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    Thursday, June 11, 2020

    Anno I basically spend all my time redesigning the World's Fair

    Anno I basically spend all my time redesigning the World's Fair

    I basically spend all my time redesigning the World's Fair

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Fields of gold

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    Mills turn with the wind, but always in the wrong direction

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    World's Fair in 1 simple overview

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    How many farms can 1 fuel station sustain?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    They got pretty good range

    submitted by /u/Dovahkriid23
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    Crown Falls at night

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    Still loving the new ornaments. Some official land-based warehouses would be welcome too!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    Why do I get negative income after I get to artisans 5 games in a row?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    Every time I get to artisans, I'm fine for a bit, then after a while I get negative income.

    All needs are met, except rum and furs(cannot get them).

    There is no supply issue. I think the problem is just that building all of the stuff needed to make artisans happy, as well as stuff like glass just costs too much for me to bear. I play on the hardest campaign difficulty if that matters.

    Regardless, despite having a positive income all game, whenever I get to artisans I get negative income, EVEN WITH +15% income propaganda, -30% consumption propaganda, and +15 happiness propaganda.

    So, what's going on here? I'm not massively overproducing stuff... I just feel the later game buildings like zoo, museum, etc cost too much to upkeep, and combine that with glass and I just can't support it all.

    Honestly getting annoyed at this, and think I might stop playing the game because it keeps happening, and I start every game thinking "I'll make sure it doesn't happen this time"... then sure enough it happens every game.

    I can never make it to the world to get rum/furs, because I'm too concerned with my negative income. I'll often have like 50k gold saved, and slowly see it go down, with nothing I can do to stop it.

    submitted by /u/getaroundbans4
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    [1800] Not fueled tractors should be involved in "potential production" statistics

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    Now, if a tractor ran out of fuel, "potential production" drops down like if there was no tractor on that field at all. Which is not what the word "potential" means and which brings huge pain in city planning. Basically, as soon as you bring tractors into your game, you cannot rely on statistic anymore.

    This must be fixed. "Potential production" graph must show what it would be if all tractors were fueled and therefore shouldn't drop down when a bugged gas station fails to supply a field.

    submitted by /u/EgorKlenov
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    Anyone having problems after Bright Harvest change - no longer able to activate the faster game modes?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    I guess the title asks the full question. :-)

    I have a game that was going without issues, activated bright harvest, now when I activate the faster/fastest modes, nothing changes. I've watched the countdown times of building things (ships, etc.) and the time still ticks by at one second game time per one second real time.

    I tried loading other saved games and the speed up options work on those games but I did not activate Bright Harvest on the games which can speed up.

    submitted by /u/daviskingdom
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    Happiness when not upgrading

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    Is it an issue to not have totally extatic population (because I'm over working them) if I don't plan to upgrade them? It seems overworking is a cheap way to have your structures more efficient, as long as you keep people somehow happy, why not do it?

    Well, you can't upgrade, but you can resume to normal working hours for a short time, have them happy, upgrade a lot, and then back to work?

    submitted by /u/PocusFR
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    Compensating lack of good by buying it

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:24 PM PDT

    I have a few low-cost good (like under 100 gold per unit) lacking some (pigs etc.). I have set my harbor to buy if under 50 ... Is it a good strategy compared to investing into more structures?

    Are they exceptions to the rule, i.e don't do that for some goods, do that for others?


    submitted by /u/PocusFR
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    Charter cost vs your own ship upkeep

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:22 PM PDT


    I just want to be sure I'm not missing smth here. A charter costs 50 gold. This is per mn, as the rest? Meaning that if I need to use instead of a charter a ship with 100 upkeep, I'm better using a charter?

    If I don't have to spend influence... But influence would be refunded if I disband the charter, right?

    submitted by /u/PocusFR
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    Wishful thinking suggestions - non-functional district names

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    Totally wishful thinking:

    Most people who document their cities seem to like to give areas names. I think it would be neat to be able to use a selector tool or something to draw boundaries where districts are within an island (like crown falls), and be able to name them something. For instance, we could have a hide-able extra drop-down UI section underneath the name of the island that lets us input names for each district.

    As of right now, I don't really think we need to have the districts do anything functionally. Its just fun to add more naming and imply history with different parts of the city.

    submitted by /u/semi_automatic_oboe
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    Buying dlc from other digital shop for base game bought from Epic Store

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    Have anybody tried buying dlc from other source (i.e. Fanatical) while having the base game from Epic Store? I know that every time I play it will launch from Uplay, but will the dlc compatible? For example the content from ubisoft store is incompatible with the one from Steam or Epic.

    submitted by /u/sloikalamos
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    Blue Byte, I'm getting really, really annoyed I have to find out about this via the News Paper.....

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Achievement - DLC Traction Control, anyone got this?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    Anyone got this one yet? All I can tell is you need 10 farms with working tractors being supplied by one fuel station.. I have one fuel station supplying 18 farms and still don't have this achievement. What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/cjnewson88
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    Some thoughts about the next Anno

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    So I played Anno 1404 and and 1800 a ton. Might dive back into Anno 1800 with all this new DLC, I stopped playing after building up the Cape a lot but before the arctic DLC.

    I was thinking about the next Anno and I saw some previous posts about other people's predictions. I think a lot of people prefer a quasi-historical setting as opposed to the futuristic settings. With that in mind, I would like to see something set in an Ancient Greece analogue.

    • The game would be set around your greek style city-state, which is based on it's own large central "continental" island as opposed to the smaller islands in all previous games. This island has some basic resources, but is mostly your capital for developing a large population, monuments, temples etc.

    • Other players such as AI are based in other instances altogether, not in the same instance as your capital. While their instances would be similar to yours, each AI might have a slight twist on your home instance. These might just be visual changes, like a volcanic island theme or a Nile setting or Scythian plains. I don't know how multiplayer would differ, but I going beyond just visual changes would also be interesting.

    • Naval combat involves ramming mechanics.

    • It's might be feature creep, but siege combat and land combat would be neat to see make a return.

    • Some DLC ideas: Your city state get's a huge acropolis in the center. While you can build other special wonders and the like, the acropolis would be a highly customizable central structure, sort of like the Palace DLC.

    • More DLC: Possibly dive into Mythology. Customization ships for long format "Odyssey" adventures that are more interactive than the current zoo/museum piece expeditions.

    submitted by /u/Western_Boreas
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    Radius for Trade halls etc

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    Hi all ,

    I would really like the ability to choose the radius for the buildings that offer it. I find that the increased radius offer with Spice It Up is great for town halls, but find it annoying for trade unions. I like to pack my unions with specialists that effect certain industries only for example sewing machine factories and bike makers! I find that the large radius wastes space in that I have to space out my industries too much for my liking. Its great if you are using old Nate's bonus general items but not for specifics.

    I saw that, for a while, the union did show both radii. Could we choose please :-)

    submitted by /u/Rasfer6
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