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    Thursday, June 18, 2020

    Anno The port palace at night!

    Anno The port palace at night!

    The port palace at night!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    Upgradeable markets

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    [1800] Movement speed vs loading speed (I've done few testings)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    I've done few testings:

    1. An airship that delivers gas and some other goods from Arctic to the Old World and Cape Trelawney. Fully loaded. Old World and Cape Trelawney have some buffs to the loading speed at their harbours, Arcitc, obviously, doesn't. With a 15% movement boost this aircraft's full cycle takes 17-18 minutes. So I switched to loading speed bonus -- aircraft slowed down but started loading faster -- and the next full cycle took 18 minutes. So, nothing changed.
    2. A cargo ship that delivers goods between Arctic and the Old World. It has four stops, and only one of them has a buffed harbour. Fully loaded. A cycle takes exactly 20 minutes. I switched from a 15% movement speed bonus to a 75% loading speed bonus, and the next full cycle took 20 minutes. So, nothing changed again.
    3. A fully loaded cargo ship on a domestic trading route that takes 5 minutes with a 40% movement speed bonus. The route has four stops, one of four harbors is well buffed. The next cycle after I switched from 40% movement speed to 100% loading speed took... same 5 minutes.

    Conclusion: just don't bother, it's all same. Buff whatever you have items for.

    submitted by /u/EgorKlenov
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    Ships don't really interest me

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    My First City Festival in Anno 1800 never knew this was a thing =)

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    Anno 2070 UI at 4K

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    I can't find any recent discussions about Anno 2070's UI issues at 4K. Has anybody figured out how to make the UI larger at higher resolutions? Part of me hoped they'd patch something in with the previous games being brought up to date. Perhaps we need a 2070 remaster too!

    submitted by /u/EdPeter
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    Two Campaign Questions

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    1.) Can you buy potato/grain fertility seeds like you could in Anno 1404? Can you buy any fertility seed? If so how and where.

    2.) What is the strategy with buying shares in islands. If I have 100k free should I buy some shares? How do I decide which people/islands to buy shares in?

    3.) Where do you make plantains and rum? I'm confused... can you only make them on certain maps(not the starting one)? Where are the natural fertilites? Can I buy rum/plantain fertility and use it on my main map/island?

    submitted by /u/getaroundbans4
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    New Seed Thread

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    Post your new current seeds here and help other players find optimal islands.
    'Rules' :

    *Map Type
    *Screenshot is always welcome

    submitted by /u/braeive
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    Anarchist DLC

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    I have it, but it seems I failed to add it in my sandbox ... Am I right if I say that to enable it, you need to specifically click on the tiny DLC icon 'The Anarchist' and then parameter your sandbox game from there?

    Then I have missed it for my first expert sandbox game! I don't even know what's there for me in this DLC. Will it make the game harder or just different?

    submitted by /u/PocusFR
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    Whats your ship speed?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    Got my Great Eastern up to 22 knots and my airship up to 52.4 max speed. What are your ships running? or do you prefer loading speed modules?

    submitted by /u/Forgotten___Fox
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    Can you buy fur coats in Anno 1800 Campaign?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    I got a quest from an AI competitor to deliver 18t of fur coats. I can't make fur coats. I don't have anything required and won't be able to get it running in time. Is there anywhere I can buy 18t of fur coats, to avoid going to war, and making me lose the game(my relationship with AI is right on the brink).

    submitted by /u/getaroundbans4
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    Herro Doctar? Imb Seick!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    [1800]No one's selling flagships

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    My first and only flagship was destroyed around 300 hours ago, and so far I couldn't find another one on sale anywhere in the game. Am I doing something wrong? There's a trigger to make it appear in someone's harbor mb?


    submitted by /u/EgorKlenov
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    WeMod fails to install and other problems

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    I left a message on the WeMod forum, but I learn much from here, so let me share my tale of woe and hope for some help.

    Can't get WeMod to download. It has been a bad day. After Anno 1800 updated, I couldn't load my recently saved game. I read different sites and then ran verified files (perhaps my big mistake). I suspect this altered the .dll file and thus messed up WeMod. I re-downloaded MOD LOADER and replaced the .dll files. So I was ready to go. Then WeMod failed to launch Anno. After reading around, I uninstalled WeMod and then re-downloaded it...which fails to download - the crash report below.

    Any ideas? Any advice?

    Nope, the crash report is too large for this post.

    Solved - it was interference from my antivirus program.

    submitted by /u/eddde2299
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    Quick tip for Tractors and Oil Consumption

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    Hey guys, just wanted to share with the community a little trick I've been doing on my farming islands that have no oil deposits.

    While you could set up an Oil route to bring in oil from another island, I find it's actually easier and more cost effective to set up a few mines in range of a trade union. In this (or these) trade union(s), equip Jorg Von Malching- he provides +70% production, and produces extra Gold ore and Oil. Having just one of him should provide you enough Oil for several tractor modules. Add extra productivity items if you are so inclined.

    Just build an oil harbor, connect your fuel station, and that's it! Enjoy mechanized farming without having to set up any oil trade routes.

    submitted by /u/M3TALL1K
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    susannah the steam engineer

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 01:08 AM PDT

    Can someone please send me a screenshot of the Item-Statistic Screen for Susannah the Steam Engineer?

    Is there a efficient way to get her since she is not in any specialists pool besides the regular one?

    submitted by /u/hisendur
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    Crashing since update

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Has anybody else been having trouble with crashing since downloading the patch today?

    I click on the desktop logo, the uplay logo loads up, it fades to black like it's loading the game as usual then I get the crash notification.

    Anybody else been having this issue?

    submitted by /u/Akhenaten_the_First
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    Bugs(?) & questions to do with oil power plant, trains, fuel stations and tractor barns.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    I noticed multiple things during my game play and wonder if anyone else noticed them and if some of these are bugs.

    I have a set up where on one track there are two oil power plant stations and one fuel station at the end: oil power --> oil power --> fuel station. Oil power plants are running, the fuel station is paused and filled up with fuel.

    1 Sometimes my train seem to be filling a oil power plant, but super slow and then suddenly I see it on the tracks instead of at my power plant. As if it lagged. Bug?

    2 One time I couldn't find the train and noticed that both my oil power plants got 95 oil both. As if the game noticed the train lagged and supplied oil to both stations to compensate. Intended?

    3 The oil power plant are not filled up. The game only fills them up to around 80-90 oil, even though the train and island have plenty of oil. Why is this?

    4 The game keeps sending the train to my fuel station even if it's paused and full. It doesn't need oil, yet the train keeps trying to unload oil there. Bug or intended?

    5 The tractor barns give a 200% bonus and a 50% module need. When pausing the tractor barns I lose my bonus, but still need the extra 50% modules. So now I need more farm plots to get to 100%. It feels as if I get punished because I build these things already in advance. I deleted them. Is it supposed to work like this? If yes, does anyone know why?

    I'm curious if you noticed as well and if some people can explain why some thing work as they do.


    submitted by /u/EliseEline
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