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    Anno /r/anno Questions Thread – June 19, 2020

    Anno /r/anno Questions Thread – June 19, 2020

    /r/anno Questions Thread – June 19, 2020

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Hi /r/anno, welcome to our Weekly Questions thread!

    This is a place for you to ask questions and seek advice from other players. Additionally, if you'd like to share your knowledge and give tips to your fellow players, go ahead!

    Finally, have a look at the Community Resource Megathread!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    DevBlog: Anno 1404 History Edition

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    Crown Falls grows and thrives! Tourists from all over the world stream into the city to admire it!

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    I know that's cheating, but can't help

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 12:23 AM PDT

    I'm playing against Silva, Hunt, Graves, the 3 experts AI. Difficulty level is halfway between expert and the max possible values (low income etc.). Game is very tough!

    And I can't accept losing ships because they did not have my attention. Hunt still has naval superiority, except in the new world, and Graves like to sink my schooners with gunboats.

    So ... I'm using the 'active pause' mode from Spicy it up to slow down the game to a crawl, so I can watch over my ships like a mother hen. I also use the pause to check my cities without stress.

    And the question is, how do you manage to beat 3 experts with permanent real time? Do you think what I do reduce very majorly my overall difficulty level?

    submitted by /u/PocusFR
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    Don't look to make a trade fleet out of only airships (analysis)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    For those looking to replace your whole fleet with these, HOLD THE MACHINES! I'll make this brief, but airships aren't all good. Yes they are fast and invincible, but one big drawback not mentioned really anywhere; LOADING TIME. More specifically, the longest loading time in the game. An airship loading 200T at a grand trading post with no equipment took 1:28 Minutes. For comparison, an Extravagant Steamer (the airships endgame replacement) can load 300T in 1:10 minutes. It should be noted that loading time depends on the number of goods being loaded, so I'm testing by fully loading all ships.

    I tested an airship with all the speed mods (+30%) vs an Extravagant steamer with all its speed mods (+45%) as an endgame equivalent. For a short trade route, or a route within a session (no map change), An airship moves roughly 200T per 300T of material moved by a steamer. Yes, the airship is faster, but the hideous loading time means by the time the airship arrives and unloads, the steamer already dropped its goods and departed for the return trip.

    For long trade routes, airships look appealing, as they boast the fastest inter-session travel speed of any vessel in the game. That said, even when racing the same extravagant steamer from the above example, the airship only gains a lead by at most 15 seconds, which is immediately lost upon entering the loading dock. When testing how long each of the aforementioned ships takes to deliver 600T of goods between sessions to islands right on the joining boarders, the airship is creamed, falling a whopping 9:45 minutes behind the steamer. The airship keeps pace with the steamer though, passing it on the trip and getting caught loading. Ultimately the steamer delivered 900T in the same time the airship took to do 600T, and neither had loading buffs.

    Technically you could just have 3 or 4 extra airships per route, but this doesn't solve the primary drawback being the slow loading speed (or the fact you could just as easily add 1-2 steamers to the route for the same effect but way cheaper). If using more than one airship, loading speed becomes a bottleneck necessitating the use of piers. The issue of simultaneous loading is solved with more piers, but with the even slower pier loading speed on top of the airship's already slow loading speed at the best trading post, expect to enjoy a scenic walk around your port as you wait for it to load.

    so the TL:DR is, DON'T think airships can replace steamers (cargo and extravagant) in the long run. It may be faster, but with the longest loading time in the game, any speed advantages are lost putting it behind even some well-equipped clippers. While not the best trade vessel, the airship should be primarily used for quick manual deliveries, to cross hostile territories, or as endgame trophies due to their obscene loading time.

    submitted by /u/Forgotten___Fox
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    My first city in the old wold. People are already so busy in the morning. (WIP)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    Today's update and mods!

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    If anyone loads up their game to realise it's gone all wonky and modded items deleted etc after the 850mb update, just close the game, go to mod manager, de-activate ALL mods, then reactivate the ones you were using, open the game and maybe load the save from when you were last playing (option is at the bottom of the 'load' screen in the title menu, under your characters picture/name/etc).

    This might be common knowledge for most, but I'm on my first game using mods and nearly had a heart attack just now!

    submitted by /u/BenderRodriguez14
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    Market prices

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    I noticed a recent drop in prices at the AI port I sell stuff to. What is the refresh rate on them so I can go back to trading and making money lol. I normal trade 300 pearl's to Nate for just under 3million. Now 300 pearls only land me 30,000 off my one trade route

    submitted by /u/Hallywood3
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    Is it only possible to add 5 dlc per game?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    I don't know if I made a huge mistake and said no to Bright Harvest in my old game, but I can see if i try to start af new game, i only see 5 active DLC anyway (i haven't say no to activate the Anerchist in the Poppy LaDane game)

    submitted by /u/Silkehop
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    The great eastern club challenge

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    It says obtain the great eastern via Archibald's special quest "The floating city". How do I start this quest? As I entered my game after the BH dlc I got quest from ARchie and I recieved the one npc guy and the great eastern - so I have one great eastern ship, but this club challenge is still greyed out = not completed. Is that a bug or Did I miss anything? Thanks

    submitted by /u/BattleOverlord
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    When do you go to the New World/Cape Trelawny?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 03:38 AM PDT

    Do you go immediately after unlocking the prerequisite ? Or do you hold until you specifically get something? I'm overwhelmed by all of this choices in the game.

    submitted by /u/ownagesoldier
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    Shipcard Construction Speed

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    Is there a way to speed up shipyards?

    Harbourmaster's Office Items only reduce construction cost, but not the construction speed, don't they?

    submitted by /u/hisendur
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    Anno 1800 - Topbar UI commodity buttons?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    Forgive me for being used to Anno 1404's UI, but I was wondering if there is any way of 'dragging' a good/commodity from it's storage spot in a warehouse to the top of the screen UI to show it's amount 'at-a-glance' when I look at that island? there used to be such a feature in Anno 1404 and I'm really missing it in Anno 1800 as I can't grab and effectively highlight the specific resources I might be focused on collecting or keeping an eye on... there are a few commodities which always seem to showup on the top of the UI but Anno 1404 made them swappable is this not a feature in Anno 1800? or will it be added at some point as a QoL feature? I'd really enjoy that

    submitted by /u/malchusbarca
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    Can you stop your ships from using mortars after you target with them?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    Title. (Anno 1800)

    I tried to test the range on a mortar on one of my Ships of the Line and it drove headfirst well within range of every single gun in the enemy harbor and there was nothing I could do to make it stop. It just completely refused to turn around or go anywhere else until it got to fire the mortar, afterwards it was immediately destroyed because of 5+ cannon towers all slamming it. Now the mortar I bought plus 3 decent ship items are stuck floating in my enemy's harbor because I couldn't stop it.

    Is there a cancel move or stop hotkey or anything to prevent this?

    submitted by /u/Never-bother
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    Best setup for an easy game?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:25 AM PDT


    I finished the campaign and played a bit further, but my whole island setup just is messed up somehow.

    So, I would like to start a new game, primarily for the economics/layout part and less for the fighting/competition part. But I don't want to play without any competition, since this would be too easy and boring (and as we all know, competition is good for business...).

    So, when starting an easy game (with pirates!), what are good choices for opponents, regarding to their aggression (war and expansion)?

    submitted by /u/TheHexWrench
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    After hundreds of hours, my biggest pet peeve of the game

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    The flotsam :( Why is it so difficult to pick it up?? I have to zoom my camera all the way in and even then I'm clicking nine times before each successful flotsam pickup. And after all that half the time it ends up being something weak like 7T of fish.

    Am I missing something here??

    submitted by /u/Kale8888
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    The limited storage space in cigar factories is pretty annoying.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 04:26 PM PDT

    If you get to a high level of production on them, you will often have pretty big gaps where nothing is being made because there aren't enough resources. Is there any way to address this issue?

    An example of what I'm talking about. Despite being really close to a warehouse, the facility very often runs out of materials.

    submitted by /u/InsertANameHeree
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    La Corona Iberian Union Fun Fact

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    La Corona Iberian Union Fun Fact

    So I was recently playing the Sunken Treasures DLC (yes, I'm late to the party) and I realized something quite funny for us history junkies: In this version of the Anno world, the former great La Corona Empire is not only a reference to the Spanish Empire, but also to the Portuguese one, and they seem to be merged.You could already see this in some specialists, but when Oliveira (that guy who hunts the treasure as well) appears, he says he is an envoy from King João, an obvious Portuguese name (obviously not quite the correct pronunciation when he says it), and even references how the Kingdom is called a Coroa, which is the Pt version of La Corona (the Crown), which to him is the peasant version. So could it be that it is an pseudo-Iberian Union, but with Portuguese leadership?

    Since I didn't see any posts about it, I thought I could share it, I found it funny! And yes I know, the game is not supposed to be historically accurate, but I found this reference unnoticed, and it seems to joke with the fact that the world knows Spain, but not everyone knows Portugal.


    submitted by /u/Seilofo
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    My friend and I were unable to save our co-op game today. Last autosave is 30 min old, did anyone have this bug before and is there a way to prevent this from happening?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 02:27 PM PDT

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