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    Saturday, October 31, 2020

    Anno The Capital City of Crown Falls #3

    Anno The Capital City of Crown Falls #3

    The Capital City of Crown Falls #3

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Very efficient Ironworks

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 02:41 AM PDT


    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    ANNO 1800 DLC: The Grand Voyage

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    The Grand Voyage

    Welcome and come aboard for the grandest experience of your lifetime. This turned out to be a way longer text then intended, so there is a tl:dr at the bottom.

    The Grand Voyage

    This DLC idea focuses on the premise of catching the grandeur and passion surrounding the building and commissioning one of the grandest ships of the era.

    A young Prince from one of the oldest and richest aristocratic families in the old world have become the sole heir after a devastating storm took his family when he was young. He isolated himself and developed a deep phobia for the sea and anything related to it. His only brush with it was his walks along the sandy beach close to the royal residence. After one day he finds a message in a bottle, reading of a similarly lost soul in the new world. He writes back to the adress and they develop a correspondence, writing letters to each other daily.

    He now turns to you. You are commissioned with building the grandest and safest ship yet. The ship will carry you and thousands of passengers across the world.

    Building the ship

    This task will require several steps and during the DLC will not only involve supplying the necessary materials but also you will have to assemble experts and a worthy crew. And before you even begin you have to build a grand, custom, shipyard to build and also house this Grand ship.

    Building this ship will also take masterclass expertise. Luckily Nate knows of one and you are given quests that leads you to one of the finest shipwrights of this generation.

    The Crew

    You will through expeditions or different tasks track down and assemble your crew. Your shipwright will serve as the mechanic but also you need:

    • A true sea-experienced captain.
    • A dependable quartermaster
    • A cracking signaler
    • A mascot

    And of course you will need a distinguished and mysterious host. https://i.imgur.com/my9vZSm.png Credit: Sunless skies

    After having assembled your crew and, in phases, built the ship it is far from done. Now the host will guide you and help you make this voyage the most memorable of experiences.

    • Pick the Menu: You select the appetizer, main course and dessert. You will have to supply these yourself. That tea from Africa, maybe it will go great with Carribou meat? Or why not the Hugo Mercier diet, Potatoes and pamphlets?

    • Pick the music: Supply actors, entertainers, and don't forget the music sheets.

    • Pick the décor: What interior design and décor you choose will require different materials. Wool-spun stuffing or cotton-made beds?

    The Passengers

    The Voyage is open for any class, but different amount of passengers will have different impacts. Not to mention those you bring on the ship, while they will help make the voyage be more grand and memorable, they will also then be unable to work or contribute income on your islands during their stay on the ship. Sell those tickets, but beware off the long term effects.

    In Gameplay terms how does this play out?

    Before we go further it is best to explain why one should bother going through all of this. While the DLC has extra padding with assembling crew, quests etc, in a normal game you would build and outfit the ship for a good reason.

    The Voyage attracts specialists and how you design the voyage will decide who you attract.

    The Voyage DLC in gameplay terms is to add a function for the player to find specialists they want to find without rolling dice all the time. The voyage will always give specialists, but through it you can decide who you get. This will be done through picking the crew, the menu, the decor, the music and the passengers.

    Before the voyage you will have a list showing persons of interest that you might attract. This will be a picture of all legendary specialists.

    (Example mockup)

    Under them you can read keywords that will reveal what they need. This also limits your choices as Brother Hilarious loves if you serve Beer, but Fuchs won't set a foot on your apparent tugboat. Also some specialists will not be interested in a boat with only stuffy investors, but instead requires you to have a majority of workers. Others will then in turn want others for company on their voyage.

    You also won't straight up get the specialists, after attracting them to the voyage you will then experience the magic. You will play darts in the bar, look out into the sea from the railing, dance the night away, experience the meal, visit the machinery, etc.

    The gameplay will come through dilemmas, but there will be a distinct atmosphere and different artwork depending on what music and decor you choose. On to the specialists, one of the dilemmas pops up. It is time for the main course and you have yet to sit down, who will you choose to dine with?

    You will then pick one and that one is then grabbed. Perhaps doing this will anger the other and they will then not show up later that voyage. The question of how many legendaries can you get on a voyage is a gamedesign decision. Maybe the cooldown is soooo long between voyages that it is reasonable that you can grab 3. Or you can only pick up 1 legendary but you can also find and get rare or epic ones as well. If the next dilemma presents another legendary, picking it would then discard the previous pick. (The important thing is the concept, the details is not something that can be thoroughly talked through here.)

    The return

    As the voyage comes to a close a grand return occurs and the passengers are returned and you are rewarded with the specialists that you charmed, bribed, bested, or in whatever way you convinced them to disembark in your port.

    You can then start restocking, clean, repair, and outfit the ship for the next voyage. Of course you can also now change the experience, changing the menu, music or what have you to attract a new set of specialists that you want.

    The story of the DLC would perhaps be a ''titanic'' esque story and it would introduce the player to all the concepts such as the building of the ship, the passenger list, how the menu or the decor impacts the ''pool'' of specialists you can meet. etc.

    But also of course offer custom dilemmas and rewards during the journey. After the ship docks in the far away land and the Prince find his true love, the voyage back would then actually be a real ingame voyage to nab a legendary specialist of your choice.

    I would hope the story of such a DLC would let itself indulge in some mystique or passion, centering around smoke-filled lounges, drama inducing gossip, dancing, a mystery murder subplot, etc. Just taking some wide turns with the dilemma system to spice up the expedition notifications.

    Other considerations

    • A large part of the DLC can be the huge custom shipyard required to build and repair the ship.

    A strong union group has formed there and now makes demands. These demands can range from having all your coal mines on -50% (i,e the shipyard will throw wrenches in your production), require certain things, or reaching certain goals. Basically it will be a superunion workplace that can't be ignored by building a single police station.

    • Customizing more of the ship.

    Adding certain things like making a part of the ship into being able to handle animals. So you can now find bonus animals on your trip. (Same goes for a mini-museum or something so you can find loot on the voyage and bring it home.)

    • Further dilemmas like storms, pirate attacks, or other things that can cause damage to the ship or cause different sort of happenings.


    This DLC would center around an mid-lategame Titanic esque ship that you build through a custom shipyard. The point of this ship and the voyage is to help alleviate the luck that exists when trying to find certain specialists. Certain choices of décor, the menu, the passengers, affects the ''pool'' of specialists you can meet on the voyage. On the voyage you face dilemmas where you are forced to pick some over the others. So you'll have to choose 1-3 of the 5 specialists you attracted.

    The cost of the voyage depends on what you choose above. If you want the ''Extravagance decor'' it will cost specific materials. If you want the ''avantgarde decor'' it will cost different materials. Same with the menu, serving ''high old world tea'' will require different ingredients then ''New world coffee party''. This will attract different specialists, some legendary specialists will be attracted by some choices but not others. The Voyage thus serves like a sort of 'controlled' hunt for specialists that have eluded you.

    Accompanying the DLC would be a story introducing you the mechanics of it all. The Anno feeling will be the highest while you look over to the the huge shipyard where you see the ship being assembled. As it is sent off the island holds a festival with huge masses of people waving it goodbye and similarly waving as it comes home.

    It would try to catch the 1800s feeling of shipbuilding and the grandeur of those Atlantic voyages. And it would serve a gameplay purpose for players who want to have another way to track down specialists then rolling dice all the time. It would be fantastic to see what the anno team could also pull together when making a beautiful huge custom cruise ship. Seeing it in port being loaded by workers going up ramps with cargo. Seeing the passengers waiting to get on, seeing the ship workers talking it out at the union office. I would love to see a custom shipyard that really lends itself to bringing life to your harbor area. While being a powerful piece in your lategame optimizing in finding those specialists.

    Basically Anno 1800 would lend itself so well to capture the feelings that one might feel by frames such as this. https://i.imgur.com/Rxn3YbA.jpg

    submitted by /u/cozyduck
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    Change area of influence color.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Is there mod to change AoI of buildings like markets, schools, banks etc. for 100% to something else? Broke my eyes trying to see green on slightly less deep green.

    submitted by /u/KomradKomrad
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    Research Institute not unlocked

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Research Institute not unlocked

    In my current savegame no scholar buildings got unlocked until i reached 1500 elders. But only the residences got unlocked. I can not build the research institute which i read should be unlocked after reaching only 300 elders.

    Does anybody know a way to force the game to recheck the build requirements or somehow edit the savegame to unlock the buildings?

    I do not want to restart the game as i just started a new game after the new dlc release, but i can not use a big part of the new content.

    Edit: Forgot the screenshot:


    submitted by /u/RedBlacky
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    I was doing a zoological mission when a map randomly opened and my frigate got turned into a extravaganza steamer. I can still play however that expedition is locked. I'm playing unmodded btw

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    AI asks for permission - and expands even when told not to

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    I'm a little confused. To get started (I left out the last two Annos as the future scenarios weren't interesting for me) I got the campaign with Bente & Willie. At times both ask me for permission to expand somewhere. If told not to Willie always reacts accordingly. Bente will listen to it only on the old world, but will still expand on the new world.

    How can I prevent this if I don't want to start a war? Or do I have to change to the new world before telling her not to expand?

    submitted by /u/Satures
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    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    How do you guys manage switching classes? As a player that can't seem to figure it out it would be very helpful. Because honestly I get the basics of building on the previous class. But at some point is that still necessary?

    submitted by /u/Petermacc122
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    First time ever player confused with DLC options

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 01:21 AM PDT

    Hey folks,

    I am a very small streamer and gamer and ever since I played aoe2, settlers and civ as a kid I have never got into the strategy/sim genre again. Now I have just bought ANNO 1800 and watched a couple of reviews and I am amazed. I cannot wait to start playing, however the vast options of DLC are a bit overwhelming right now.

    So here are my questions:

    1) Anno 1800 itself seems to rich, does a new player who primarily wants to focus on campaigning/building peacefully on on his own need any of the DLC?

    2) Is it an option to just get the DLC later in case that I really sink time into this game and want new stuff to try out?

    3) Which DLC do you recommend, which one can be left out?

    4) Is there a bundle or any other option to make a bargain?

    Thank you so much and have a great weekend ;-)!

    editted formattingandfailed

    submitted by /u/locolaca
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    How to manually activate Photo Mode for quest?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I have a bug in a quest in Enbesa. I can't open the Photo Mode to take a requested photo of a stone on high cliffs on one of the story islands. The button just doesn't show up.

    Can I enter Photo Mode manually for this quest?

    Please help! 😁

    submitted by /u/Dream_Void
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    Whats the biggest bottleneck processor or GPU?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    I have a GTX 980 in my PC but after I unlocked engineers (about 1500 of them) and as soon as I opened up the arctic the sim speed just died. It was still playable but it played on the fastest setting like it was on normal gamespeed.

    So I ask is it mostly the CPU that causes this? or RAM? I don't think its the GPU since there's no stuttering or frame drops.

    AMD FX - 4350 quad core processor 4.2 ghz

    20480 MB ram

    submitted by /u/Arthur-reborn
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    Help with trains in Anno 1800

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    Am I not smart enough for this game???

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    I'm playing 1440. Almost everything needs a guide, or research to figure out. I'm struggling through the beginner phase, while my ship is one hair from sinking because of war. It won't repair. I'm losing some missions because I don't know how to do them, or I'm busy trying to figure out the game to keep up. I just lost a mission because I don't know how to board the ship, and didn't have time to google it. I wish they would slow down needing me for a minute. Maybe I'm just not smart like you guys. I'm really wanting to grasp this game, and play 1800.

    submitted by /u/gr4474
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    I looking for this mods, anyone ? [Villa or Mansion building]

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Attractiveness Palace

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    Whats the best way to obtain the highest prestige level for the palace?

    submitted by /u/koksman1994
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    oil refinery is just not fast enough

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    What would be your reaction if the next anno has a fantasy setting?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    Would you enjoy it or not like the idea

    submitted by /u/Ggthefiree2
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    Mod for expanded top bar/more sticky goods?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Anyone done such a thing? I got the ultra wide screen and way more space up there.

    submitted by /u/FrugalGourmet1
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    How to attack/conquer the sky trading post?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    Is there any method? I thought the last DLC might come with an attack air ship or something. Now what?

    submitted by /u/Fuze95
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    (1800) To correct mistakes or to clean the slate?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    I've got multiple saves going that have marked improvement from my original city in practice but I continue to return to it. And this city is from the campaign I completed; And I'm m talking multiple islands in both the new and old world, with investments in Arctic and Enbesa. The only potential adversaries left are the pirates of the old and new world. I change a little here, shift neighborhoods there, and all the while I try figure out whether I'm too sunk in to change my whole setup without irreparably damaging my economy. I enjoy the snapshot mentality of seeing my cities organically changing over time but I also find myself having to balance surplus and deficit too much to build extravagant things (like a museum with actual walls and gates lmao) or even simply affording the cost of a palace.

    tl;dr should I abandon my original save and go with a newer one or should I take the time to downgrade and downsize to rebalance my economy across the scenarios?

    submitted by /u/maybemarxwasright
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