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    Monday, June 22, 2020

    Anno One of the first cities I had ever built last year in the game. I love Crown Falls, but something nice and relaxing about these smaller scale cities.

    Anno One of the first cities I had ever built last year in the game. I love Crown Falls, but something nice and relaxing about these smaller scale cities.

    One of the first cities I had ever built last year in the game. I love Crown Falls, but something nice and relaxing about these smaller scale cities.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    I have found it. The perfect map - including Anno-Island! Exceeept...I can't find the seed.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    With silos should I trust processing time or the production statistics?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    With silos should I trust processing time or the production statistics?

    I've recently been playing around with the silos for sheeps and pigs. I've been planning to experiment with some different layouts and to do this needed to know the correct ratios required.

    From looking in the production statistics however it appears that the silo increase production by more than 100%. For example:

    • Three regular sheep farms gave a production of 6 (makes sense as they take 30s each).
    • Three sheep farms with silos gave a production of 16 which is more than twice that of the regular farms, in fact it corresponded with a +166% increase.

    I then played around with pigs to try to work out if it was the same there and it did indeed appear to be the case:

    • With three regular pig farms it gave a production of 3.
    • With three pig farms with a silo it gave a production of 8.

    Sooo... it appears that silos actually give your farms a production boost of +166% instead of +100%.

    However... from looking at the output on the farm it states that the processing time is 00:30 so the farm isn't producing at +166% but at +100%.

    Processing time shows +100% not +166%

    I'm not sure whether I should trust the processing time here or the production statistics. Or maybe they are both correct and the silo generates livestock itself somehow?

    submitted by /u/Malrig
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    Question: Great Warehouse Monuments in 1800?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    Does anyone else miss these? They were great and a good use of land / resources late game. These would be great both in Harbour form and perhaps a land form. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Frankie386
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    Anno 1800 - Seeds have changed?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Has anyone noticed that seeds have changed recently?
    I often play the 4470 seed when I'm not wanting a challenge and it's stopped placing me in the usual spawn slot. For some reason it's just intentionally placing me in different spots now as if the way the seed works out where the player should be spawned has changed. Anyone else getting this?

    submitted by /u/Traslogan
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    Have the devs ever mentioned why they got rid of the module system from 2205? I kind of like it.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:12 AM PDT


    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:45 PM PDT


    Anyone else also kinda lose motivation to keep on going after finishing up their main island and getting investors?

    I'd rather start a new game then build up crowns falls or another island.


    submitted by /u/poopchees12345
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    What if building took time? thought exercise for fun

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    I know anno is designed to work with instantaneous build and that is likely to compensate for the fact that resources may have to be processed further and, especially, they may have to be physically transported to other islands for use. Also, most player (if not all) probably fell in love with the move feature that lets you move a whole world fair to the other side of the island, which goes completely against my ideia of a more realistic simulation, please don't feel attacked.

    But for the sake of immersion (I love the Anno 1800 setting and graphics, part of my enjoyment of it is due tosimple immersion) and a more challenging experience, what if...

    Farmer houses, fisheries, markets, sheep farms and so on, all take bit of time to be finallized. Im thinking more like a farmer house (2 timber) is built in 4 seconds. If you think that this is practically nothing and might as well not be the case, well...time required to build would increased acording to construction material required.

    So a warehouse takes about 20 seconds to be built (10 timber) and then when bricks are used, the time is even longer, like 1 wood is 2 seconds and 1 brick is 4 seconds each (values are obviously subjetct to testing and balancing).

    maybe the buildings that take a long time like a church, which is 25 timber and 25 brick, that is built in 2 minutes and 30 seconds could have 2 phases, the first of which, once reached would make it effectively workign already, but at half capacity.

    to compensate this we should be able to blueprint stuff that's not yet unlocked, maybe even from all tiers. Also, a house would fill up much faster with residents according to the needs met.

    Roads and ornaments should maybe remaisn being built instantly.

    what do you think?

    submitted by /u/fhackner3
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    When you get to the The Arctic and realize that heat travels through roads...

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:54 AM PDT

    Does anyone else get the Anno 1800 "everything turns black" bug

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    About once every hour or two of gameplay time, the shading of the game will turn all black/grey. I don't know what causes it, but I've only had it happen in last few days/weeks.

    Does anyone else get this? The game just all of the sudden turns very dark, with no color, and it's impossible to play(have to restart game/computer to fix it).

    Wondering if it's a known issue? Or if there are any workarounds.

    submitted by /u/Quat_the_duck
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    Coffee Glitch?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    Not sure if this is a known glitch or if my game is bugged out. I have two New World islands sharing coffee. One has coffee fertility and sends its extra to the other. The island producing the coffee keeps the rest for itself, and none is sent to the old world. The island producing the coffee needed more as my population increased but it never increased the demand in the statistics screen, so I never added more fields. On the other island, they don't seem to be consuming the coffee at all! Despite a fairly high obrero population. Here's a link to screenshots of the statistics screen.


    Anyone ever seen something like this before? It doesn't seem to be affecting any of the other resources on any of my islands. Just coffee on these two islands. There's no festivals or anything else going on to impact this.

    submitted by /u/InsertRandomPun
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    Farming pirates?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    I am about 100.000 people into the game and have mostly tried to be peaceful with pirates. Now i am in the phase where money matters little and items matter a lot, so is it worth it to start hunting pirates at this point? Anne barely has 5 ships sailing at any point, so this is mainly about Jean, who has 23. I would have to build a huge fleet to protect all my New World trade ships, is it worth it?

    submitted by /u/NormanSeeDis
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