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    Wednesday, June 10, 2020

    Anno What do you guys do with the little islands in Manorborn?

    Anno What do you guys do with the little islands in Manorborn?

    What do you guys do with the little islands in Manorborn?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    Suggestion: Transmute scrap

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:35 AM PDT

    So as much as I love this game there is one thing I find quite annoying and tedious and that is the matter of finding 'special scrap'. That has turned into a huge grind for me where I routinely sail around with my kitted out salvager hoping to find some special scrap to transmute into items, especially for the legendary propeller at Nate's. Legendary items? Toss them overboard, I already have 5 of each. Nice scrap or regular scrap? Don't need it, drop it into the sea. I sometimes need 5+ legendary maps to find some special scrap.

    I would so love to be able to transmute scrap into better scrap. For instance 5 regular scrap into one nice scarp and 5 nice scrap into 5 special scrap.

    submitted by /u/Pace1561
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    What are your favourite trade union combos?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    New bug?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    Not sure if this is a bug but if you ceasefire with a pirate that you've destroyed before while hes going to rebuild his island again (while the ships havent reached its island), it wont rebuild

    The ships will just stay there and do absolutely nothing, this has happened for 2 times now and each time i cease fired

    submitted by /u/DragonFyre2k15
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    How do people even play multi-player for Anno 1800?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Now I'm not talking about when people are working together to build a world but I mean competitively... I mean 1 world map could have hundreds of hours put into it. Heck 2 hours goes by so quickly for this game and you still are super early in almost anything you can do to take out your opponent. I just don't see VS matches being that realistic or if they would even happen.

    submitted by /u/1ButtonDash
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    Profitability of Consumer Goods

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    According to the wiki


    There are Trade Goods that you might want only if you intent to upgrade and others you'll want systematically (cover 100% of needs) to earn money, right?

    I question why some TG are 'trapped' so to speak. I mean, unless the player check the wiki or like to make involved calculations, you are not going to 'perceive'/understand the difference in yield. Why this design really? More or less, a TG should bring the same ratio of return to investment, if consumed, for a given social class.

    submitted by /u/PocusFR
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    How Long-Tail'd should Anno be?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    Hey all, new-ish to the series, I played 2070 like once but the setting wasn't quite for me.

    But I'm here in 1800 using Season 2 for the first time and I'm still loving every moment.

    I've seen on here (and come to terms with the fact that) it doesn't look like 1800 will see much support after Season 2, but it's got me curious.

    Assuming the best of the potential Africa session, with an awesome tree of resources and pop tiers that link in well with the other continents, do you guys feel satisfied with the post support for 1800?

    Or rather, do you feel like the next Anno launch is more pressing now over further building on the current one?

    I ask cause, again, not a long time player, and it looks like post support for Anno is generally light, but I LOVE the 1800 setting. Everything about this game is just my jam stylistically, and I could see 1800 being a strong candidate for a third season and that magic number 9 of expansions.

    But I say that in light of the fact I have no idea what's behind the curtain right now, what sort of awesome game comes next.

    I guess I'm just used to a lot of really long-tail games. Civilization, Total War, I'll admit the Paradox DLC lists can get a little frustrating, but with a game you really enjoy seeing new content down the pipeline really keeps it engaging and fresh.

    Fully knowing it's likely not coming, but assuming you individually had the choice between a third season or a new title coming out next, which would you take?

    submitted by /u/Dungeon_Pastor
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    Merchant Ship trading 2,000 gold each time

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    I have noticed that merchant ships (ie. Sir Archibald's) which trades at your harbour trades/carries a max of 2,000 gold.

    Guys, is there any way we can edit this to a higher value?

    submitted by /u/koltera
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    My Exhibition doesn't light up at night

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Problem is in the title. It is linked to the electricity network but when I set the time of night or let the night fall graciously on my islands, the World's fair is not lit. I had this problem since the beginning, I reinstalled it, etc... I thought this would be patched or something. It isn't lit at night, whether I run an exhibition in it or not.

    Am I doing something wrong ?

    submitted by /u/Hiro_Trevelyan
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    Trader Gain Mod

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    Hello Union! I am using this convenient mod. It was not updated yet. So I was wondering if someone knows of a similar mod or a workaround or maybe someone tells me it would be easy to make it myself or whatnot? I miss Betsy The Mechanic!

    Edit: As I understand, it says in the permissions tab that people are free to edit it.

    submitted by /u/RadioBlinsk
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    Hugo Mercier anarchy residents quest

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    I've been stuck on 7/20 defectors for the quest (propagenda of the deed) for aeons now and i seem to not get any new ones in the last several hours. Any tips of how to speed this one up?

    I've got good relations with Hugo, am ahead military and economy wise.

    submitted by /u/TomoSojiro
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    New Player Questions

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:57 PM PDT

    Pretty new to the game, just reached the new world. This is my second attempt after realizing I was pretty sloppy about building placement, and got a little overwhelmed with settling too many islands at once ;) that being said, I've got a couple questions:

    Essential goods production — I've noticed that some of my essential goods, like clothes and schnapps are producing at a rate 10% less than their demand. Should I worry about this, and produce even more? Or just wait until my population requires an entire extra ton before committing a building? Decrease working conditions to compensate? Is it better to break even or produce a slight surplus?

    The three merchants — I don't know much about items but I try to click on those guys often to see if there's anything worth buying. Do each of them sell specific things, like do I only need to check one of them? Or should I check all three all the time?

    Supply lines between islands — I really like the idea of producing goods on one island to be consumed or refined on another. But I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around the logistics and how to track the boat times and balancing out good production. All the guides I've seen only go over how to create the trade route, mostly for trading with the AI. Can anybody provide an example supply line route for your own islands, and how one would calculate how much of a good to send? How to make sure you're exporting enough of the good to hold over the receiving island until the next shipment arrives? I'm not very familiar with the interface.

    submitted by /u/ChickenDenders
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    Mod For Gas?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:50 PM PDT

    Is there a mod for gas production? I want to use powerplants to supply electricity instead of using railroads in the old world.

    submitted by /u/tastemymeatball
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    How to stop a tailspin?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    I am to the point where I have military control, economic control, and artisans with everything but fur+rum(because I haven't gone to the new place yet).

    I have like 40k coins, and went from +1500 income to -3000+ income instantly when I decided not to propagandize the newspaper to give me + income. Is that a mistake that there's just no coming back from? The only solution I see is to shut down dozens of buildings so that I don't dive infinitely into the red.

    I can always just load a save from before I made that fateful error. But for the future, I'm wondering... is there any way to survive the mistake of not re-upping income on the newspaper, and you are bleeding -3000 incoming because of it? My stockpile of wealth evaporated withing probably 5 minutes.

    submitted by /u/getaroundbans4
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    How do you get to the "new world" in anno 1800?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    I did the expeditition. I'm wondering how do I physically get a ship there, and start to mine rum and furs? It's what's holding me back.

    submitted by /u/getaroundbans4
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