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    Tuesday, December 15, 2020

    Anno I tried. I really did.

    Anno I tried. I really did.

    I tried. I really did.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:06 AM PST

    I mean...... close enough?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:16 PM PST

    Old World hub, Newport

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:11 AM PST

    Who else here is still playing old Annos ?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:29 AM PST

    Who else here is still playing old Annos ?

    After spending 1500 hours on Anno 1800 and almost reaching 900,000 populations, I wanted to go back to the old Annos from my childhood. And boy what a blast !


    So I was wondering if others like me still play Anno 1503/1602 or 1701

    submitted by /u/MartigAA
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    Christmas time! Revisiting my palace at the Crown Falls to bring a little light and cheer.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 01:33 AM PST

    need flat terrain

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 12:16 PM PST

    How does commuter pier work?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:28 AM PST

    I've always skipped commuter pier fearing it's some sort of pipeline nightmare, does it just treat all your islands workforces as one automatically as if it's one big island, or is it a lot of managing, travel time, you screw up one island and it chain reactions and screws up everything kinda deal?

    submitted by /u/Mountain-of-Snow
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    Anno 1800 - Can't get rewards

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:34 AM PST

    Anno 1800 - Can't get rewards

    How can I solve this problem? The game say i unlocked everything, but i can't use it because they are not "unlocked in game", only "in store"; I share with you a screenshot from the game.


    submitted by /u/Panshra
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    Changing the residence portraits

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:57 AM PST

    Is it possible to copy the female powerplant engineer and replace the engineer residence portrait with it?

    How would I do this and what problems could arise?

    submitted by /u/Winterschaf
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    A couple of Questions on my first playthrough

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 01:47 AM PST

    I'm pretty new to this whole thing and I snagged the complete edition. I'm currently in the middle of my first playthrough and I just reached Engineers and built my first oil rig/railroad+electricity. But I am running into some issues.

    First off, I am running out of space on my main island. I had everything there since the start and all those fields and manufacturing are just giving me no space to build railroads and power plants. What do I do? Should I move all the manufacturing to other islands? But I don't have artisans there at all so their manufacturing needs to stay on this island...or go for tractors, will that help with the amount of fields?

    I'm also running issues with goods imported from New World. Seems like I cannot import them fast enough for artisans/engineers, they keep running out of stuff like rum and coats and then my income is fluctuating a lot. How do I deal with that?

    I only launched 2 expeditions, one into Enbesa and one into New World. I got into 2 wars already just because my damn allies decided they want to go to war and I cannot do anything about it. I took 2 islands off Beryl O'Mara storming her with 8 ship-of-the-lines because she was destroying my charters from New World, now I have 2 new islands but she still hates me and gives me 0 chance for even a ceasefire. Do I just need to keep killing her stuff?

    I know I kinda fucked up in the start by not planning out the city properly for late game, but I'm kinda new and wanted to explore as I go. I guess my biggest issue is trading because I cannot really figure out how to supply everything with a good steady supply that doesn't run out or get attacked by NPCs.

    submitted by /u/Yourself013
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    Anno 1404 - Question about routes

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:34 AM PST

    Hello. I'm new to this series, and started by Anno 1404. I'm having some doubts about managing item stocks (production/commerce), and I have some doubts. Is there any way to pick and sell an item with a trade route only if I have more tan X in my warehouses?

    Example: I'm producing carpets, and I have surplus. So I'm thinking about selling this surplus with a boat who does the round. As I don't want to leave my nomads without carpets, can I mark some option like: sell only if >X?

    I don't mean in my own warehouse, but letting/not my boat grab materials. Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/KiwiRampage
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