• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 12, 2019

    Anno Anno 1800 won 4 German development awards 👏🏻 🎉 for best game sound, graphics, best game design and best german game 2019 🥇 Congratz for this amazing game we all love!

    Anno Anno 1800 won 4 German development awards ���� �� for best game sound, graphics, best game design and best german game 2019 �� Congratz for this amazing game we all love!

    Anno 1800 won 4 German development awards ���� �� for best game sound, graphics, best game design and best german game 2019 �� Congratz for this amazing game we all love!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 02:34 AM PST

    Australia for a year 2 DLC?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 08:20 PM PST

    After having confirmation for a year two of content for Anno 1800 I like to believe that they have the idea of an Australian session what with all the activity around their in the early 1800s. We'd get some more dry and barren islands which means we could get something similar to the nomads from 1404 where only parts of their islands are fertile enough to grow on bringing back the mechanics surrounding that. The two civilian tiers could easily be convicts and settlers perhaps offering a more unruly people to take note aound who have deadlier riots. As for what would australia even offer to incentivise settling there? Why more mineral deposits, copper, zinc, coal, iron, and gold (panning in rivers even).

    submitted by /u/VenomousHawk86
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    [1800] loss of money, then war

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 09:02 AM PST

    [might contain early game spoilers!]

    due to complexity of anno, it's probably not as black&white as i think. also, 1800 is my second anno title, to 2070.

    i ran the campaign in normal difficulty. first island fine and going well with 1.3mil in the bank and churning though +4-6k income. I then take over/inherit the second island and thats when i start to encounter issues. first up is the loss of practically all my money. A huge effort to stabilize that, which after 10's of hours it's down to lack of product to satisfy population, thus the income isn't as high as it should be. issue was the supply was erratic so sometimes -3k, other times +1.5k.

    so my first run is struggling to get back over 100k. just as i add more population to increase income, supply runs out.

    part of the issue is supplies from the new world. rum, fabric & eventually Caoutchouc. I'm at that game point where i'm trying to satisfy engineer luxury and multi-island oil distribution. i'd be fine if there wasn't a (seemingly) 10-15min wait while ships move between the worlds, but they do and even with a 4slots of rum, can still run dry. i'm not sure if it's the right way to handle it, but i threw 2x 4slot ships and 1x 2slot ships at that trading route to try and handle it.

    before i got anything conclusive with that trading route change (and we're now down to 10k's of funds so struggling to be able to buy ceasefire agreements), I'm now at war with Carl Leonard von Malching (along with the 2 pirates, which are ceasefires). I did notice my reputation was low with Carl before hand so started gifting and taking contracts which helped... until one of my allies started to war and eventually the association with them lead to war with Carl. I've restarted my saved games from 2-3 game hours ago but even with the knowledge of the future, no luck so I've pretty much ragequit the game.

    War with Carl means even my closest supply island (directly west of main island) trading routes is being pummeled by cannons from Carls presence. His military rating is probably 25-33% above mine. Majority of my military ships are in the new world fending off pirates. (which is successful and accepting ceasefires when i can)

    what did i do wrong in the campaign? everything started so smoothly and then it was like going from easy to nightmare difficulty within 5-10's realtime hours. i get there's some juggling to do in the game and enjoy the prioritization the game sometimes needs, but seems like there's a point where the game just says FU and throws multiple big issues your way.

    I've just downloaded patch6 which i see has extended ceasefire periods so that might be part of the equation to solving my issues. i'm lost on what changes are needed in my current saved game so i'm seriously considering starting fresh after 39h play time (probably more like 32h if you exclude loading from old saves)

    submitted by /u/veehexx
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    Free week version vs full game question

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 05:08 AM PST

    So ive been hitting up the free week and the game is amazing but I'm limited to free play and feel a little lost a lot of the time. I've played 1404 and at least that helped a lot.

    Does the full version of the game have more direction in a campaign or scenario and eases you more into the gameplay than just throwing a million things at you at once?

    submitted by /u/Novuake
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    Questions on multiplayer

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 11:54 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    Just got Anno 1800 on a whim an in absolutely loving it. Few quick clarifications on how multiplayer works:

    1. How's does trading work with other player characters? If I have an abundance of a resource and make it open for trade can they other player create a trade route to buy it?

    2. Do they pay a preset price for that resource? Or do I set it?

    3. Given the game length is quite long, can you save and re-load with the same players at a later date?

    submitted by /u/magicalbagel
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    WTF every time I move my camera away my houses get insta-destroyed

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 11:51 AM PST

    New colony with all DLC. Playing on medium difficulty. As soon as I move my camera away my houses all get instantly destroyed. Thus, I run out of wood and my game is over. What could be going on?!

    submitted by /u/japinard
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    Did ships became louder?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 11:18 AM PST

    I started new game, and noticed my flagship is now making a lot of noise, compared to before. It sounds like a freaking freight train now. Kind of distracting, considering its sailboat mostly. Not sure if this is by design or not?

    submitted by /u/NappingYG
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    Co-op map generation codes for Anno 1800

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 11:00 AM PST

    Was planning to do a co-op game this weekend with a friend vs AI. Can anyone recommend any map codes when setting up the game? I saw that 9999 and 2656 are supposed to be popular for Islands. Wondered if anyone had any others codes that also might be worth trying out.

    submitted by /u/HigherFunctioning
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    If I buy on EGS, will it still need uPlay to launch?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:55 AM PST

    Since the game is discounted on both platforms, I wonder if EGS will play the game directly or if it will still launch it through uPlay...

    In that case I'm gonna buy it from uPlay...

    submitted by /u/maxolina
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    Expansion vs Development vs Conquest

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:53 AM PST

    I'm a longtime anno player, and there's something I've never really been able to balance in any game that I'm hoping I can finally conquer in 1800.

    My usual strategy is to try and grab three islands very early in the game (one big one for the main city, then two for resources and production). In the short-run, that works pretty well and I can get my society started. But then I seem to fall behind in the expansion game as I focus on production and leveling up, having to go back and forth between the islands to try and build up workforce and production for my growing population. Usually, I can get to Artisans pretty easily this way, but in that time the AI has usually claimed the rest of the map.

    It's far worse on the new maps. It feels like the AI is always snatching up the New World and even Trelawney (and now popping up in the arctic) before I can get my main base settled and outfitted. It puts a real strain on some of the late-game resources and production since I have little to no room left to expand, and that also puts me in a weak position to try and acquire land later via conquest or buyouts.

    So is it better to set up some kind of late-game money/war machine that I can use to conquer? Or should I prepare colonization fleets before unlocking the new maps and just planting my flag as quickly as possible?

    submitted by /u/Valerie_Monroe
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    Is my anno 1800 Broken. Entered new world after update 6 and now the clouds won't disappear. Started game with reveal map.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:44 AM PST

    Question for people who own Anno 1800 on Steam.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:36 AM PST

    Can your game turn on with the modloader installed? Currently everyone who has it on Uplay seems to be having no problems but I nor anyone I know with Steam can get it to turn on.

    submitted by /u/SardaHD
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    Looking for coop game

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 05:05 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    As the title says, I'm looking for some cool dudes to start a coop game in Anno 1800 as my friends prefer some other kind of games (they are too silly for this complex game lol). I'm EU based just to let you know and by far I'm not the best player in this game but well, we can all learn :D

    Just send me a PM or feel free to answer here so we can arrange a game if interested. I would rather stay in a PVE environment and run it for as long as the computer can be kept alive.

    submitted by /u/Dutury
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    New to Anno and enjoying 1800 demo, could I switch to 1404 or should I stick to 1800?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 08:31 PM PST

    Basically wondering if the extra $30 is worth it or if 1404 is still plenty good. Older strategy games tend to be more complex and obtuse, does this hold true for Anno?

    Also maybe another from the series? I prefer a historical aesthetic but I could be convinced towards their other games if they are that much better.

    PS thank you for letting me barge into your community, mods please smack me around if this is against the rules or redundant.

    submitted by /u/HealthyAmphibian
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    This guy looks familiar

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 08:20 AM PST

    This Game Gets Really Hard on Hard

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 04:34 AM PST

    Anno 2205 was so dully easy that I really set the difficulty up on 1800 and man does it get hard. The islands are tiny, I can barely balance the economy, the pirates are running wild, and the only island with sugar was about the size of my thumb. Any players who are good at this game have some advice?

    submitted by /u/iamdanthemanstan
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    arctic cave - who lives there?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 07:43 AM PST

    New Old Nate's items are very powerful

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 11:42 PM PST

    30% reduction in coffee consumption. Iron ore from every mine. Copper and zinc from gas refineries. Gold from farms. I guess, I will spend another 100 hours building new metropolises.

    submitted by /u/VolusRus
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    Comeback to the series, need some advice.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 05:47 AM PST

    Hi there, I was a very passionate Anno player some years ago (played a lot of Anno 1404 and 1701). Today I remembered how much fun this games were to play and decided to buy a Anno game again. So I'm undecided which Anno I should get. I read some pretty good reviews about the 1800, so I guess this is the one to go for ? Do you recommend to get the standart edition or the gold edition ? Is the season pass worth it ? Thank you a lot !

    submitted by /u/Captain_Obvi0us_
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    Fear of bugs

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:31 AM PST

    Hi, since the new update i wasn't able to play Anno because i'm not in my home until this weekend (a perfect time to try the demo with my bf), and remembering the experience of another updates, i fear the game can be a little broken again with all the new content they added. Does anyone since the update have find a bug that needs to be considered while playing?

    submitted by /u/magdakun
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    Is there a comprehensive guide to the new stats pages somewhere? I’ve only looked at it for a minute.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 10:54 PM PST

    It's super neat to finally have it. I'm just unsure about how to read it. I suggest a sticky.

    submitted by /u/nonsequiturnonsense
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    Anno 1800 - Early campaign, lost my ship while exploring...can no longer progress quest line?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 07:08 PM PST

    Does the game really paint you into a corner if you lose your starting ship under certain circumstances? I can't progress the quest line that allows me to build a shipyard, and the explored area of the map is small and there appear to be no ships for sale. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/paperthick
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