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    Wednesday, December 18, 2019

    Anno Classic and always funny Anno1404 bug

    Anno Classic and always funny Anno1404 bug

    Classic and always funny Anno1404 bug

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:48 AM PST

    Games like Anno 1800

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:01 AM PST

    Is there any games like Anno but with more combat and army based? But you still build your empire I'd appreciate any help.

    submitted by /u/sharky-mb
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    Questions about difficulty and settings.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:23 AM PST

    I been playing this game on/off since release. Decided to come back to it again with the new DLC.

    However the same thing as always happens. I burn out when i reach artisians.
    First of all there is so many things needed in order to keep them happy. And at the same time you have other islands, the new world, and that new place where the queen runs of to. I simply get overwhelmed. Especially because i feel like i have to use almost all my time reacting to "You ship is under attack" because of those damn pirates.

    So again i'm in the situation i have been in so many times. I just want to start over. I'm not burnt out regarding the game, so i wanna play. But i just know if i start over i will burn out again when i reach this stage.

    So my questions is. What difficulty/settings do you guys play on?
    So far i have just picked normal, because i do want some kind of challenge.

    - Do you play with pirates? If yes, how do you deal with them regarding trade routes and not having to fight all the time?
    - What about the AI? How many what difficulty? They are kinda easy to deal with if you keep diplomacy with them up, so not the biggest issue, beside medium AI expanding fast.
    - How do you usually play mid-game? (open question)

    Appreciate all the help i can get.

    submitted by /u/Demi_Lovato_93
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    Questions on adv. trade route mechanics.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:10 AM PST

    Hello folks;

    Planning to start a new game over the holidays with the next DLC and kind of taking it easy, no hard AIs or anything but just experimenting with new efficient ways of making a mega-empire. I had a few questions about trade route mechanics I thought I would ask here, appreciate anyone weighing in on their experience with the game:

    1.) Do charter trade routes 'expire'? E.g., I am able to select to move 80 timber from my main city to a new settlement. After it moves 80 timber, will the charter route disappear? (This is what I want to happen). Alternatively, if I select to move 20 rum from the NW to the OW, will it disappear after moving 20 rum (Not what I want to happen), or will it keep looping bringing 20 rum every trip?

    2.) Is there a way to re-use ship inventory slots on trade routes? E.g., Let us say I have a trade route with three stops: Old World city, New World Isabella's NPC port, and New World Rum/Cotton colony. I want to use a schooner to bring rum and cotton to the OW, but on the 'out-bound' journey I want to load the empty ship with 100T cannons from my OW city to drop off at Isabella's NPC port, then transit empty in the same map to pickup NW goods to bring back. In the trade interface, each inventory slot seems locked to a specific good type, so if I want to do this I feel like I have to use at minimum a frigate (three inventory slots). Am I missing something about creating 'always full' trade routes?

    3.) What's your opinion on the most efficient way to manage building materials across islands? Usually, I have just set the "buy + sell to balance inventory" option on islands for boards, bricks, and steel to something like 120 or 200t of materials, e.g. When I need to do a large expansion, I'll manually load a ship with construction materials and micro-manage the shipment. Another option I'm trying to play with for the sake of automation is the charter shipment (see first question) or a 'supply route loop' with a ship that has an inventory slot for each material and then unloads 10t at each port, but I feel this is not 'time-effective' if the cost for boards and bricks are so low that the NPC traders can just sell them faster than a supply route ship. I'm just always tired of sending a freighter with an additional 200t boards and bricks every time I want to build 40 new or upgraded houses and double my steel production town!

    submitted by /u/srm_typhoone
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    How to resolve the lack of influence point issue ?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:30 AM PST

    Hi everyone, appearancely i ran out of influence point. Here is my situation: - i have total of around 12 battle cruisers, 8 cargo ship, couple of sail 4 slot ship, couple of monitor and 3 oil tankers. - i can get rid of at most 2 trade unions but will need at least 6 more (2 of each union, hall, harbor office) elsewhere. - i do have an investor island (happen to be the visitor island as well)

    So now i need around 110 point for that vast land in the Cape and 35 or so to take over the island to secure the trade round there. Do you think 12 cruisers are enough ?

    I also want to expand the museum and the zoo. Is it better to left these on the investor island or to move it to a complete empty one ?

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/nkle
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    Unresponsive game when modded

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:49 AM PST

    Apologies if this is not the right place but i keep hearing "modding discord" and "modding forums" but nobody mentions how to join them

    I am trying to mod my game a little, not much, just some tweaks from spice it up 2.6.1 and modular production boost (i first tried without mod production boost and it was the same), and now my game feels unresponsive, ie when i place buildings they might take a second before being built, the icons that say something is missing (workforce or needs) do not rotate anymore, or very slowly, selecting and deselecting buildings take a second too, etc. i have a fairly good pc, i lowered settings, nothing changes, my fps counter is still at a comfortable stable rate. and also if i tab out i just can't come back in and i have to close the game.

    edit: and yes, i have already removed AI shipyard and such

    submitted by /u/veachh
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    An interesting note about supply runs with airships

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 05:18 PM PST

    Just thought I'd share a note about using airships to run supplies in the Arctic. Don't run the bare minimum, because when the wind changes, you may find your coal heaters running out fuel! and when this happens, not only does your gas supply stop, but arctic flu sets in very quickly.

    What can lead to this is the trap of thinking 'well I might have a headwind there but I'll have a tailwind back so that should make it the same total time anyway'. It doesn't.

    The penalty from a headwind is always far higher than the 'reward' you'd get from the tailwind.

    As an example, lets say you had 2 islands 100 miles apart. To make it easy we'll say the airships move at an airspeed of 100mph. So in nil wind, at a 100mph groundspeed, it would take 1 hours to get there, and 1 hour to get back. 2 hours total.

    Now add a 50mph headwind. At an airspeed of 100mph with a -50mph headwind, your groundspeed is now 50mph. So it will now take you 2 hours to get there. +50mph tailwind for the return journey, and with your 150mph groundspeed you will make the return trip in 40 minutes. Total trip time is now 2 hours 40 minutes.

    Bare this in mind when setting up supplies to your gas mining colonies. I have 3 separate colonies running at need 2 airships full of coal to keep up with demand, especially if the wind blows in the wrong direction.

    Just a little tip I thought I would share.

    submitted by /u/cjnewson88
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    How much time it usually take for a cargo ship to ship full 6 slotted 50 tons each of goods from the new world to the old ?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:12 AM PST

    I kinda want to stabilize the rum and coffee between 2 worlds so please help me out. Also is there any more independent way to supply these goods for the investor island ? They keep running out. At good time there are only 200-ish tons of rum and 50 tons of coffee on the main island for me.

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/nkle
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    Add temporary sessions similar to anno 2070 global events

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 01:11 PM PST

    I loved the global events and scenarios in 2070, they gave you a different goal to work towards with different restrictions. The downside in my opinion was to start from scratch each time and redoing the boring bits like building up material. 1800 can get pretty stale late game, and since we now have different sessions, why not make new sessions which are temporary but have different goals to achieve? Eg take control of a sector, or wipe all pirates off the map. As a reward you could be guaranteed a legendary specialist. It would also allow you to interact with new NPCs.

    To make it more interesting they could require sending a ship to the new session require an expedition every time which would make it hard to send goods over as well as taking a while to get there meaning you'd be more reliant on producing what you need locally. Alternatively just make the travel time very long. It means you wouldnt be able to send a lot of goods over unless you make a bunch of new ships.

    submitted by /u/BillieBibblesock
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    Visitor guide - one island or many island

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 08:31 PM PST


    I know about the attractiveness trick for variety theatre and schools but should I go with one island or many island for farming specialist seeing that special visitors only visit the most attractive island?

    Whats your system for farming legendary specialists? Any updates?

    submitted by /u/XinHoMTG
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    Co-Op Anno 1800

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 06:10 PM PST

    Anyone know how to access this new co-op multiplayer mode on Anno 1800? It just released today. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Tankilicious
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    Warehouse range bug?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 02:54 PM PST

    I tried to set up a potato farm Lay-out with a trade union and Alexander Hancock in it.

    He boosts productivity by 80% but every time I put him in the trade union the whole farm-cluster collapse.

    The farms stop working because their range to deliver to a warehouse gets so stupidly short that they can't bring back their potatoes anymore. it's senseless to use him because I need a warehouse directly next to every farm if I put Hancock in the trade union.

    The warehouses are still within the „green" range on the roads of my farms but the farms won't work unless i put a warehouse directly next to them.

    Is it intended that higher productivity shortens the range of farms? Is it just Hancock related? Is it a bug? Any workarounds?

    submitted by /u/YaYaOnTour
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    Do i really need to host 250 technician to harvest gas mine on the iceberg in the arctic? [ANNO 1800]

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 02:19 PM PST

    How the hell you reach 250 techs on a damn iceberg with no resources? You really have to use the airship for ANY resource? or is there a catch to make a gas mine work on the iceberg?

    submitted by /u/alexdark1123
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    Help needed with Old Nate's quests

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 12:59 PM PST

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