• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 10, 2020

    Anno How many lighouse pictures can a single person need?

    Anno How many lighouse pictures can a single person need?

    How many lighouse pictures can a single person need?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 08:01 AM PST

    Crown Falls Urban Development

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 10:47 PM PST


    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 09:25 AM PST

    [New mod] The Colour Collection

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:42 AM PST

    [New mod] The Colour Collection

    Nexus mod page: https://www.nexusmods.com/anno1800/mods/81

    I've always wanted a bit more colour in my towns, so I made this mod which adds new colour variations of buildings and residences in the Old World.

    Works with existing saves, and it's been tested with plenty of other mods with no known compatibility issues.

    This is my first time modding/changing textures so feedback is welcome :)


    submitted by /u/Lethani_K
    [link] [comments]

    Quiet countryside

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:33 AM PST

    Interesting AI behavior

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 09:01 AM PST

    Ok, so after playing the game for a while, I noticed some interesting AI behavior.

    First, if the player's harbor is reasonably defended with enough cannon towers and guns, pirates will not attempt to attack it. I found this out after going to war with Ann. Her gunboats sailed just out of range of my harbor guns then turned around. I was even able to deter one her Ships-of-the-Line.

    Second, I went to war with Beryl and ended up taking a few of her islands both in the Old and New Worlds. Suddenly, all of her trade ships, and production of warships just simply stopped. Now, I decided to be merciful and not wipe her off the map so she still has some islands right next to each other in those worlds. But as of right now, she literally has no trade travelling between her islands and all her oil tankers are docked at her main island harbor.

    It's almost as if the developers programmed the AI to respond to different player scenarios. In the case of Ann, her boats won't attack if she doesn't have the military advantage. With Beryl it's a different story. Why would all her trade just simply grind to a halt? Anyway, has anyone else in this forum discovered this?

    submitted by /u/Slimdude41
    [link] [comments]

    City life

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:09 PM PST

    My Capitol in the New World

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 11:02 AM PST

    The Artisans of River Arch

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 02:49 PM PST

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