• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 5, 2021

    Anno After 50 hours of work I present to you: Miorenna, jewel of the west

    Anno After 50 hours of work I present to you: Miorenna, jewel of the west

    After 50 hours of work I present to you: Miorenna, jewel of the west

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    Discovering Anno for the first time (2070). I can't wait to play the rest of the series!

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    Ah yes... sacrificing my city's sightlines, and temporarily creating a Kowloon to unlock the Skyline Tower. NIMBY!

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    The update that makes your interface disappear and sets ANNO 1800 back to 11.0 gets downloaded again.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 01:26 AM PDT

    Mod that allows multiple Skyline Towers?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    Hello, is there a mod that allows me to build multiple Skyline Towers per island? They look great and would make for a nice beauty build.

    submitted by /u/fpsdende
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    Anno 1800 Should Have a Crime Element That Exists Outside of Just Riots

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    Don't get me wrong, the riots and protests should be part of the game. Revolution was a huge component of the 19th century, but I think there should be other elements of crime present in the game. For one, organized crime began in the late 19th century. Also, brothels should be something that just naturally pop up once you reach a certain population size, but you should have the option of cracking down on it or not. The drug element needs to be present as well. In the 1800's multiple generations of people were hooked on opium.

    One thing I love about the trade unions is they give you a glimpse into the culture of your city. Using the baker who replaces flour in your bakeries? That means he's adding chalk to wheat meal in order to save money, which also means it's destroying your populace's teeth, a common practice during the age. I like simple stuff like this that lets your imagination run wild. Does anyone else have any ideas?

    submitted by /u/VictorianFlyRink
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    This mod looks very similar to this building.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 05:32 AM PDT

    This mod looks very similar to this building.




    New York World Building built in 1890. The building was originally used by New York World, a newspaper company in Manhattan. It was demolished in 1955 for the Brooklyn Bridge.. In the mod, the original building has been reproduced with great detail and beauty.

    I honestly thought it was an unusual design (a dome on a skyscraper!), but was surprised to find out that it was a real building. It's a really amazing mod. This mod is essential for anyone who wants to build New York.

    submitted by /u/Fragrant-Macaroon816
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    Downloading the free trial now. What should I know about Anno 1800? Will I be happy if I only buy the base game? What's your views on the Season Pass? I want the Good, Bad, and the Ugly about this game/software before I spend money on it.

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 06:33 AM PDT

    Pretty much the title questions. I have a decent amount of experience with the Anno series, my first game being Dawn of Discovery (1404).

    Specifically, how does this game compare to Dawn of Discovery? Because if you ask me, if 1800 is a beefier version of this classic gem, then I'm sold already. DoD1404 is a very fun game.

    I am not a fan of launchers and DRM, but it seems unavoidable. If the game is better than the detriments of the launcher, I can overlook it.

    How do you feel about these 'season passes' ?? Not just 'are they worth it?', but also as a business model.

    Please, any advice and help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Keef-Box420
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    New items from high life

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    Hey, is there a list with all the new items from high life?

    submitted by /u/Specific__Basic
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    what is fertility and how do i fix this? (i have only 7 hours in the game am not an expert)

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 12:25 PM PDT

    Is there a mod to that forces story quests to start or any other way to continue story questlines that stopped due to bugs?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 02:32 AM PDT

    Asking for a friend.

    Said friend entered Enbesa and build the bare minimum there before shifting back his focus to the other regions, and after roughly 10 hours of playtime returned to Enbesa to properly build that region up... only to realise that he never got the quest from Kidusi Anitoni that would unlock the Library for him. While he solved the riddles with the Hibiscus amd the talest building he never got access, and since the Angereb Questline also relies on that place he's basicly only able to sole Waha Desher.

    Since reloading and undoing the padt 10 hours is out of the question I'm curious wether there's a way to to force the quest to start by the means of mods or by editing the savegame data in the editor or smth.

    submitted by /u/the_last_n00b
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    Is the briefcase from the department store useless ?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    Is the briefcase from the department store useless ?

    I mean :


    Leather boots are only consume by scholar... right ? so if the department store don't affect scholar what's the point ?

    Do i miss something ?

    EDIT: I just notice this... but every last recipe, from the 3 news building, affect good only used by scholar....

    submitted by /u/ViewtifulNyco
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    Struggling for New World space

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 01:16 AM PDT

    Before highlife my new world was already fully optimised and full. Now with the additional resources, I've had to cut all rum production to make way for other goods.

    Any tips on how to lessen the pressure on new world??

    submitted by /u/joeyboey2
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    World-Class Refeer Mod

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 12:43 AM PDT

    World-Class Refeer Mod

    I have mod some stats of the World-Class Refeer:Increased cargo capacity up to 600tons (6x100), 3 Item slots and influence cost rebanced

    You can download here

    Need ModLoader (download loader.zip) by xforce and Docklands DLC to work

    Please feel free to share any suggestions!

    Hope you like it!



    submitted by /u/DarthGraaver
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    My friends don't get the update 12 so we cant play multiplayer together

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    My friends don't get the update 12 so we cant play multiplayer together
    tried to verify game files but doesn't change a thing pls help

    submitted by /u/MoMoHell
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    Do you get any exclusive/special items doing the campaign?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:19 PM PDT

    I play sandbox exclusively and I tend to just ignore/cancel the quests that they give me. I decided to do the Trelawney ones and I ended up getting a boat and some cool items to put in the museum. Now I'm regretting canceling the Embessa quest and I'm curious if the main game's quest (+ any others) give out other exclusive things too. Is there a list for something like this? I tried checking the wiki but I couldn't find anything.

    submitted by /u/baconbubblebits
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    Anno influence points

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 05:04 AM PDT

    So I'm low on my influence points, I've sold some low-income shares I have on other islands which works well. However, the ones I have left, I need. The question I'm wondering is...

    Can you seige someone's island, take the shares (let them keep the island) and then sell off those shares and gain influence points continuously through that?

    submitted by /u/TheGhostMT
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    What's up with the GU 12?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 02:34 AM PDT

    I pre-ordered the game (because I trusted them to right their wrongs they made with 2205) and as such have it on Steam, but my buddy has it on Uplay and he's been having problems with the High Life update, as there are multiple 2GB uodates every day, the first downgrading the game to 11.0 (so we can't play MP) and the next upgrading it to 12.0 again

    Is this just him or is this widespread?

    submitted by /u/MindSwipe
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    Is there any way i can play with my friends which have trials version?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 04:27 AM PDT


    i have the full version of the game and want to play with my friends. is there any way to do it or do i have to download trial version aswell.?

    submitted by /u/BAKER_SWAG
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    During one of the version changes all my achievements got unlocked

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 04:21 AM PDT

    Like the title says, I got downgrouded to GU 11 and after FINALLY getting it back to GU12, now all achievements for everything bar High Life are unlocked

    submitted by /u/NekyoArc
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    I have some issues with the propaganda from the newspaper. I used -30 and -20% need consumption reduction. I should also get +15% newspaper effectiveness but instead it only adds the first tier (+7% Newspaper effectiveness). Did I miss something? :( (red symbol only says +100 riot and -10 happiness

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 08:02 AM PDT

    No Incidents Bug? Anno1800

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 07:28 AM PDT

    Playing coop 4 players and we haven't had any incidents yet whilst having everything working at 150% at highest difficulty settings. No mods. Currently at ~1000 artisans. Anyone experienced something similar?

    submitted by /u/Annohoeliker
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    what do you hate about anno 1800

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    1800 is an excellent game ngl, but I guess everybody has some issues with it. Would be glad to hear yours, too.

    • I hate how childish it feels time to time, especially with the NPC design, the UI and the language (the latter is especially noticeable in the Russian version)

    • I hate the lighting sometimes, I'm still sure 1404 somehow feels less cold and more welcoming in that department. It is somewhat linked to performance issues too imho

    • I hate the world generation, it feels too empty for me

    What about you?

    submitted by /u/mihaly-vadorgrafett
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    Play Time Counter

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 05:38 AM PDT

    I have Anno 1800 on Steam. Now, I don't really want to be told how long I have been playing Anno 1800. Steam does already have a Play Time counter built in. But, I would like to know how long I have been playing my particular 'profile' for, since I had the tendency to start a new sandbox game every time a new DLC came out, and Steam only provides the time played counter for the entire game.

    Now, I am assuming this "High Score" page that opens up when you click on your profile picture in-game is a new addition that came with the latest patch. It sets out a lot of nifty details about your current game, including the 'play time'. The issue I have is that the "Play Time" statistic is not working the way it ought to work-it just replicates the "Game Time" statistic that shows when you hover over your profile pic in the left hand top corner at any time. "Play Time", as a concept, in any other game would tell you how long you have been playing that game for (in real time).

    But, in Anno 1800, this play time/game time counter actually speeds up when you click on the 2x / 3x Speed icon (and I assume, slows down when you click on the newly added "Slow down" button), such that the entire objective behind having a 'play time' counter is lost, given that any typical Anno player would I assume, be using the time control buttons numerous times during the course of a game, such that over a period of time, there will be a huge disparity between the 'play time' counter and the actual time you have been playing that particular profile for. By the way, I think the game actually does already track how long a particular save game has been played for, because if you click on the list of saved games from the main menu, you actually get a 'play time' counter below your profile pic, that shows, I suspect, the actual time spent playing under that particular profile (as opposed to the current play time counter that increases/decreases substantially depending on ones usage of the time controls available in-game). So, I suggest that the devs provide a patch such that the in-game 'play time' counter tracks the time played stat in real time.

    While they are at it, maybe they could also add an option to display the system time as well, given that a lot of strategy games like Civ, etc. have an option to display the system time, in game, maybe at the top of the screen.

    submitted by /u/AbbeyRoad007
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