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    Anno /r/anno Questions Thread – April 24, 2020

    Anno /r/anno Questions Thread – April 24, 2020

    /r/anno Questions Thread – April 24, 2020

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Hi /r/anno, welcome to our Weekly Questions thread!

    This is a place for you to ask questions and seek advice from other players. Additionally, if you'd like to share your knowledge and give tips to your fellow players, go ahead!

    Finally, have a look at the Community Resource Megathread!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I'm scared

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    My current project - non-blocky, non-symmetrical city

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    My current project - non-blocky, non-symmetrical city

    Over the last few days I've been trying to build a beautiful island with some "new" design rules:

    • all old world population tiers present
    • local production of goods - buy local ;-)
    • no repeating building blocks
    • no symmetrical city layout
    • naturally grown look
    • has a world exhibition surrounded by a nice, big park

    OK - these rules aren't really new, but they forced me to abandon my old city-building-habits and to be more creative. Nevertheless I coulnd't go without a main road leading up the the great exhibition :-)

    Do you like it?


    main road

    some comfy residential areas - don't mind the oil plants :-D

    view from the plaza in front of the gread exhibition

    scientific elephants

    the globe gardens

    submitted by /u/kaylnaris
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    This bug is really annoying and I would hope if the Anno devs could fix it in the next patch

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    Are these specialists not literally exactly the same? Aside from price/expedition bonus?>

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    Add this to the next update or DLC please!!!

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    1-Please add a feature where shift+press "deploy" police/firemen/doctors would work for all fire stations, police stations, and hospitals in the island. Its always a hassle to click on each one...

    2-Please add a section where you can review quests lines that you've finished for the save game. I'm 200+ hours in and I haven't gotten the archibald/hugo quest line since the first time it popped up and was bugged (the quest line had nothing written on it and just finished as the timer went off). At least I would know if it bugged on me or not. Better yet, have a fix for this so I can do the quest line!

    3-Please allow us to build ghost modules for the palace even though we have not reached the required level yet. This would help a lot in planning, especially with the range. Would also like to be able to add the white brick aesthetically pleasing tiles that act as roads. The regular road connecting to the palace is ugly.

    Anybody else has other ideas that are small but sweet? (Well I think these are small changes..not really sure if they are)

    submitted by /u/justinsy
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    [ANNO 1800] What are your favorite powerful Trade Union items?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    These are a few of my favorite items that I would consider "game changing" and spend rediculous amounts of money re-rolling Eli Bleakworth to find:

    Item Affects Effect
    Chef Michel Cannery Instead of Goulash, the building processes Pigs. (No more Old World Cattle Farms or Red Pepper Farms - and no Artisanal Kitchens!)
    Gerhard Fuchs, of the Patent Eyeglass Spectacle Factory Instead of Brass, the building processes Wood.
    Master Craftsman Franke Fur Dealer Instead of Furs and Cotton fabric, the building processes Iron and Wool. (That means no Hunting Cabins and no need to import cotton!)

    What are your favorite, "must have" items?

    submitted by /u/Lord_Talon
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    Need help scaling quickly to Engineers

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    I have been testing different methods over the past week to scale my economy to engineers as fast as possible. Currently, I am getting workers at 20 minutes and getting artisans at 45-50 mins.

    After that, I slow down significantly. Mainly due to all the harder to get items. I don't typically do quests in the first hour nor explore the map. Money is usually tight, which is why I don't want to risk getting into a fight with pirates and losing my flagship.

    The parts that slow me down are the windows supply chain. Materials for the buildings and then waiting for the windows to be produced. That whole thing takes an hour. Getting stuff for Canned food and getting those buildings up usually happens twenty minutes after the windows have been made. Getting a ship so I can explore the New world puts me around hour three.

    Electricity happens in the fourth hour... Usually, by hour five, I have engineers. It's insane how long it takes after getting the first Artisan to my first engineer.

    Has anyone conceived of a faster way to get engineers before the fourth hour?

    submitted by /u/Maffs
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    Do Huaca/VIP completely replace the specialist pool?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    For Elise I know that her pool only has a ~35% chance to trigger, is it the same for huaca and the VIP pool or are these a complete replacement for the normal pool?

    submitted by /u/TheRickinger
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    How many people can control one player in 1404 co op?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Pretty much what the title says, is it limited to 2 people or can it do 3 or 4?

    submitted by /u/JackiekAn
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    Wishes for Season 3 DLCs in Anno 1800

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    I really love Anno 1800. And with the season 2 declared... I am already looking forward to some great expansions. However I would love a Season 3 too. Here are my wishes as to what those DLCs can be.

    P.S. I will keep updating this as I get more concepts in my head. Also let me hear your views.


    DLC 1 - The Plague

    Well this one is inspired by the present Medical Crisis that is going on as well as the fact that Modern Medicine was boosted during the 1800s.

    Storyline: "The Queen is sick. She is struck by a Mysterious Plague, as is her entire Nation. Doctors are at a loss. However two shady characters have offered help to revive the queen - An outcast Doctor whose Medical Opinions is deemed bizarre by his peers and A self proclaimed Witch who promises both revival and power to the empire. Both requires your help to undertake expedition to uncharted lands in order to help the Queen. Choose your path and face the journey."

    New City Attribute (kinda like "Attractiveness") - Prestige

    New Buildings:

    > College - For Doctor's Side Path

    > The Arcane Lodge (kinda like Secret Society/PseudoScience/Occult Lodges that grew during the 1800s) - For Witch's side Path

    Both Buildings are like Museum or Botanical Garden or Zoo. Except they houses in case of Doctor's Path or College building - Important Educated Figures... like Doctors, Herbalists etc. And in case of Witch's side Path or the Arcane Lodge building - Important Occult Figures... like Witches, Shamans, Voodoo Priests, etc. Both Building helps to increase Prestige of the City.

    Upgrade to both building types (Alternative to Music Pavilion) - Library - Which Houses Texts/Books that would boost Prestige for various Sets. For example you have a specific set of important figures that is for example part of the set Psychology and the Library has a Text or Book that boosts up the prestige that comes along with that text.

    submitted by /u/The_Shadow_Spectre
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    Help - Seat of Power

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    Hello, I have a problem. I recently started a game, all 4 DLC's and quite a few mods. Everything is also going well, but if I reach the investor level, I won't be able to build a palace. I was a bit annoyed because I was actually quite happy with the score, went to the main menu and only saw the icons of the other three DLC's - not the one of Seat of Power. I thought maybe I accidentally forgot to activate the DLC, so I started a new game and deliberately made sure to really activate all 4 DLC's - the exact same problem. Another game, this time with the sandbox mod, so I can immediately see if something is missing; and yes, it does. Can you spontaneously think of any reason why this is so? Maybe a bug? A mod? ( I play without Archibald's Castle Mod)

    submitted by /u/robinotwilliams
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    How should I plan my Islands' productions?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    I'm currently in a very easy chill game with no enemies. Yes, it's gonna be a bit boring but I just wanna city build.

    Since I'm alone in the game it made me think, how should I plan my Islands' production chains? I was thinking of having 1-4 Main Islands (if I can possibly manage to do 3-4) with no productions on it just plain city buildings and all other decorations. While supporting them with the rest of the other islands in the game as productions only. Like 1 Island = 1-2 Material and/or Consumable productions.

    Is that viable and efficient thing to do? Or should I do something else, a different plan? Or is that how it is supposed to be?

    submitted by /u/KapitanXI
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    [Anno1800] Anyone know how "François Strindberg, Crown Jeweller" works for reducing the need for pearls?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    The Anno 1800 wiki and the in-game text both state that François Strindberg provides "Needed: Pearls -1%" for Jeweler buildings in his Trade Union's area of influence.

    But I'm not really sure what that means in the context of how Anno 1800's production buildings work. The best that I've come up with is that he produces 1 pearl for every 100 Jewelry produced.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Lord_Talon
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    What's your best economy rating number?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2020 02:06 AM PDT

    About A.I.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    So I'm saying the easy campaign and I finally beat O'Mara but she forced the other two AI into the one small island each in the new world. I conquered all the territory she had which was like 70% of the map. If I start selling island or destroying harbors will they ask eventually to resettle?

    submitted by /u/VantuMort
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    One Thing Couldn't Figure Out: Fast City Selection in Anno 1800

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:09 PM PDT


    Between my cities, i can't select them in a fast way. I try to click on the city's location in minimap and it's annoying as hell.

    Anyone can help me for an easy way to center between different cities?

    submitted by /u/the-adolescent
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