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    Anno /r/anno Questions Thread – November 20, 2020

    Anno /r/anno Questions Thread – November 20, 2020

    /r/anno Questions Thread – November 20, 2020

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 05:06 PM PST

    Hi /r/anno, welcome to our Weekly Questions thread!

    This is a place for you to ask questions and seek advice from other players. Additionally, if you'd like to share your knowledge and give tips to your fellow players, go ahead!

    Finally, have a look at the Community Resource Megathread!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    1602: Final stage with 11000+ aristocrats. Now glitches appear: new production facilities don't produce, markets ignore new production sites, new fields don't grow. Was fun, but it wasn't intended for these sizes, the narrator even refused to announce 11,000 inhabitants. Next slide: what they eat.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 02:39 AM PST

    Season 3 wish: Items that use higher citizen tiers

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 03:48 AM PST

    So up until now most if not all items that use different citizen tiers use lower ones, like jornaleros instead of obreras, workers instead of engineers etc. I would like items that go the other way as well, like using obreras for poncho darners or cotton mills for a big boost in productivity. I just like the way obrera houses look and want to use them more.

    submitted by /u/ThatStrategist
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    Anno Designer

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 02:18 AM PST

    How can I make corrections and suggestions to the presets in the Anno Designer?

    I know that I can adjust sizes myself in the app, but it would be nice to include them for everyone... There's quite a few mistakes in there (and yes, I have the latest version).

    • the oil harbour should be 7x8 (not 7x4)
    • harbour depots should be 10x4 (not 14x4)
    • the world fair pavillion is 3x4 (not 1x1)
    • many more...

    A suggestion would be to have certain decorations, like the mosaic plaza or the garden path, display as a "groundplan" and not with an icon, to make it visually more clear and less of a mess. But that's a secondary thing, just an idea.

    submitted by /u/fluffytom82
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    What is a Zoological Garden?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 02:50 AM PST

    Extinct Species zoo set gives +5% attractiveness bonus to Zoological Gardens but I cannot find those buildings. How can I build them?

    submitted by /u/Shished
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    Grand Ocean Liner DLC

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:12 PM PST

    My idea for this DLC is that you get a awesome building project, taking multiple hours to complete, but also have a big impact on your production and consumpion. The building materials you need are fixed numbers, but the required food and workforce is being used as long as the project takes. This to give you a temporary "puzzle" to give your setup a good stress test. I deliberately used Base game materials and goods only, so you could play this DLC seperately from the others, for those who like this. I think this can give you a fully optional experience to try and complete if you want a break from your normal gameplay.

    Grand Ocean Liner

    It's time to take tourism to the next level, and offer trips to the other side of the world! Build your own Grand Ocean Liner. A passenger ship like the Titanic or Queen Mary, and send it to distant shores. Don't get overwhelmed by the massive amount of materials needed for this monumental task. During the stages of construction, random events happen, just like during expeditions. Sometimes this causes an accident, or other unfortunately event, which slows down the project. Since some of the requirements are used as long as the step takes, too much slowing down can empty your warehouses. Failing to supply food or workforce will start a timer before work can resume.
    Step 1: The Shipyard
    You start with a questline to get a architect in for the construction of the shipyard. This is a huge building similar in size of the World Fair. Most of the coastal building area's are barely big enough to fit it along the shore, and the smaller islands can't even fit it on their coastal building area. You need to complete several stages just like the airship hangar, before you can start building:

    Stage 1: The Basin Floor
    A earth wall is put up around the area, supported with timber constructions. Farmers are shoveling out the required pit and putting up a sand wall. Workers are paving the bottom with a stone floor. Engineers oversee the operation.

    • Required materials: Timber, Sand, Iron, Stone Bricks
    • Food during construction (Fish, Schnapps, Bread, Canned Food) no set amount, as long as you are building, is consumes a heavy amount of this.
    • Workforce: A generous supply of Farmers (+/- 800), Workers (+/- 400) and a team of Engineers (+/- 100)
    • Fire Station, Police Station and Hospital in range are needed.

    Stage 2: The Drydock Walls
    The walls of the Dry Dock are being build by the Workers using concrete and stone. The Artisans are working on the neat masonry along the drydock walls. Bollards are erected along the sides made of treated wood

    • Required materials: Stone Bricks, Reinforced Concrete, Wood Planks, Oil
    • Food during construction (Sausages, Beer, Goulash, Rum)
    • Workforce: A generous supply of Workers (+/- 800) and Artisans (+/- 400)
    • Fire Station, Police Station and Hospital in range are needed.

    Stage 3: Cranes and Workshops
    Several cranes are build, and different workshops are located around the shipyard. A factory building and steel yard complete the shipyard area. This time you need Workers, Artisans and Engineers to complete the stage.

    • Required materials: Wood Planks, Stone Bricks, Windows, Steel Beams, Filaments, Light Bulbs.
    • Food during construction (Bread, Sausages, Beer, Canned Food, Rum, Coffee)
    • Workforce: A generous supply of Workers (+/- 800) Artisans (+/- 400) and Engineers (+/- 400)
    • Fire Station, Police Station and Hospital in range are needed.

    Stage 4: The Grand Opening
    The Shipyard is complete, and your people are pleased to hear that a ship has been comissioned. The investors, who have supported this whole project (without getting their hands dirty ofcourse), have planned a grand opening:

    • Required goods: Bowler Hats, Fur Coats, Grammophones
    • Party supplies: Champagne, Rum, Beer, Schnapps, Cigars.
    • Workforce: All people are invited. Entire island's workforce is temporary used. (Fixed timer).

    At this point, The shipyard lays empty, and is ready to start the construction of a ship. Since the name "Dahlia" is used on the artwork, i've used that name.
    The Dahlia
    You now start constructing the Dahlia. These are again a bunch of steps, However, the steps themselves now only cost fixed amounts of goods, and the workforce for the building to operate is also fixed for the entire length of the process. You can only "own" one great ship, but since it is possible to lose it, the shipyard is likely something you keep around in case you need to replace the ship.
    Besides goods, you also need the help of specialists on several stages. Once you get to those stages, you get a quest from one of the NPC's to get these persons help. You keep these specialists for shios in the future
    Stage 1: The Framework
    Timber logs are used to set out the shape of the ship, then the craftsmen lay the keel of the ship, and start the framework.

    • Required Goods: Steel Beams, Iron, Timber

    Stage 2: The Engine Room
    The Engine Room is filled with Motors and other technical parts. Also the main shaft and propellors are made.

    • Required Goods: Motors, Filament, Caoutchouc, Brass, Steel Beams
    • Specialist: Legendary Machine Specialist, and Expert in milling huge propellors

    Stage 3: The Living Quarters
    Now it is time for crew and passenger cabins, the numerous beds and sheets, hallways and staircases

    • Required Goods: Wood Planks, Windows, Cotton Fabric, Wool, Alpaca Wool,
    • Specialist: Legendary Designer. Specialist in the difference of first class and third class pillows.

    Stage 4: The Dining hall and First Class Bar
    Above the main deck, there are dining facilities, a First Class bar, and numerous facilities to tend the needs of all guests.

    • Required Goods: Wood Planks, Wood Veneer, Glass, Iron, Light Bulbs

    Stage 5: The Bridge
    The last piece of the Ship! The Bridge. All you need now is a couple of items you will recieve from the different NPC's and a couple from your Investors through quests:

    • The Ship's Bell
    • Navigation Equipment
    • The Rudder

    Once completed, you are promted with a message from the Shipyard's foreman, and click the bottle of champagne to fling it at the bow of your new ship.
    At this point, you have a ship. But what will you do with it?

    The ships information window shows you a number of slots you can fill with items and specialists. These all improve a certain value. When you send your ship on a trip to distant ports, you can choose from several destinations, and each of them has a certain value. Once chosen, you get a screen just like the expedition screen, showing the aquired value of the trip. You then need to fill up the ships, starting with fuel (Further destinations, need more fuel), in the form of Coal, and Food and drinks. These all work just like on expeditions, with their stats, and the items and specialists you take with you all account for their stats too. Since you will have some funny (or cruel) incidents along the way. Once filled up, you send the ship on their trip, and wait for the captain to call you when there is a problem.

    Destinations. As Destinations, i think its better not to use real city names, but describe them like: A Gambler's Paradise, The Big City, Exotic Islands, Natural Wonderland, etc. Each of them can give special items upon return, as well as some extra visitors who came along on their way back.

    Events: Along the way can work the same as they do on expeditions. Choose wisely to ensure the trip comes back. However, since this ship is much more valuable as your expedition vessels, you won't drain any morale, you just burn through the fuel. On a certain point the captain will decide to turn around if the fuel is almost out, with enough to come home. In this case you haven't reached your destination, no rewards or visitors, just the base level of value of the trip for the people who came along.

    Bad Luck: In a very, very few cases, you end up with a bit of bad luck. Iceberg, Pirates, or a navigational error into the bermuda triangle.. Bad news.. the ship was lost at sea.. Bad news for the front page (-Happiness) So you need to build another. One bright side of this is a special monument dedicated for the Lost at Sea, which only unlocks when your ship gets lost at sea. (you can't force the events towards a sinking ship, this has to be a rare random event, like 1 in every 10-20 trips).

    Long story, yeah, but once you get hooked on an idea....

    submitted by /u/Billy_JVD
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    Into the Lions Den bugged?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 09:43 AM PST

    Tells me to wave the white flag of parley but when I drive a ship next to the quest indicated ship to get it, nothing happens. I bought a legendary white flag and equpped it then sailed to the island and still nothing? Anyone have any ideas?

    submitted by /u/lastditchefrt
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    Multiplayer & The Season Pass

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 06:35 AM PST

    Would you guys consider the Anno Season Pass 1 and/or 2 worth it for someone who plays Anno strictly multiplayer?

    Been playing it with my gf a lot and she loves it but on a look season passes seem to be campaign focused?

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/mcketchup123
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    [Mod] Adding a single item slots to individual buildings.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 05:27 PM PST

    Hi, I wonder how hard it would be to mod or if there is a mod that lets you put specialists in single buildings.

    Like letting you put the grocer in the Marketplace or the ''+20%range -10% upkeep'' book in a school.

    There are tons of items I simply never use because they fall in between being good to use but not good enough to occupy a space in the Town Hall or Trade union.

    submitted by /u/cozyduck
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    Cannot use Ubisoft Club rewards?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 05:49 AM PST

    I have everything unlocked, why can't I use my Ubisoft Club rewards? Anyone else having this issue?

    submitted by /u/ValusYeet
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    New Guide for HUD changes re skinning houses custom way points and more

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 05:37 AM PST

    My new Anno 1800 Video is live on Youtube Interface and UI guide . Covering HUD changes, changing the appearances of houses, changing items you are monitoring, changing notification options, custom way point hotkeys and much more.

    The video is longer than i expected and maybe it should of been split into 2 parts. All feedback is welcome.

    Hope you enjoy the content. See you on the next video or on my twitch live stream 6 days a week. https://www.twitch.tv/itroo


    submitted by /u/itroo
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    Anno 1800 For Beginners?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 05:30 AM PST

    I've recently started playing city builder games (Banished and Kingdom reborn my only two efforts) and after watching videos on youtube I'm fascinated with Anno 1800! Now with some great reductions for Black Friday I wondered if a total beginner to Anno can pick this game up without any experience in the series as it looks very complicated!!?

    I've seen two DLC's I'm interested in The Passage and Lions - if I was to buy these DLC's can I just jump in to Africa or Antarctic and base the game in that region or do I have to build a presence in other worlds first?

    submitted by /u/hapalua2021
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    An unimportant insight

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:56 PM PST

    Someone here suggested an aviation addition for the the next Season Pass. I kind of agree with that, but I was just wondering if more people would love to be able to ctrl+r onto an airship.

    For me, walking around is a very important part of the immersion experience; therefore I'd love to see the world from an airship POV.

    While I realize this would definitely not be essential for the game, I'd love for this to be a feature.


    submitted by /u/apekots
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    Scenarios and "real achievements"

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 01:01 PM PST

    Now I know the development of Season 3 (WHICH IS SO GOD DAMN NICE) is coming along, and I'll be happy to get whatever comes home (as they have said). Saying that, I have been visiting anno 1404 and 2070 again: last ist just romantic gold and the other is a hidden gem-with too similar buildings. But both have something I absolutely find could be a distracting addition for any Anno game: scenarios and achievements.

    Now I know that 1800 is a more single session game, but with my poor 16GB RAM already suffering with my main game, I have to say that scenarios could be a nice addition. Custom map (some map variety, btw, would be nice) with custom goals, some more standard like "Build a worlds fair" other more niche, like a pirate version or only being able to have one fertility, or not being able to go to the new world (or new world only challenge for something?). It could change up some other sessions, and it genuinely could bring some features more into light- naval battle items in piracy would be much more relevant for example.

    The other topic is simply achievemts: God, naming my submarine yellow in 2070 and having a lot of honour in 1404 gave achievements in game- and in the last you could even unlock some cool things with it!

    While I absolutely love most directions Anno 1800 went with, these could maybe fresh the game a bit up- and not tear my RAM even more into pieces!

    submitted by /u/Seilofo
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    Did Anno 2070 have the best soundtrack?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:17 PM PST

    Hi all,

    Anno 2070 was my first Anno game and the soundtrack stood out to me as being simply outstanding. I went back to Anno 1404, and while I noticed it had the same DNA as 2070 (engine and all), it didn't have the same production values. Anno 2205 came and went, and I cannot recall its OST. Anno 1800 is great, I need to spend more time with it, but it still does not stand out like 2070 to me.

    Perhaps the combination of futuristic motifs and classical orchestra makes it relatively idiosyncratic? But no tracks in any of the other games stood out to me as something to be listened to outside of the game.

    What are your thoughts? Do you agree or disagree?

    submitted by /u/Seriphyn
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    Chaining oil power plants

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 06:01 PM PST

    If you chain oil power plants, like so (harbor->plant->plant) with a single track, will trains be sent to the second plant? I'm not seeing that happen (they only go to the first one), but maybe it's because I'm not providing enough oil? Is there a certain stock level that the first plant must reach before the second plant will be serviced?


    submitted by /u/syndicatedragon
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    General help for Anno 1800 gameplay

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 07:01 PM PST

    Previous experience with games like this would involve: The Settlers 2, The Settlers 6, The Settlers 7 and some other games I can't think of off the top of my head.

    1) How do warehouses work? Does each warehouse have its own individual stash of goods or as soon as a resource enters a warehouse it becomes immediately extractable from any warehouse?

    If the former, how do I view the individual stock levels of warehouses? How are resources distributed from warehouse to warehouse (loading ramp staff take stuff from one warehouse to another?) and do you have any tips on optimizing that aspect?

    I'm familiar with optimizing warehouses to improve jobs thanks to this comment tree, I'm just not familiar with inter-warehouse transfer of goods if that is even a thing: https://old.reddit.com/r/anno/comments/birtb8/1800_can_someone_explain_warehousing_please/em2jpcm/

    When I had to build some scaffolding before setting up explosives to blow a hole in some rocks, it took forever for my many planks and bricks to reach the site, even when I built a warehouse close to the site.

    2) How do houses work? Is it like the modern Sim City where the occupants closest to a job perform that job? Or is it like older Sim City games where once a person is assigned a job they keep that job even if you build houses closer to the job?

    If the latter, what's the optimal method of identifying who works what job so that I can better optimize house placement?

    3) When clicking a warehouse I can assign goods to sell/buy and various thresholds... does this mechanic require trade rights with other players/AI to function? Early in to the easy campaign I'll have trade rights with some AI but those don't appear in the diplomacy pane (I think?), do they not count for this buy/sell mechanic?

    I'm... really not that familiar with how the trade system works in the game nor how marking items as being sellable/buyable above certain thresholds works, exactly. I do know about Trade Routes and setting them up via the Trade UI (how does this differ from marking goods for sale at a warehouse?), I'm also aware of Charting a route for transferring goods between your own islands, but unless I'm mistaken that type of route can't be set up to loop?

    4) Are notifications of a trade occurring at my Harbour useful? I get 100's of them, clicking them zooms the camera to my Harbour and... I can't tell how that's useful. It seems to be an arbitrary notification that clutters up my notifications pane D:

    5) I got a quest that (afaik) said to find some farm wife a husband, clicking for the full quest details yielded no help in locating the requested individual... where as all previous quests would be like "Hurry people out of a pub to a Union meeting", "Lock up dog on a farm", "Take photo of X" etc. which narrows down the search scope a shit load.

    6) Does this game only have naval combat?

    submitted by /u/Nicholas-Steel
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    Patrol shortcut

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 10:12 PM PST

    Is there a shortkey for the patrol order for ships? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/PocusFR
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    Question about coffee need provided item

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:52 PM PST

    There is currently one item that provides your citizens with coffee, Fernando de Faro. Me and my friend are playing in a multiplayer session, so we can't get him the traditional way by doing the quest from the Queen in Cape ( I don't actually know why we can't have those quests in multiplayer ). I have then researched all the town hall items in my research center, but he can't be found there either. Does anyone have some advices on how to get him? Can I be lucky to meet him as a tourist maybe?

    submitted by /u/Inwate
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