• Breaking News

    Monday, February 24, 2020

    Anno Completed Botanical Garden, Zoo and Museum. 189 hours. finally.

    Anno Completed Botanical Garden, Zoo and Museum. 189 hours. finally.

    Completed Botanical Garden, Zoo and Museum. 189 hours. finally.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 05:33 AM PST

    Hot Take: I’m against a free edit while paused.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:50 PM PST

    I am, however for the ability to scan the map while paused, even if you can't select/edit/or open anything.

    It would be nice to take in your surroundings, or re-absorb your world/review layout/mentally scan things at play on a macro perspective/ and for organizing priorities - both from time to time, and/or when resuming a play through on a new sitting when it can be oh-so necessary to re-submerge into your to-do list(s).

    But I appreciate what having the march of time effect does for Anno. It's a game about resource management, so it's only fitting that time is one resource you must always manage.

    We can have it both ways though. I think everyone agrees a fixed & locked camera staring at one spot when paused is functionally empty & honestly debatably punitive, counter-intuitive, & hamstringing by its design; or lack there of.

    That's my soapbox. Yes that is a minty river you smell. The soap was Irish Springs.

    submitted by /u/BuryTheMoney
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    Finally finished Crown Falls

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:17 PM PST

    Incidents Reduced for Spice it up 2.8 - Public Test

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 01:54 AM PST

    He guys,

    as stated in the Discord The "Incidents Removed" Mod will change to "Incidents Reduced" in the next update, because Incidents are important to the game and cannot just be removed without making Workforce-Conditions, Productivity Boost and Heat irrelevant or a plain 50% bonus.

    Implemented Changes: Illness, Riots and Fire happen less frequent and with a much higher minimal cooldown on them. Explosions are not entirely removed but are a very rare occurance in normal cases. Arctic Flu stays like Vanilla. This makes Incidents still a thing, but you don't have them that often and they are less annoying.

    You can download the current implementation here: https://mega.nz/#!KPwCWAbI!pBKBtff7vjKU7G8kdlY9GwqpqZinJrSOUFn1mH95G_Q

    I would like to hear your thoughts on that, especially if certain Incidents still happen too much.

    Have a nice day


    Edit: It is planned to delete "Incidents removed" from the package. All Information is preliminary and might or might not be changed.

    submitted by /u/taubenangriff
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    Anno 1404 trade route question

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 09:14 PM PST

    Hey guys, got a quick question:

    I set up some trade routes between multiple islands and my main island, and those routes all have 2-3 ships assigned to them.

    I timed the ships in a way that would make it while one ship loads cargo on supply island, another is unloading on the main island. But I noticed after a while they bunch together and I end up with 2 or more ships very close together.

    This of course leads to the supply island overfilling while one of the ships doesn't have a full cargo hold.

    How can I avoid that? My main island has plenty of piers so ships rarely ever have to wait.


    submitted by /u/Muhabla
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    Only nautic animals from diving?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:28 PM PST

    Can you only find nautic animals when diving (with or without treasure map)? I did a few divings and have only found whales and fish so far, but I need legendary land animals to complete the zoo. Should I keep searching or will I only find sea creatures anyways?

    submitted by /u/trigonom
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