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    Monday, September 6, 2021

    Anno While everyone else has already 50000 skyscrapers and amazing cities!

    Anno While everyone else has already 50000 skyscrapers and amazing cities!

    While everyone else has already 50000 skyscrapers and amazing cities!

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 11:55 PM PDT

    Anno 54

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    What do you think of a Anno set during ancient rome? Building up trade colonies in Mediterranean Sea-esque climates. The 54 was the easiest date I came up with that adds up to 9, so not that important.

    submitted by /u/Arbeit-
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    What is this, a door for ants?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 10:16 PM PDT

    I found the real life version of the engineer, or is it Lady Hunt?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 03:35 AM PDT

    Do you think Anno could work in a Fantasy setting?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 01:59 AM PDT

    At this point we've had most reasonable historic settings plus what I'd consider Sci-Fi. I'd love to see the next Anno try something different and become a fantasy spinoff. You'd still build cities and production chains on islands of course, but there'd be some magical elements to it. Maybe you could have both regular people and mages leveling up side by side but with different needs, sorta like the techs in 2025. So you'd need to provide things like potions and robes, pointy hats, dragon scales. Maybe dragons could be a late game aerial unit. Or a city disaster, or both. I think this setting would bring a lot of fresh air and creative freedom. What do you all think about the idea?

    submitted by /u/Ichfindsganzok
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    New Anno 1800 player question

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    I'm a new player trying to figure things out and fumbled my way into a campaign with the base game. After about 8 hours my economy started going into a tailspin that I couldn't recover from and went bankrupt.

    My question is, as a new player should I be staying with the campaign again or try the sandbox mode for learning? What was your approach? Also, any other resources you recommend for learning how not to fail so catastrophically?

    submitted by /u/Slaitster
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    Crown Falls - Era of Highlife

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 10:18 PM PDT

    Savegame gone after update

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    I bought the game yesterday(Investor Edition), played singleplayer a few hours and today after the small update none of my safegames exist anymore.
    I load my singleplayer safe several times, so it was there at some point.

    It also says i don't own the High Life DLC, which i should because i bought the investor edition which included the season 3 pass.

    Did anyone experience the same ?

    submitted by /u/lonepandaboy
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    What population is needed to demolish ruins?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    I played Anno 1800 a few months ago on a free weekend and just purchased the Gold version last week. I've been playing the campaign this weekend with all DLC on and I can't seems to get to the point where I can demolish the ruins. From what I remember I was demolishing ruins early on when I played the free weekend, but I have 700+ farmers currently and I'm still being told that I need more people. Am I missing another element to be able to demolish the ruins? Is there a set population/achievement that you need to reach?

    submitted by /u/bCasa_D
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    Urban railway trench

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    Starting Anno 1800 sets microphone input to 0

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    Hello, when I start Anno 1800, the input volume from my Logitech G PRO X gets set to 0. Does someone experience something similar?

    submitted by /u/palpatin0
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    All achievements unlocked in 1800

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    All achievements unlocked in 1800

    I just noticed, that all not unlocked achievements were unlocked on the 5th September. Does anyone has this problem too? Can I fix it somehow?

    These achievements for example. I didn't build one hotel in the game 🤷‍♂️


    submitted by /u/Muck92
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    Lost Game

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 07:38 AM PDT


    I cannot seem to find my savegame in game and i can't open it even though the savegame exists in the Anno documents folder and every other savegame i can open. I last playd it today at 5 am but now it doesnt exist in the anno launcher.

    Anybody else experiencing this ?

    submitted by /u/BlitzHooksUseless
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    Anno 1800 - New Expert Game for High Life

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 07:36 AM PDT

    So I started a new game after High Life came out, just because I love starting new games in general. I'm on custom expert settings, low income, low influence, and a new setting of high skyscraper maintenance. I did my normal routine of getting up to investors on starting island, then pumping out tractors on all my new world islands, trade union the new world production, and setting up my farming islands and production island in OW to move everything off starting island.

    Now I'm sitting comfortable with 35mil in bank, and +25k balance. I start doing the high rises without any video spoilers for myself on what to expect. I upgraded maybe 10 units and my income dropped to -3000 balance LOL. I guess they fixed the unlimited money problem?

    Now to figure out how I'm going to play with skyscrapers and keep a healthy balance.

    submitted by /u/Draetor24
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    When you realize your road grid was one tile off

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 07:28 PM PDT

    My Idea for a forth Season Pass IV

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    DLC 1. (Maybe 5$)

    Masters of Military:

    A DLC that improves the military aspect of the game. It adds 3 new warships:

    The heavy warship:

    Hitpoints 8000

    Speed 8.0

    Cargo Slots 4

    Item Slots 4

    Damage per shot 350

    Attack cooldown 8.0 seconds

    Range 90

    80 steel

    30 Steam engines

    40 Heavy guns

    Small destroyer:

    Hitpoints 4000

    Speed 11.0

    Cargo Slots 1

    Item slots 2

    Damage per shot 400

    Attack cooldown 5.0 seconds

    Range 60

    30 Steel

    25 Steam engines

    35 Heavy guns

    Support ship:

    Hitpoints 5000

    Speed 9.0

    Cargo slots 6

    Item slots 3

    Damage per shot 150

    Attack cooldown 10.0 seconds

    Range 95

    Gives nearby ships a 10% range plus a 5% damage boost

    (Cannot be stacked)

    50 steel

    20 steam engines

    15 Heavy guns

    It also adds a small storyline about Singh who has developed the most robust hull ever, in this story you unlock the technology to create and upgrade in the new ship workshop for ship items (The system of the workshop is similar to the shipyard, you need items these are then assembled in the framework of 1h to a Legendary hull).

    DLC 2 | We need to go even deeper! (Maybe 5$)

    A DLC that specializes in mines and open pits to cover all your ore concerns.

    Das DLC fügt speziell neue Tagebauten Hinzu diese sind 300% effektiver als Minen, diese werden jedoch nicht an bergen sondern mitten auf den Land, diese Beanspruchen jedoch 500 Ingeneure und sind auch nicht wirklich günstig zu bauen, 50 Dampfmotoren, 30 Stahlbetong, 200 Bretter, 200 Ziegel. Die Tagebauten können angepasst werden, als erstes können sie bloß Kohle fördern (2000 Ingeneure) Danach Eisen, Zink und Kupfer (3000 Ingeneure), Danach Gold (In der alten welt mit 3000 Invesotren | Auch in der Altenwelt verfügbar) und zu guter letzt Diamanten (5000 Investoren | Auch in der Altenwelt verfügbar)diese sind ein ersatz für Perlen und aus ihnen kann nun in der alten welt Schmuck hergestellt werden und sie können Teuer verkauft werden. Diamanten werden jede Minute gefunden ( 1:00)

    DLC 3 |Canals over Carts (Maybe 15 €)

    I even created a small map for this DLC (unfortunately it didn't turn out well). This DLC is about building the Panama Canal, but here it is called Tropicol Canal, this will take place in a new island world with a new continental island and a new AI trader, Jacob "Jake" Turner this is probably known to you through the NPC vote at the time, he has planned to make a bold move and build the Tropicol Canal to make a tidy profit from it. You will settle on the continental island next to the canal and build it, the canal has 5 phases,

    The first phase, the preparation, for this you must make 100 steam engines, 200 boards and 200 times reinforced concrete, this phase requires no Jornaleros, In the second phase begins the excavation for this we need then already 500 Oberos as manpower and 1000 to unlock the construction, After that we need 1500 Oberos as labor and 1000 Grandes terratenientes (large landowners) these are so to speak the investors of the new world, these have to the normal Obero needs still champagne, pocket watches and a new building for the new world, the trading house to make connections in all world. When the channel is finished you get a permanent income bonus of 10k - 100k depending on the total population of the game state.

    Jakob will also sell:

    Sparkling wine





    Steel beams

    Reinforced concrete


    it is absolutely not mature and should be just a little incentive, also sorry for my bad english.

    I hope you like it anyway!

    I also would love to hear Feetback!

    submitted by /u/NineTrax
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    Diving bell maps give no rewards, anyone else?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    Assiduous as always! - Fitzruthers, Inc.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 06:29 AM PDT

    Skyline Tower Completed! The city still requires some tweaking as I am not happy with the layout. Any tips?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 03:11 PM PDT

    Mod for 2 or more worlds fairs, iron towers , skyline towers and tourist mooring

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    I am a beauty builder and first thing first I hate that the worlds fiar, iron tower, skyline tower, tourist mooring, the place and the docks are not all even blocks or uneven blocks wide so that you can center them. So now if I for example place my skyline tower in the middle of my city the worlds fair doesnt fit the grid and is of center.

    I already have the mod that allows you to build unlimeted palaces and docks. So I was looking for a mod that lets you build more than 1 of the worlds fair, iron tower, skyline tower and tourist moorning. But I couldnt find one, so my question is if there are mods for this, if someone can make one or if I can change a number in the code of ANNO 1800 that allows this.

    submitted by /u/AdhesivenessCalm680
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    Anyone else having Trade Route Bugs?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 08:44 PM PDT

    Anyone else having Trade Route Bugs?

    Hello Annoholics! First Reddit Post here.
    -TLDR; conquered island sometimes bugs trade routes.

    I have a trade route bug and I can't find any information on it anywhere else so I thought I'd post it here. I've played a bunch of Anno and never encountered this bug so I would assume it comes with the High Life update.

    Here's a simple trade route bringing Fried Plantains from one island to another.


    The Cargo Ship comes and picks up at the first destination as intended and just needs to go across the way (top right)


    But floats on over to the middle of nowhere...


    And just waits there.


    This is the second time it happened in this playthrough. It seems to happen after I conquer an island owned by an AI (Beryl O' Mara, if that makes a difference) and try to setup shop and trade. It has occurred here in the New World and in the Old World so far.

    This happens with Charter Routes as well and is a single-player playthrough. I have tried deleting the conquered island trading post in an attempt to "reset" the destination and even resetting the game. Nothing.

    The island is worthless now as I can't export anything out automatically. I've also tried other starting points from other islands the conquered island destination is always the same.

    :D Anyone got an idea on how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/XXMIKESTARR
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    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 04:37 AM PDT

    Hi, I am lazy when it comes to names, but also want to be somewhat immersive, does someone know of the list(can post the list) of the Name pool Anno uses to generate Island names? Some are very good and I like them but some are just bad.

    I like to get inspired by cycling through but the complete list would help me a lot.

    submitted by /u/Pheon0802
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    Quest in the Arctic stuck - Ice-Breaching Brigade

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    I read that the bug gets stuck if you demolish your original trade post on King William Island but I never did that (nor did I move the trade post). I supplied the settlers there with oil lamps and now reached the next settler tier already but I can't get the quest to continue.

    If I put a ship near the quest marker nothing happens, clicking it does not do anything and putting the item on the flag pole doesn't do anything either.

    Is the quest stuck for good now and I can't continue the DLC?

    EDIT: I found a way to fix it:

    What I did was taking out all the lanterns from my storage (already was at 150) and then waited until the settlers had their need for them unfullfilled (also put the lamp crafter on halt). Then I put the lamps back from the ship into the island storage and let the settlers get their need fullfilled, then suddenly I get the reminder that I shall break through the ice-covered passage. Took the brigade there and it worked.

    submitted by /u/xforce11
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    My Savegames are not compatible

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    I just downloaded Anno again after buying the season 2 pass and it started without displaying text. So I klicked through the "Accept DLc" Window and reset my graphic settings. Then I wanted to start but it said my savegames are not compatible, i need botanica and a new passage. I think i have accidently accepted these DLCs without owning them. Now I cant play on this Save. Does anybody have an idea how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Schallfaden_
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