. I separated each need into the need for food, drink, culture, and property (a la anno 1404) not separating basic and luxury needs and came up with this:

    *I gave the Vaishyas a little more considering they don't come into play until late/end game

    Another visual representation:


    *Aristocrat are not included until later for a detailed example of their needs*


    Needs of the 2 new population tiers are:


    - Goods - Curry, Desi Daru (an alcohol), Tools.

    - Buildings - Temple, Well.



    - Goods – Curry, Naan, Tea, Desi Daru (an alcohol), Pottery, Tapestries, Hookah, Jewelry, Pocket watch

    - Buildings – Well, Temple, Administration, Market.


    New Near East Goods


    *As per the production chains goods that are available in other sessions are not shown here. Theses goods include cotton, cotton fabric, gain , flour, quartz sand, glass, wood, timber, clay, and, bricks. These are also available in the near east bur are not new goods.

    Near East productions chains

    *there are no numbers next to the buildings as this is just a production chain and not meant for balancing

    The main purpose of these new production chains, as many of them carry over to the old world, is to force the player to maintain a balance or force them to decide to export the goods to the old world or keep it in the Near East for local consumption.

    *As per the production chains goods that are available in other sessions are not shown here. Theses goods include cotton, cotton fabric, gain , flour, quartz sand, glass, wood, timber, clay, and, bricks. These are also available in the near east bur are not new goods.

    Near East Overall

    The Near East over all is built to be a session that is to support the new class Aristocrat in the old world. It has some common productions with the new world but overall is independent of imported goods other than from the new world. It does require the import of other oil or Gas for electricity to power the water pumps for the new mechanic irrigation, which itself lends to a more important emphasis on both gas and oil production in the other sessions keeping them relevant. Most of the goods are both import in the Near east and are shared by a need from the new population tier Aristocrat in the old world forcing the player to make decisions on where to use the goods and how much to export. Do they choose to support the local population or export it to high society? All in all big juggling act.

    Propose of the Near East.

    The purpose of the near east is to support the new population tier in the old world, the Aristocrat. The Aristocrat is the top member of society and wants nothing but the best (and you thought investor were bad). The Aristocrat lives on plots of land called estates that are somewhat modular in their design. This allows for 2 things:

    1. The player can decide what the estate will look like, giving a degree of flexibility in the design process as well as what needs they have will be based on what they have on their estate.
    2. This will allow for players without all DLC to still play with this Near East DLC and just won't have access to some parts of the estate that are only available with certain DLCs as they require goods from it.

    This solves both the issues of allowing the player to play as they feel like and gives them customization as well as does not force the player to have all DLC enabled to play. This meets 2 of our larger objectives with the Near East DLC.

    The Estate

    This also could be considered a new mechanic, as it allows the players for the first time to customize what their population needs are. The different parts of the estate are each connected to and add a different need. This lets the player move at their own pace and can even let them skip entire production chains (more on that later). The trade-off between the new needs and fulfilling them is the player gains more Aristocrats and come closer to completing the need "tree". Unlike the other population tier, because the Aristocrat has needs based off of modular design, the do not have basic and luxury needs. Instead they have needs separated into the 5 categories of: Basic, cultural, entertainment, property, and beauty. Each one of which could be called a need "tree". The only which that must be fulfilled is the basic needs like the other population tiers.

    Their basic needs are: Electricity, Champagne, Chocolate, Bowler hats, Shoes, Tea, Foreign food.

    *These come as part of building a manor on the estate. Note the manor must be built in order to have an Aristocrat move in.

    The other needs are each associated with a different part build unto the estate:


    Each part of the estate and its corresponding needs are:


    *Note that when public services are present, the estate is required to be with proximity of the public service.

    **Not where culture buildings are shown such as museum, botanical gardens, and concert hall, this requires that an item be equipped to the estate. This item does not generate island attractiveness and instead influences the happiness of the Aristocrat. The only exception to this is the zoo. The zoo must be in proximity to the estate so that the Aristocrat may visit. This is meant to encourage a different approach to island layouts.

    ***the building requiring DLC that is not activated will not be available to the player nor will the need.

    New Old world goods


    *requires new buildings but no new fertility in order to have the least amount of impact on game.

    New Old world production chains

    *there are no numbers next to the buildings as this is just a production chain and not meant for balancing

    At full construction an estate contains all 12 buildings with the garden being park elements placed by the player. The Aristocrat, at full estate construction, has staggering 26 needs. But what is the incentive to develop each of these need trees?

    New Wonders

    New Wonders put into play both an incentive for the player to expand and complete each need tree, and the associated production chains, as well as will revitalize late/end game play. Each wonder is built in stages the same way the world fair and the air ship haggard are build and require completion of a need tree, as in all cultural need at 100%, before unlocking. Once u locked they can be built and each offers a different way of influencing the end game. The new wonders are:

    - The Senate – A place for Aristocrats to debate and implement policy. The player can select to gain a large amount of influence or to influence the population in a certain way (for a certain time), much like the newspaper. The amount of influence again or effect on population is based off of the goods and money spent on event like world fair.

    • This helps with late game influence for the player.

    • From completing all culture needs.

    - The Stock Exchange – Trades can be made here on the world stage. The player can gain a large amount of money or choose to influence the population or price of goods, for a certain time, or buy shares of islands.

    • Offers the player a way to gain large amounts of money, buy shares or improve the economy of goods and items sold and bought by players and neutral traders.

    • From completing all entertainment needs

    - The Embassy – Here debates between different faction and players are had. This allows player to select another faction or player and increase or decrease their relation based on how much work is selected (goods given like world fair). They can also influence player's relations with one another.

    • This helps with end game negotiations or players that just won't budge or keep declaring war, etc…

    • From completing all property needs.

    - The Opera House – With this grand and beautiful building the player can host concerts, plays, and shows. The more extravagant the show the more attractiveness and better specialists it will attract.(again same as world fair)

    • Works like world fair loot pool but for specialist.

    • From completing all beauty needs.

    - The Naval Academy – Aristocrats can work there to create expeditions through researching maps and navigation charts. The player can select they type of expedition (rescue, zoological, botanical, pirate hunt, archaeological) and the level of difficulty (1-3 skulls) then the amount of supplies needed is shown and must be moved to the academy (again like the world fair). Upon completion the expedition is available to the player.

    • This will help with completion of sets and gathering late game items or items that cannot be found.

    • From completing all basic needs.

    With this the player is has an incentive to complete the new need trees in order to gain access to specific end game monuments that can influence the game.

    Aristocrats overall

    Overall the aristocrats are a population that rely heavily on imports, like the inventors, but are modular in their needs to give both freedoms to the player and the ability to not need all DLC active to use them. Completing their intense need trees offer the opportunity to build new wonders that incentive the player to expand their supply chains for the added bonus of these end game monuments.


    This type of new DLC would hit all of the basses and accomplish much that is missing at the end of the game that is Late/Endgame progression, Connectivity/utility of new sessions, incentives to ether beatify or streamline production, use for excess items, completion of sets (specific item needs). The overall purpose of the new DLC session, to provide the Old world with Goods, would be fulfilled and the player would also have the freedom to choose their DLC to activate, because of the modular nature of the new population tier. The importance of adding a new population to support in the old world cannot be overstated as it is the mains purpose of the other sessions in the game as well as provides a purpose to the new session something unfortunately the arctic was missing. I would love to hear your comments and opinions on this more flushed out DLC idea as well as anything you have to add.

    (Again, I am not a history buff or an English major so please be civil about both).

    New overall production chart (including arctic and Near East)


    Other analysis data available upon request.


    submitted by /u/moltresinferno
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    Will Anno 1800 have an Ultimate Editin anytime soon?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:43 AM PST

    I'm interested in buying Anno 1800, but would like to wait for a complete package like the Anno 2205 UE before I pull the trigger. Are there any info about a possible release date for that? I'm out of the loop, didn't find useful information via Google so I figured the best way is to ask on Reddit.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/patrik_media
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    Question about UI [Anno 1800]

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 12:43 PM PST

    In Anno 1800 when you copy a building with the dropper tool, you get a really useful set of icons over the game world, colorful round icons that clearly show where your production buildings are, makes it very easy to quickly find a particular building on your island. Is there any other way to display these icons other than using the copy tool? In games like Starcraft or Torchlight you can hold down ALT to show loot on the floor or enemy and friendly health bars, I was hoping ALT might do the same in Anno but for buildings icons.

    submitted by /u/Perjoss
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    Any tips? Got back into the game after a while

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 03:37 PM PST

    Recently got back into the game after I played it at launch. I bought all the DLC as well. Super excited but there is a lot of content. Any tips I should be aware of?

    Should I just focus on building up Cape Trelawney and ditch the other old world city?

    submitted by /u/HeebersJeebers
    [link] [comments]

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