• Breaking News

    Monday, November 2, 2020

    Anno I might be addicted to this series. Is it just in my head?

    Anno I might be addicted to this series. Is it just in my head?

    I might be addicted to this series. Is it just in my head?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 05:06 AM PST

    "Hurry up! The Sultan is awaiting our visit and we are late!"

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 08:47 AM PST

    Enbesa's city

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 11:58 AM PST

    Mapping enbesa quest

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Who knows how to do the mapping enbesa quest? I found some places, not all, but do you have to click on a specific place, bring a ship there?

    submitted by /u/Admirable_Citron7142
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    Sunset over the Port of Wales, seen from the Botanical Spire behind the Imperial Palace.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:44 PM PST

    Entry points to regions

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 02:46 AM PST

    I was wondering if there is some info online on where the entry points to the different regions are located on the map.

    Like, on which edge of the map do your ships leave the old world to get to the New World, Cape, Arctic, Enbesa? And where do ships arrive in those regions?

    submitted by /u/Kajice
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    28 Pig Farms + Silos layout (22x22 Tiles)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 02:08 PM PST

    Anyone else find it annoying as hell this game tells you 'SHIP UNDER ATTACK' 500 times over and over again?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:59 PM PST

    LR40 Error

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 04:24 AM PST

    Hello, I am playing with two other guys a multiplayer session in Anno 1800 and since the LoL update the error LR40 appears more often. If we led the game to reload the data files the error appears again. We only have a chance stop the error if restart Anno completely and this doesn't guarantee that the error is avoided. LR40 ruins the desire to play the game any further and it's frustrating.

    Has anybody found a solution for this?

    submitted by /u/WHONOUNGNANYE
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    Train and electric problems��

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 10:01 AM PST

    So I have been playing anno for a couple weeks now and have just today built my first refinery and power plant( I have hit engineers once before but never built up oil). I took this play through fairly slow and even finished the campaign before I had a single engineer, once I started upgrading to engineer and planing their production chains I realized I would need electricity for the bikes. Electricity is a scary step for me because of the cost and the layout planing which I didn't do very well. I got to the point I just had to bite the bullet and with an income over around 7-8k I went for it and it quickly went to shit, lay out sucked I don't know how to do the parallel tracks and I was down to 4K income. I hurried up and built steam engines and made an oil tanker and a cargo ship then dismantled everything except the refinery. I will not be adding anymore population to Ditchwater and plan on building up bright sands to investors before heading to crown falls and building my capital.

    submitted by /u/cww1918
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    Mod loader wont let anno run

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 03:50 AM PST

    every time I put in the python35.dll and python35_ubi.dll it get the error:

    this application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142). Click ok to close the application.

    As soon as i restore the unmodified dlls it runs perfectly though modless. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Arthur-reborn
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    When does AI settle in new sessions?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 09:14 AM PST

    I can't seem to find conclusive information on this online. Does anyone know when exactly the AI starts settling in the new regions? Is it any different if you play the campaign?

    Especially wondering how long it takes hard AI to settle in the New World and Cape Trelawny. Just as soon as they can, so basically when they reach Artisans? If so, anyone got a time estimate of how long it takes hard AI to get to Artisans?

    submitted by /u/Kajice
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    Epic or legendary Enbesa artifact

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 07:40 AM PST

    Is an archaeological expedition the only way to get an epic or legendary Enbesan artifact to be able to finish the quest? I've been playing for hours and hours and no archaeology expeditions around Enbesa have popped up.

    submitted by /u/HaggleBurger
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    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 06:03 PM PST


    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:31 AM PST

    So, here's a strange one I'm hoping someone can help me with.

    I have 4 lightbulb factories being slightly boosted for an output of ~10t/min.

    I have 5 slightly boosted filament factories (along with a science whizz attached to the lightbulb factories) producing 15t/min of filaments.

    However, the filament requirement is 14t/min.

    My steam cabs aren't using filaments, so I can't for the life of me work out what's using the extra 4t/min of filaments.

    Does anyone have any thoughts?

    Edit: Telephone Factories, thank you banan1996

    submitted by /u/sporksaregoodforyou
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    Advanced rum distillery/ coffee roaster

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 01:45 AM PST

    I've reached that point where my engineers and investors take in way too much coffee and rum, and while browsing the trade union and town hall items, I noticed things called advanced distilleries and coffee roasters. What the hell are those and where do I get them?

    submitted by /u/Lord_Ostrich_VI
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    NPC won’t dissapear after war

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 11:29 PM PST

    Hey guys. I was at war with Beryl and completely wiped her from the maps including ships and buildings (Old Word, New World and Cap), but she won't disappear from diplomacy and still buys shares of my islands.

    I bought back every share but she is still there. I haven't started the expedition to the arctic and LoL yet, so she can't be there or could she? She still has 48 economy and 4 military in the diplomacy screen. I have spice it up mod installed but deactivated all of it. Didn't help. She is also still in an Alliance with another NPC. Shouldn't she be completely gone?

    submitted by /u/vgapnk
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    Old Nate scrapping quests

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 03:09 AM PST

    Heyho, I lost Crown Falls some time ago to Margaret and now I do not have the whole quest chains anymore, is there a way to start the diving stuff still?

    submitted by /u/del-usr
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    Does Anno 1404 get "pretty" like the gardens and plazas in Caesar 4?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:56 PM PST

    My previous city building game was Caesar 4, and you could make really beautiful areas with it, because it had statues, gardens, plaza tiles, and so on. It was also a very colorful game.

    I just started 1404, and it looks very browny and drab. Also, looking at Cathedral city, it looks like a bunch of houses packed together with very little esthetic. Looking at some youtube videos, the oriental areas are very one color and uniform looking as well.

    Is this how the game is, or can you build pretty cities in 1404?

    submitted by /u/Okumam
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