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    Thursday, November 19, 2020

    Anno The Anno 1800 Season 3 Pass is coming

    Anno The Anno 1800 Season 3 Pass is coming

    The Anno 1800 Season 3 Pass is coming

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 09:00 AM PST

    Theory for Anno 1800 Season Pass 3

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 03:08 AM PST

    I am totally hyped by the announced Season 3 so I just want to drop an idea what could possibly included in Season 3 Pass. I could imagine that one DLC could focus on Aviation. Why?

    1) Aviation Theories have been around since late 15th century, first real progress made during 19th century. Given that Anno doesn't focus on strictly 1800 +/- 5 years, the inclusion of later aviation progress could be possible.

    2) Dawn of Aviation is not possible for Anno to cover (at least if they want to stick to the 9-rule), because that was in the 20th century; so they might take the closest one.

    3) "Welcome home" - whilst introducing a new region is likely to happen (India, East Asia, Australia), welcome home focus on the Old World; aviation could be adopted in that region (maybe alongside a new Resident tier as well).

    4) The trailer, looks like take offs and landings when it comes to the islands in the Arctic and Enbesa; could be random, could be a hint

    5) Aviation would introduce a new mechanism to the game (like every Season Pass did), not just introduced more buildings.

    6) Engine basically already existing, allows full usage of the Airships potential. It doesn't feel right that just one ship uses that technology (with basically only the point to be able to reach the Arctic Plattforms, kinda wasted opportunities)

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Tobi_ANNO
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    feature request: upgrade streets with upgrade function

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:30 PM PST

    I always find myself stuck when I finally have all the bricks I need and want to upgrade my streets to Paved Street. Since my cities are quiet big then it is difficult to get all streets. It takes quite long and is frustrating because I always miss some parts. I'd love to see the upgrade feature (upgrading buildings, building structures from blueprints,...) to be able to upgrade my streets as well!

    For me, the delete function works similar since it recognises which structure I want to delete and only deletes these types.

    submitted by /u/Zealousideal-Kick-25
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    Season 3 idea - The Philanthropist

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 06:15 AM PST

    My idea for content in Season 3


    1. Can build one 'residence' for every 25,000 investors
    2. Each residence is akin to a country manor and is built like a monument - size is similar to the research institute or world fair
    3. They are a money sink, they don't give you any income but cost a lot of goods in upkeep
    4. They give other benefits, see below


    1. Farmer and Worker happiness
    2. The best goods money can buy, we want the best of the best of the best!
    3. The building it self needs upkeep so each residence will require a supply of farmers / workers and artisans

    New mechanic - Grand Expeditions and levelling up your Philanthropist

    1. A new harbour monument needs to be built where expeditions can be launched
    2. Only one Grand Expedition can be active at a time (similar to the world fair / Research institute)
    3. When launching a Grand Expedition you choose which Philanthropist goes (if you have more than one of them)
    4. During the tour you make decisions like a normal expedition and at the end instead of gaining items you gain exp or a special perk for your Philanthropist
    5. Philanthropist level up like in a Role playing game and give perks to surrounding residence / factories / farms
    6. Some of these perks will require modules to be built on the Philanthropist residence such as an orphanage, rehab for all the schnapps and bear addicts. Could also be workshop to develop ideas from what they have seen from their travels
    7. The effect that the Philanthropist has on the surrounding area can be wide ranging. Increase happiest, decrease consumption of alcohol, new ways of making goods (replacing input goods).

    Welcome home

    1. When a Philanthropist comes home after a Gran Expedition they expect a Welcome home party. If the required goods are delivered in time they receive an increase EXP bonus and increased happiness

    This is my idea of what could be added and how it will add to the late game experience. I hope you like it and welcome any comments and/or ideas

    submitted by /u/BluntRazor14
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    Credit ZazunoTV: Alternative cotton productio:, 12 lumberjack hut + Miss Rodriguez + Ursula + Teutonic + MIOMBO WOODLANDS set = 197 ton woods + 97 ton Cotto; traditional production via cotton farm to get 97 ton, you need 18 cotton farm (172 tiles each) + Arborist + Hermann + Seed drill + tractor.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:57 AM PST

    Anno 1404 vs Anno 1800 for first-timer

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 03:52 AM PST

    I'd like to play some Anno games, and I'm wondering which one is better for someone who never played them.
    Is there anyone here playing Anno 1800 on Ryzen 3 1200AF with GTX 1650 super, does it run smoothly (i don't need 60 FPS, stable 30 is fine).

    submitted by /u/heepis24
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    Season 3 details

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 09:03 AM PST

    What am I missing about these sale prices?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 07:19 AM PST

    What am I missing about these sale prices?

    So could anyone explain to me why it says the price is 95% off but when I try to buy it its just 50% off? Is there something I'm missing? Also kr is just my country's currency, the problem is the sale percentage.



    submitted by /u/Butt-Dragon
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    Wisdom therein fix

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 10:58 AM PST

    I'm no getting it. I was stuck in this quest before the latest patch, and now the whole quest is just gone. Did they just cancelled the quest so that I can't finish it at all now or what? Have I lost access to the library forever?

    Patch notes say that "Wisdom therein" won't trigger now if I had already gotten access to the library, but I haven't.

    submitted by /u/EgorKlenov
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    A Paper boy as a city ornament.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 05:33 AM PST

    Wouldn't this be a great idea! A paper boy on a single tile as a city ornament. There's even a loading screen artwork of one infront of the 'Morris Column'. I've been playing around on my Crown falls and making city squares in amongst the 10x10 housing blocks. Would love to add one. What other good ornament ideas do you all have?

    submitted by /u/gfoxton88
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    3D printing game assets

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 09:01 AM PST

    Hello, as the title indicates, I would like to print some of the game assets in 3D, and that would require me to open them in some sort of 3D editor (e.g. blender). Is it possible to extract meshes in some way or another in this game? Thank you in advance, and sorry if this goes against any rules I will remove the post.

    submitted by /u/12345678908002
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    campaign map seeds?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 08:40 AM PST

    i've found good sanbox ones but are there any good ones?


    submitted by /u/dapmitidp
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    [SPOILER] Embesa coop experience

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:41 AM PST

    Is there a possibility to get the buffs of the storyline in embesa also in the co-op? We reached Embesa yesterday and I was confused that there is only the main island. Now I wonder if there is any way to get the buffs. If not I think it's a pity that there are real disadvantages in co-op compared to the singelplayer. Unfortunately there have never been any story quests in the co-op, but no buffs have been linked to the storyline so far.

    Spoiler warning because I don't know if everyone wants to have information about embesa and the possible buffs.

    submitted by /u/violent-agreement
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    Is there a way to disable items for everyone?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 12:10 PM PST


    I usually play without items (harder) and smaller islands but think its unfair if AI uses items. Can I disable items besides zoo, museum etc.?

    submitted by /u/Ovian93
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    One shot destruction

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 11:55 AM PST

    Since the last patch, on 2 occurrences, I got a frigate and then a clipper one shot by a canon from an enemy harbour.

    Is it a novelty, like the gunpowder reserve exploding?

    Is it a bug?

    Is it a bug or feature from a mod I would have installed recently (only one, the one making pirates harder)

    Or I'm seeing things ...

    submitted by /u/PocusFR
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    Dlc compatibility in old multiplayer saves

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 05:45 AM PST

    A friend of mine and I started a multiplayer game a few days ago. Now we both bought the second season pass. Will it be compatible with our current savegame?

    submitted by /u/TBrockmann
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    How would you feel about being able to appoint mayors to your islands?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 07:25 AM PST

    Mayor in this case being computer AI NPCs that take care of an island to a certain extent.

    Babysitting 2 or more islands per continent is becoming increasingly more annoying/difficult the more continents are introduced. Anno 1800 currently has 5 (Europe, Carribean, Antarctica, Bigger Europe (?) and Africa) continents and with season 3 on the way it could have potentially 6 continents and you usually end up having to at settle at least two islands per continent.

    It would be nice if there was the possibility to appoint mayor or NPC caretakers to islands so you dont have to keep an eye on every single thing on 10+ islands.

    submitted by /u/RandomUserXY
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    Range of buildings

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:12 AM PST

    My question is how many squares or blocks is the range of the different buildings? For example the town centre can't reach as far as the bank. And how does the dirt road vs the paved road change this distance? Because sometimes when I connect the power plant with paved streets the electricity goes further but sometimes not. Can anyone explain the system to calculate the range?

    submitted by /u/derdoge88
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    Best dlc for sandbox only

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:56 AM PST

    Hello, Sorry if it's been asked before but I'm contemplating buying some dlc and I would like some advice. I pretty much play the game as a city builder in easy sandbox with only peaceful AI. Witch dlc would be best for my type of play? I know there are some that are cosmetics only but I was more thinking about stuff like the land of lions and the passage. Thank you for your help

    submitted by /u/LostFrenchie
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    Connect warehouse stock to production

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 03:43 AM PST

    feature request: I am always toggling between my production units and my warehouse to understand how much present stock is there and if there is a need to pause/resume the production chain. Can we have an option where we can directly see the stock of a particular product on the respective buildings's menu?

    For e.g: clicking on the iron ore mine, I can also see the current stock of the ore in my warehouse from the building menu itself without clicking the warehouse.

    submitted by /u/rohibando
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    Range of buildings

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:12 AM PST

    My question is how many squares or blocks is the range of the different buildings? For example the town centre can't reach as far as the bank. And how does the dirt road vs the paved road change this distance? Because sometimes when I connect the power plant with paved streets the electricity goes further but sometimes not. Can anyone explain the system to calculate the range?

    submitted by /u/derdoge88
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    Passive trade

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:03 AM PST

    Based on


    it seems that it is a good idea to buy things via passive trading and to sell them to NPCs via active trading. There are few questions for which I can't find the answer:

    1) What can be bought by passive trading in given region?

    2) How efficient it can be? Setting buying limits on every island will provide more goods then having only one island with huge storage capacity?

    3) Is there limitation how many goods you can obtain in given period of time? For example: is it possible to as much grain as your economy needs to be able to get rid of all fields? I know this is not optimal solution, I just wonder how much can be achived in this way.

    submitted by /u/vadzier
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