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    Anno /r/anno Questions Thread – January 15, 2021

    Anno /r/anno Questions Thread – January 15, 2021

    /r/anno Questions Thread – January 15, 2021

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 05:00 PM PST

    Hi /r/anno, welcome to our Weekly Questions thread!

    This is a place for you to ask questions and seek advice from other players. Additionally, if you'd like to share your knowledge and give tips to your fellow players, go ahead!

    Finally, have a look at the Community Resource Megathread!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The city of Mt. Joy, the first city I finished.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 02:12 AM PST

    Updated Pig farm layout (original by Madaahk)

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 09:46 AM PST

    Is 1800 that good? I'd be buying a new computer just for it...

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 07:53 AM PST

    Hi all,

    Delighted to find this sub - I've spent literal months of gaming time on Anno 1404 and loved it. I slightly fell out with the series after that, as the futuristic settings just did not do it for me.

    Recently started PC gaming again and pick up a £800 gaming laptop last year (I travel a lot often on my own - the gaming keeps me sane, previously had a tower). However, unfortunately I cannot run Anno 1800 on this laptop.

    Is the game really that good? I have seen a lot of hype but this would be an expense. How does it align to the 'spirit' and style of 1404?

    Second question - I have seen a lot of commentary that the History Edition of 1404 isn't worth it, what's the view of those who have actually purchased it?

    Thanks for reading/helping!

    submitted by /u/saggers17
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    Anno 1800 guide, understanding city incidents and how to offset them and have 0% incident chance islands

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 05:09 AM PST

    Check out my latest Anno 1800 guide, understanding city incidents and how to offset them and have 0% incident chance islands https://youtu.be/Xy-hSYpcYpQ

    Catch me live on twitch.tv/itroo

    stay safe out there

    submitted by /u/itroo
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    Season 3 theme park

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 06:40 AM PST

    So from what (we think) we know is that season 3 will not contain any new maps of any kind. So since Anno 1800 likes to give us these modular creativity units, how about we got to build a theme park with rides, carousels and roller coasters? As a late/end game item it could require continuous supplying by having the attractions consume electricity and require goods from the different regions.

    You'd be able to build not just attractions but also restaurants and food stands. Churro stand would require sugarcanes and bread/flour, giving use to these early and mid game goods that become obsolete when the main island only consists of investors. Also provides a challenge, mainly to logistics, to keep everything running.

    The rides would give happiness to the island residents and the restaurants would provide attraction bonuses. Happiness might not be needed, but this leaves the player with the choice of buildimg and maintaining the theme park on the main island for attraction or at a production island for happiness, so the slaves, I mean, the working people, can be assigned more overtime.

    The amount of resources needed and happiness/attraction provided could be determined by the number of visitors to the park, set by either the island population or as in the good old roller-coaster tycoon, the player can set a guest limit to the park manually.

    What do you think about the idea and is there any suggestions to add to it perhaps?

    submitted by /u/_Damale_
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    Beralt, The Core of the Empire!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 09:11 AM PST

    A sports DLC for Anno 1800 .

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 12:13 AM PST

    => A big thank you to NanoFire_Mead : I took the post and improved the idea as well.

    => This era is defended by Pierre de Coubertin who took part in the emergence and development of sport before being the renovator of the Olympic Games .

    => A sports DLC for Anno 1800 , with inter-island tournaments and resulting happiness / tourism effects. With some sports aimed at a high level population and others at low level .

    > All keeping in mind that it is the beginning of the 19th century .

    > Sporting events , such as the world fair , in the stadium building .

    > The more attractive the tour and the more visitors during the competition .

    => The Old World :

    > Farmers > Rugby

    > Workers > Football

    > Craftsmen > Badminton

    > Engineers > Tennis

    > Investors > Golf

    > Scholars > Cricket

    => Without forgetting : Canyoning + Equestrian sports + Gymnastics + Athletics + Cycling + Swimming pool + Luge + Skating + Skiing + Pétanque + Fencing ...

    => The New World :

    > Jornaleros > Boxing

    > Technicians > Baseball

    => The arctic region :

    > Explorers > Hockey

    > Technicians > Curling

    => The Land of Lions:

    > Shepherds > Athletics

    > Seniors > Archery

    => The Land of Asia :

    > Judo + Karate + Taekwondo

    => And a big thank you to Wikipedia ; If you have ideas for placing a certain sport to improve the list , indulge yourself ...

    submitted by /u/Brayus-Maulnus
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    A question regarding Seeds

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 05:39 AM PST

    Do i just put the number of the seed in the "Random Seed" box or is there anything special to it? what if i mess with the settings of the world? does that overwrite the seed? im a bit lost there.

    submitted by /u/Poseidon1x
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    Deleting Ships off World Trade

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 05:18 AM PST

    What happens to ships that are deleted off world trade routes, specifically when they are on the 'open waters' between worlds?

    Do they finish the route and unload? Do they go to the closets region? Etc.

    submitted by /u/Oatmeal15
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    [MOD Question] Adding "Provides Electricity" to an Item

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 04:29 AM PST


    Fist time posting here, I have a question. Lets say I have an item mod that changes productivity for factories and I want to add to that mod to also provide electricity. How would one go about to do that?

    submitted by /u/Beskkov
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    Transferring Items to a New Game

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 05:37 AM PST

    There is a feature that I quite liked in Anno 2070, which is you can load your Ark with Items from your current game then Start a new game while you have these items from the beginning.

    I really would like a similar feature like it in vanilla 1800 without to rely on mods, I think I started more than 10 new games since release and I don't think I'm stopping any time soon and some items would really make it more enjoyable.

    submitted by /u/JubaM24
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    Anno 1800 Temporary Performance fix / memory leak(?)

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 09:51 PM PST

    Video: https://streamable.com/jr9osx

    I stumbled upon this, it might be interesting to people with the well known memory issues where FPS crashes and sound anomalies appears after some time of gameplay.

    Ram usage upon game start is usually ~8gb then rises to 12-14gb within an hour, with booster on, it remains under 10gb and doesn't freak out my game.

    I usually vsync my game to my 100hz monitor. After 30-60 minutes of gameplay I end up having 35-40 fps. After boosting, it's stable at 100fps once again!

    I've been all around the internet searching for this "memory leak" solution but didn't find a thing.

    In the video I restore processes to show the RAM remaining stable, you can just keep it "boosted".

    Video shows new game of campaign but this did ofcourse work very well on my old saves as well!

    Default keybinds for manual boost: ctrl + alt + b (boost) ctrl + alt + r (restore)


    1: Run game

    2: Play till unplayable (30-60 minutes?)

    3: Run Razer Cortex Game Booster MANUALLY (disable auto boost on game start)

    4: ??

    5: Profit

    Video: https://streamable.com/jr9osx

    EDIT: Title says temporary, what I meant was this being a temporary fix until developers release a fix. This fix is working for me and have been keeping my game alive for 3 hours now!

    submitted by /u/Dizzy_Mountain1064
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    Anno 1800, tips for multiplayer

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 11:13 PM PST

    So, me and my friend started playing a few days ago and we have very different playstyles when it comes to anno.

    I tend to play more slowly because i build stuff more organized and at least ok looking cities and the like. I like symmetry and perfect ratios.

    I also know more about the game, i played more than him in total.

    He on the other hand is chaos incarnate. His islands look like hell itself. Sure he cares about ratios to a point but otherwise he just build without any consideration for looks, symmetry or optimizations.

    Its a mess but it seems it works, he never has money issues (he doesnt sell soap for instance, infact he doesnt sell anything).

    Whenever i look at one of his islands my eyes start to bleed tbh.

    That means he advances way quicker than me because he doesnt "waste" time making things prettier.

    He also builds a crap ton of houses for no apparent reason.

    Anyway, i cant keep up with him. I tried many times to catch up but i just cant.

    Last time i tried to just built faster and somewhat ignore optimizations and symmetry but i ended up bleeding a lot of money and was only alive because of my big soap production.

    Any tips? Ways to make more money other than spamming houses or selling soap? (although i think spamming houses is the way to go ... it works for him ... i dont like it tho)

    How does one keep up with someone like him?

    submitted by /u/test01011
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    Games like Anno 1800?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 12:37 AM PST

    I'm looking for other games to try out like Anno 1800 and wonder if this community can recommend some? Ideally, I would like a game a bit more focused on the battle/war, since I don't get enough of that in Anno, but feel free to recommend any similar games (No City Skylines please)

    submitted by /u/shizzmynizz
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