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    Sunday, April 26, 2020

    Anno I am pretty sure Jurassic Park started like this...

    Anno I am pretty sure Jurassic Park started like this...

    I am pretty sure Jurassic Park started like this...

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Arctic construction. Don't lick the steel beams!

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    How to get easy Lost Expedition Scraps

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    Are Items a must-have?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I played some Anno1800 on release, but stopped playing because of ... well other games. The last couple of days I kinda got into the mood to play some Anno again - after all I never even got any Steamships (or 1 at most, I'm not sure), that means never really experienced the lategame.

    On the other hand, the Season Pass 1 seems to be complete now. I'm considering buying it as well, the big isle seems pretty interessting, as I've always had issues with a sportage of space.

    Enough backstory, now on to my question: I never really liked using Items. The "radius" around the buildings I can put items in always worked in a different way, than I wanted my city/productions to look like.

    Do I have to use production-boosting items, and cramp as much production-buildings as possible in a circle-shape around a Trade-Union to play the game in lategame? Without shooting myself in the knee, because I don't min-max enough? Or will I hit the wall sooner than later?

    I hope you all get what I mean and maybe you can tell me more about it. So far, have a nice day and stay safe everyone ;)

    submitted by /u/EternalBad
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    I finished blueprinting my production islands. I created 3 different layouts that I could copy and construct as needed to meet demand. There's one for heavy industry, one for clean manufacturing, and one for agriculture.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    I finished blueprinting my production islands. I created 3 different layouts that I could copy and construct as needed to meet demand. There's one for heavy industry, one for clean manufacturing, and one for agriculture.

    Each production district is based on the same dimensions as I used for the residential districts, World's Fair district, and palace district. 1 heavy industrial district should supply enough goods for 1 clean manufacturing district and each production district has the right ratio of buildings to be self-contained. I decided that 4 heavy industrial, 4 clean manufacturing, and 2 agricultural districts should be enough to supply Crown Falls when fully built out.

    • The agricultural district produces work clothes, schnapps, bread, and beer.
    • The heavy industrial district produces steel beams, soap, sausages, reinforced concrete, weapons, advanced weapons, penny farthings, and steam carriages.
    • The clean manufacturing district produces canned food, sewing machines, fur coats, glasses, pocket watches, light bulbs, champagne, jewelry, and gramophones.

    I'm not sure how efficient this setup will be yet. I'm waiting for the Bright Harvest DLC to be released before I build out my farms. I'll create layouts of these plans in Anno Designer at some point if it'll be helpful to others.





    submitted by /u/Cruse10
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    Dance of the Schooners

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    Some schooners dropping cargo to make a drawing!


    submitted by /u/turtle-one
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    Menus and Interface

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    Re: Anno 1404

    Is there an option within the menus to get an overall listing of all my production buildings?

    I'm in the middle of the beginner campaign where each chapter starts with a new setup on my island. I would love to be able to see how many lumberjack camps I have or crop farms without have to scroll around counting them manually. Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/igorsmith
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    Is Anno 1800 too hard/complex?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    Most posts here show of some very cool cities and such, but I find myself a bit discouraged by Anno 1800. I currently have 148 hours in the game and I haven't really ever gotten to the Investors stage. Usually my games fizzle out when I've reached the Engineers and try to satisfy their needs.

    One thing that I find difficult is that the need for electricity requires me to often demolish half my city just to allow for train tracks to run through it and deliver oil to the Engineers. I also find it difficult to decide whether or not I should electrify my production buildings. I feel like I have no idea what I'm actually producing or consuming, and I just have to sort of try and observe my storage to see if things are going down or up. I really miss the ability from Anno 2205 to see the amount of goods produced per island/region.

    Reaching new population stages also means that sometimes certain buildings (like the market) are no longer needed, but they cover more than just the new population stage, so I find myself once again having to demolish and re-order my city to get stuff to work.

    I guess my overall feeling is that there's always 1000 problems to solve, there's always production chains not functioning, or not working, for reasons I have no idea why. One moment I'm super short of a good, the next my stores are full and buildings are running idle. And the game introducing items for the union building/townhall that significantly change how production chains work makes it even more complex.

    This ended up just being a bit of a rant. Anno is my favourite game series overall, but Anno 1800 just leaves me feeling tired and frustrated.

    submitted by /u/tkrens
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    Production Island in New World

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    has anyone ever done or tried the following. Creating an only production island in the new world. Which means, most of the coffee, cigar and choco stuff is located on this island. That would be neat in way that most of the needs of the upper class citizens are meet, but still you need a lot of them. 15 coffee roasting facilities would need, adding a 50% work force reduction, around 1250 upper class citizens +- a little bit. Taking the size of the new world islands into account, i dont think one will be able to get enough work force on this island, to "power" all the building with 100%.

    Or did i miss something?

    submitted by /u/Exitare
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    Land of Lions - Ethiopia

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    I wrote this earlier today in a comment, but thought it would be worth discussing in a single post.

    So basically I highly assume, that the upcoming Land of Lions DLC will be based on Ethiopia. Two things led to my assumption:

    1: The name "Land of Lions" could be a nod to the national symbol of Ethiopia, the lion (duh!), which dates back to almost biblical times.

    2: In the announcement for the Season Pass 2 on the Anno Union website, it was said that you will be working together with "Emperor Ketema". Ketema is a popular Ethiopian name (at least this is what Wikipedia told me) and Ethiopia was indeed a very old empire, starting in the early 13th century and lasting till the 1970s. It was also the only country never to be fully colonised, so a region based on this country would avoid a lot of the colonisation / slavery controversy.

    Do you agree with me? What population tiers and production buildings could be based on Ethiopia? Another assumption I made would be West Africa (for example the Mali Empire), although i believe Ethiopia is the strongest lead.

    submitted by /u/WestThuringian
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    What could this mean ?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    Almost ready for Crown Falls.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    Almost ready for Crown Falls.

    So I posted a few days ago with my problems with central production here. First, thank you everyone who responded. I switched things up, and rather than have one island produce everything for all islands, I'm letting each of my non-main islands support themselves, while the central island produces most of the stuff for my main island. I now have a nearly steady supply of Tier 3-5 items going to my mainland without too much problem. The way my mainland is currently set up is that I've got one town hall radius for Investors (114 houses, with Mr. Garrick providing jewelry for me), two Engineer radiuses (228 houses, with Mr. Garrick and the Actor) and two town hall radiuses for my Artisans (228 houses, the Actor, and Gordon backing me up. Eli Bleakworth is not a bad guy once you spend a few coins minutes with him). I've got all the Tier 5 items except chocolate and steam carriages so far.

    Now, I've been playing with no opponents and no pirates. I am currently occupying 12 Old World islands and four New World islands, and my New World islands are nearly packed with farms. My plan, once I get the last two needs for Investors is to do Cape Trelawny. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it, but I'm going to do it. I have two questions:

    1) Is it possible to do a World's Fair in both the Old World and Cape Trelawny?

    2) Is it possible to support my current Investor population (114 Investor houses) and an Investor population in Cape Trelawny. I've seen a lot of posts that say "start over," but after several dozen re-starts I've almost got this figured out. I don't wanna delete my Old World folks.


    submitted by /u/Marc20199012
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    My fish disappear from storage, any help?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    I bought Anno 1800 a fee days ago and I'm loving it, but I have no idea what happens to my fish after I build fisheries, it shows they're working fine and all but when I go to my storage or trading post they're gone and it shows 0, any help?

    Edit: Solved! I just needed to have more fisheries closer to the center of my city, and each one needed it's own warehouse. Thanks for all the help!

    submitted by /u/nullkola
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    Game crashes after DLC installation

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:01 PM PDT


    I (and two of my other friends) just bought the season pass 1 and activated the 3 dlc's that it contains. We're trying to play/continue our mp game, but anno 1800 just crashes everytime.

    It cashes random, when we try to join or just after we have started the game, or even in the lobby sometimes.

    Did anyone have the same experience after downloading a dlc?

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/kneli
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    Anno 1404 - defeating every opponent in multiplayer

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    So Anno 1404 has been my cousin and mine's go to for game to play together in the last couple weeks. We started mostly fresh, learning as we go and fail and improve. Starting with medium bots and always still finding ourselves outmatched on the high seas because of our lacking Macro skills. Even a small warship lost was catastrophe.. and we loved that! Over time we learned -- macro, trading, production and safekeeping transport routes. We could eventually keep our ships safe from two hard bots in alliance. We were finally on our way to victory against Kardinal Lucious and the Baronessa.. until we found out the hard way that this is an INSANELY time consuming thing. Not because of slow land-combat... but because the bots cheat.

    Islands "owned" by the Kardinal, which I had occupied to stop his transport of Oriental goods, seemingly alway built a new port. No ships down to trade, but always materials to build. He practically had no ships in his fleet. Save for an Flagship he alway seemed to pull out of his ass and a convenient Large Warship + two small Warships he consistently bought from Richard and promptly sent down to attack any occupying port on "his" oriental islands.

    I would assume the Baronessa would do the same, but she was merely being choked by small warships hindering her trade routes.

    So we realized that the bots cheat.. and to actually win we have to kill an enemy with endless resources.

    So my question is this; We do not see warfare as anything but an economic investment to refuse the enemy crucial resources -- as it is clearly meant to be. However.. how do you win against an enemy that practically plays like Terran on Starcraft, by flying buildings away and has endless resources to start fresh from nothing? It is not exactly the same, but it is obnoxious given how slow and costly warfare is.

    submitted by /u/Burning87
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