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    Thursday, June 10, 2021

    Anno The capital city palace getting its final touches

    Anno The capital city palace getting its final touches

    The capital city palace getting its final touches

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    This looks quite familiar.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 12:47 AM PDT

    Edvard Goode

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 11:26 AM PDT

    Am I the only one who really does not "get" the redemption of Edvard in the end of the Campaign? No redeeming last "I will face the fleet and buy you time" no last moment of clarity. Just a sad man, who literally did everything he was accused of, and then, after being burned with his city (Where thousands of people most likely died because of his greed) he suddenly is "redeemed"? I know is a city building game and I should not be that picky about the story but a single action here could have done so much. Now it just feels like Hannah just got over their fathers death and his assistance in the murder from one moment to the next, cause his actions had consequences

    submitted by /u/Elgappa
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    1.12m Balance, Money cap, and 24k attractiveness. what next (I own all DLC and have done all of them)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    Siggestion: larger starting islands or allow us to start on Crown Falls

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    Dear devs. The content you have added to the game is wonderful. Never before in an anno game, have you been able to build so much stuff on an island (when you own all DLCs). However, the island you start on in the old world is in no means large enough to accommodate for everything. This leads to me spending 2-3 hours with building just the minimum on my main island, so I can leave and start from scratch in Trelawney - and I guess I'm not the only one. There are two things I'd like you to consider for future versions of the game: Either introduce an option for larger starter islands, or allow us to start on Crown Falls (which would require moving the pirates, Blake and Cahina harbours to Trelawney). Or is there a mod for that? I don't believe that would be too complicated to program and would help people who, like me, like to restart a world every once in a while.

    submitted by /u/JimSteak
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    Zoo and Museum Sets Updated in GU11 NOT in Patch Notes

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 07:29 PM PDT

    HUGE thanks to Banan, Bop Kops, and Fam over on Annoverse for catching this and verifying in-game... several sets were updated in Patch 11 and NOT included in the patch notes. The following have been verified so far. Wiki will be updated soon as well! If more are found, someone will definitely comment!


    FROM: +5% income and +2 Happiness from Residences.

    TO: +10% income and +10 Happiness from Residences.


    FROM: +2 Attractiveness Lumberjacks' Huts, Hunting Cabins, and Quarries.

    TO: +5% Productivity, +5 Attractiveness, and 1 bonus product every 10 cycles for Lumberjacks' Huts, Hunting Cabins, and Quarries.


    FROM: Increases productivity by 5% and 5% reduction in needed workforce for all Fisheries, Crop Farms, Animal Farms, and Hunting Cabins

    TO: Increases productivity by 10% and 5% reduction in needed workforce and 5% reduction in maintenance cost for all Fisheries, Crop Farms, Animal Farms, and Hunting Cabins


    FROM: -50% maintenance, +10% Attractiveness from Zoological Gardens

    TO: -50% maintenance, +20% Attractiveness from Zoological Gardens


    FROM: +2 Happiness (Affects Worker Residence, Artisan Residence, and Obrero Residence).

    TO: +2 Happiness and +2 Attractiveness (Affects Worker Residence, Artisan Residence, and Obrero Residence).


    FROM: +1 Attractiveness from all public services.

    TO: +30 Attractiveness for Trade Unions


    FROM: Fisheries, Pearl Farms and Fish Oil Factories have +5% production, -10% maintenance cost, and require 10% less workforce.

    TO: All Coastal Production Buildings have +10% production, -10% maintenance cost, and require 5% less workforce.


    FROM: +5% Attractiveness from Zoological Gardens

    TO: +10% Attractiveness from Zoological Gardens

    submitted by /u/Takarazuka012
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    I am suppose to farm for influence but ended up beauty building instead. Suddenly realizing that I really needed a lot of influence for my capital city and I am wasting spaces XD. RIP. Will be demolishing this after posting this pic. Supposed Investor's/Engineer's Island (without aesthetics).

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    Arctic weirdly structured

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 05:07 AM PDT

    Since a long time I am returning to the Arctic as I am finally building up Cape Royal and want to power it with gas. So I am expanding my colonies there and also building out the gas plateaus. But doing this it struck me that the Arctic progression is really weird. I need 500 Explorers to unlock the Oil-lamp need and have 3 extra explorers per house. I need 750 Technicians on one of my gas plateaus meaning I actually only need 38 houses. But, with 38 houses I won't get enough Explorers to unlock their last need so I can never upgrade them. So I basically need to build +/- 20 more houses, wait until I can upgrade them and then destroy the extra houses again. It's no disaster, but I think it's just a weirdly structered especially on the gas plateaus where you ONLY need the gas-mines. But also for any other Island you need technicians for. You end up with a large surplus of people, and then you have to destroy again what you built. Anyway, carry on. :)

    submitted by /u/LaurensPP
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    Should i get 2205 or 2070 if i enjoyed 1800 with a friend but want another Anno to play alone

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 06:26 AM PDT

    Hey guys. Recently i got Anno 1800 after a friend of mine told me to do so for a year straight. And as a person who likes city build-management but never played any Anno game before, i really like it.

    The thing is i want to play the game myself every one and then on downtime but i don't want to burn myself out by playing a single and a multi session simultaneously. Since i got 1701 free at some point i decided to give it a go, played through tutorial then some sandbox. It looked decent, i didn't mind its age, but it felt too way too same-y thematically.

    So i looked up other titles and 2205 and 2070 catched my eye, i am huge fan of scifi/future setting. They both are cheap for my currency and i would like to get the complete edition of either before the sales end. Which one would be the best choice ? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Klmor
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    You can drive the buses.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 08:23 PM PDT

    I was in first person mode and ran into the front of the bus straight on and am now driving the bus through my city . Fun stuff! ( you will hear a thump as the bus hits you and then you pop into the driver seat . You can drive it off road as well)

    Run into the back of the bus and you will become a passenger and tour your city.

    submitted by /u/Freygea
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    Addon request

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 03:44 PM PDT


    I would like to humbly ask someone that knows how to make addon's if they would be willing to make one that changes production buildings that require "Forest Density" in anno 1800 to use modules instead of even fields like other agriculture buildings. I've seen some amazing add-on's on nexus hub, some even enabling you to brute force the forest density stat so you can just build lumber jack's huts right next to each other. But I think it would be kind of nice if there was an alternative that let you build production modules or farm fields for them instead so you can fit them in neatly rather than having clumps of unusable space because you need to keep things kind of far from them.

    I would do this myself but my previous attempts to tackle this resulted in epic failure and a realization that I am simply not smart enough to do this myself.

    submitted by /u/forevernoob88
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    Item for fourth Exhibition reward

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    On an old save game I would have sworn I had an item that gave me an additional fourth reward from an exhibition.

    I don't have the savegame anymore, and can not find which item it could have been.

    Does anyone know if I'm just totally wrong or know which item it is?

    submitted by /u/RobGloudemans
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    Brightsands. (WIP)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    Anno 1800 - Organized Multiplayer Campaign

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 01:01 PM PDT


    Lifeisasim here and I am trying to organize a large scale Anno 1800 multiplayer campaign.

    This involves four teams (obviously) and may include a mix of players and AI dependent on how many people / teams we can organize.

    Each of the four teams will be co-op composed with a roster of 3-4 friends / players. If we cannot find enough we will likely include a 3-star AI.

    You must have a minimum of 3 team members and 2 must be online during the session. You can have as many team members as you wish but the idea is to keep a stable and consistent team together for scheduled game days. We are doing coop play as being dependent on one individual is too risky.

    Game Requirements

    - You must have all DLCS.
    - You must have discord and actively participate in voice chat.
    - Team channels will be customized and created as needed.
    - You must commit to pre-scheduled days / times.
    - Too many no-shows and flaky attendance will result in a permanent ban.
    - Schedule will likely revolve around a German Time zone with a slight modification to support North American players.

    Game Rules

    - Crown Falls will be off limits and held by myself (administrator) if we include AI or if all four slots are player based we will leave it abandoned.
    - Old World or Cape Trelawney; one will be designated as a combat "zone" with smaller worlds (Artic, New World and Enbesa shared (equal as possible) resources on all smaller worlds to balance wealth and create a competitive environment. No hoarding on any small-worlds to keep the game competitive and provide long-term sustainability.
    - Due to the coop play; general settings will be on medium-to-difficult including limited resources and island size.

    If you're interested add me to friends on discord LifeisaSim#8455 and hopefully we can get an organized, professional and sustainable multiplayer campaign going.


    submitted by /u/lifeisasimtv
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    Disabling dlcs

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    So, i want do disable 3 dlcs mid game on multiplayer so my friend who hasn't got the dlcs can join, can i do this? maybe in game files?

    submitted by /u/TukanIndus
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    Should I buy a Complete edition of the Anno 1800 or just a basic game?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 06:44 AM PDT

    I found out that there is a sale on Epic Games, and using the Epic Games coupon I can buy the basic version of Anno 1800 for about 6 bucks (I live in Ukraine).

    I should mention that I'm usually trying to buy the Gold/Complete edition of games, with all the DLCs included. And if I get the full version of Anno 1800, then the price of the game turns out to be about 30 bucks, which is 5 times higher than the price for the basic edition, which is a bit expensive for me. However, I am willing to pay that amount of money if the add-ons are really worth their price. Therefore, my question is: is it worth buying Anno 1800 or get by with the basic version? I'd be grateful if someone can help me with this hard choice.

    P.S. I figured that if you buy DLC separately, then their cost will be 33 bucks in my country including discounts (without the main game)

    submitted by /u/jackinets
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    Does anyone know how many tourists we need to achieve Memento Mori ?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 09:41 PM PDT

    I know we need a demand of 30 T and am assuming that would be 4000 tourists. I am probably mathing wrong. Oo

    submitted by /u/Freygea
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    Do different regions have different quality dive spots?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    Just wondering if you would have a better chance to see rarer scavenged items in different regions. Ie say when scavenging the arctic you have an increased chance to see elite, legendary, or rare items.

    I assume certain sets are region dependent.

    submitted by /u/codz007
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