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    Saturday, October 17, 2020

    Anno I accidentally made a satisfying bread layout. Thought you might like it 🍞

    Anno I accidentally made a satisfying bread layout. Thought you might like it ��

    I accidentally made a satisfying bread layout. Thought you might like it ��

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    Multiplayer LR40 and Desync

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:15 AM PDT


    i really love anno1800, for me it is the best game in the series. But I have a huge problem. I only play it with a friend in multiplayer mode, and every god damn game session we got problems with desyncs. So we have to start a new game. We tried everything, and are now very frustrated. The state of the multiplayer ist not longer accaptable for us.

    There are a few questions:

    1. Why does the game start before loading is completed?
    2. If we try to start an autosave and we get a desync: the game tries to collect the data and if we press continue nothing happens. It really never ever worked!
    3. the corrupted game file gets uploaded to the cloud and is lost forever.

    At the moment we spend more time with finding a working autosave, then we can actually play the game.

    Are there any plans/informations about QoL updates for the multiplayer mode?

    We dont have problems like this in other multiplayer games

    submitted by /u/Hydroxylamin1
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    Another sandbox.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    I'm about to start another 1800 sandbox when I get home. I'll be including pirates and all dlc and the hard ai.

    So I'm curious. What's some if your biggest fuck ups so I can avoid them?

    submitted by /u/Petermacc122
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    Anno 2700: I wanted to share my ideal Anno game with you guys

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Game setting: Post-apocalyptic world that starts basic and savage like 1404/1800 and ends like 2205 but even more high tech.

    First world islands are colored simmilar to Tundra from 2205 DLC. Setting is like Tatooine from Star Wars. Post-apocalyptic, sand, shriveled trees, inaccessible land due to radiation. Civilized society extinct for 300 years due to combination of bio terrorism, war, viruses and moronic politics.

    Some islands must have 1 or several vault doors in the mountains like the ones in Tundra, but for humans.

    AI varies from chaotic evil raider to 'cute and crazy' genious that just came out from a vault to explore or an egineer that just woke up from cryo sleep several years ago along side his arch nemesis to continue their stupid battle 3 centuries later (AI feud)

    Pirate is a raider that just raids and can't even talk proper english. You become friends through quests and moral choice of giving him either half of your population as slaves or going to war.

    I know its an anno game and it needs gold/credits, but post-apocalyptic world doesn't work well with established economy in any logical way. Bottlecaps make most sense, but in later tiers they will just lose purpose.

    So my best idea is population as currency. Life expectancy is increased with met needs, net growth or a decline,all depends on provided needs and cultural buildings. Making a house should give you 2 scavs to start with. Single organized stat that works as currency and production requirement, but unlike 1800, there will be a mechanic that can exchange tiers of citzens for half the need (e.g. Farms require 20 of tier 1, 10 of tier 2, 5 of tier 3 population) There will be some production chains that are capped at what tier citizen they can use for the sake of houses diversity.

    Tier 1 basic citizens:

    Scavengers/Human remains type of low tier village people that live in post-apocalyptic shelters. They need a city center that looks like Megaton from Fallout 3 and it gives you immediate boost of 50 population and some population growth. Basic needs like glowing mushrooms and mutated dolphins (fish). Maybe some basic cloths/scavenger rags from two headed penguins.

    Tier 2 Settlers:

    Army like organized humans,but more advanced than scavs, just to get started on Iron, Steel, tools and weapons.They live in more stable structures, 2-3 story high watch-tower building. Food will be mutated cave animals(think unidentified human species from Raised by Wolves) with some veggies.

    Farms are a ofcourse a possibility, think mutated corn, mutated soy beans, any kind of weird GMO foods with large Anno 1800 1x1 type of farm fields.

    Purified water is needed. Cultural buildings can be anything from comically exagerrated circus with colors and puppets to savage mad max fighting arena.

    Shipyard produces iron ships like steam shipyard's battlecruisers and trading ships.

    Tier 2's last need will be a cultural building, maybe Radio station ( Three dogg anyone?) that requires excess production like iron beams, VERY noisy one. So noisy that it attracts the attention of the vault dwellers and the vault door opens, upgrades are possible now.

    You will be able to advance your settlers to these old-world tech specialists that kept all the old world knowledge under the rocks and 2000 tonnes of steel door. Their timeline should be before war/nuclear devastation period atleast 100 years, so they aren't that much advanced(23rd century?).Either cryo sleep or degenerated offspring of the once civilized society, whatever makes more sense.

    Tier 3 Vault dwellers / Old world remains:

    Only unlocked on islands with Vaults on them, so either pick a vault island early or take over an island with one.

    Their needs can be throwback to 2205/2070 as easter eggs idk.

    Cultural need: Post-apocalyptic variant of old world entertainment places (give me your best in comments)

    After 10+ hours of trying to answer the needs of your growing scavs, army and vault dwellers population comes the fun part:

    At some point lets say 1000 Old worlders you get to build a Interplanetary communication monument in 3 phases like a huge radio tower that is still post-apocalyptic type of building, but built with the old world knowledge and engineering.

    You connect with an AI from Titan (moon of Saturn)

    Just like Sir Archibald Blake and Isabel Sarmento, they provide you with a forgotten unmanned ship with residents in cryo sleep and mission to explore Titan(Name is placeholder, its anno world afterall).

    And we go to the fucking space.

    The AI is lonely, you know the type of AI that gives you a dialog line that the last time he spoke to someone was 300+ years ago. Remains of people can be noticed across island that were once researched as humanity's last hope.

    There we setup a Tier 1 struggling colonists, that have access to 25th century tech, latest and greatest before humanity maxed on the stupidity need. Their tech is more advanced then the old world tech.

    Tier 2 Old world's synths

    There is another vault like mechanic again on several islands, but the residents are synthetic humans as tier 2 citizens. They need synth mods, organic oil and 1950s american style clothing. They can walk arround the city on Titan and act like humans as per programming, but also provide goods like quantum computers and methane energy cell type of fuel.

    You can have docks to build ships and it will make sense to build boats there because u can't sailt through space. There are many areas to settle after all its a cold planet with liquid methane ocean and islands of ice. Local wildlife is not poisonous to humans after it gets processed.

    An old evil AI corsair shows up to disrupts your progress and gives you hard time, but becomes frendly if you just talk to him and give him synth mods once in a while.

    Titan could have a under water (deep ocean) mechanic to it, I've read and watched youtube videos about it being friendly to humans in terms of temperature.

    Next tier in the post-apocalyptic session:

    Tier 4 Engineers:

    They have a production chain for rockets to supply the new world on Titan, rockets fuel by uranium mines, left open to tap into by the world before. Food will be more sugary and ofcourse quantum computers from titan. Their production chains can produce energy cells for your next level ships with tesla cannons.

    Flying cars are a production chain to satisfy engineers's needs.

    Helicopter transporation of goods requires generation of Helicopter goods.Helicopters are a production chain. Works same as electricity boost, maybe better.

    Energy cells can be produced to enchance farms with vehicles and energy tools just like beloved DLC Bright harvest does with tractors. Shit. Gets. Serious.

    Tier 5 Researchers.

    No investors this time, we dont need do-nothing-old-farts by the billions to sit there and just invest lol

    Same as Land of Lions DLC, we get the right endgame and some logical reason to have them is cleaning more islands, clean the water arround the island, change core game mechanics and just provide the ability to have proper and balanced end game.

    Their weirdest need is a costruct that taps to the island vault doors to research old world tech, thus requiring you to take more islands and fight your enemy NPC for their precious vault islands to use for the crafting of those sweet sweet item production boosters.

    Needs can be from robot AI servents to special foods

    They allow production of relandable rockets that provide easier transportation of goods between Titan and main session.

    Extra content can be Mars, Moon, Venus or inter-stellar space travel with FLT technology to Alpha Centaury. Please discuss :)

    submitted by /u/bixelbg
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    Multiplayer game connection issues on weekends (Anno 1800, RL05 error)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    Today was the second Saturday in a row that I have been unable to play a multiplayer game with a friend. I got the RL05 error message when trying to enter the game's lobby. I tried several times but there was no way to connect. My internet connection is working perfectly as is my friend's. Is anyone having problems on weekends? I guess it is because of server overload. Anything I can do to fix it?

    submitted by /u/jeybe0
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    Land of Lions Twitch Drop Event starting Monday, October 19!! RepublicofPlay, Cringer, and I, among other, will be steaming!

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    What if the "workforce" mechanic extended to crews for ships?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    Lately I've been thinking about game mechanics that were added/refined in Anno 1800, and how they might be improved further in subsequent games. One of the more interesting thoughts I had while spitballing was an expansion of the workforce mechanic to also apply to ships.

    What if, upon upgrading a farmer house, you could choose to upgrade them to either "workers" or "sailors"? Sailor workforce would live in something a bit more uniform and unglamorous than the worker houses.

    So here's the meat of the concept: Sailors on an island would automatically be "used" upon construction of a new ship. Not an insane amount, maybe 25 sailors for a frigate and 50 for a SOTL, but only 5 for a schooner and 10 for a clipper.

    I think it would be far too annoying to force the player to bring food along on the ships. . . but I think the sailor workforce should still provide a slight drain to tier 2 resources even while out at sea. How does your ship know what island to siphon these goods from? By establishing a Home Port, similar to how fleets in Stellaris have "Home bases" to which they return when you order the ship to repair or upgrade.

    There could be a new pier building type specifically for loading/offloading sailors to an island where your ship would be "docked". This pier could be expanded with multiple docks to "dock" multiple ships.

    Offloading crew at a ship's home port would increase consumption of tier 2 goods, thereby raising the morale of the crew (which slowly degrades over time at sea) and give your ship a temporary bonus to damage and/or speed. Think of it as your crew going on holiday tours and regaining strength by being "well-rested".

    So, ideally, you'd be rotating ships out to holidays relatively frequently for your warships. This could be as easy as a setting called "patrol length", where you set minimum required morale for an individual ship or fleet. After your ship is nearing this minimum threshold, it would automatically return to its home port to refit and raise morale again.

    The trade ship crews would go "on holiday" any time your ship is being offloaded at its pier, which, like the warship crews, will increase use of tier 2 goods for a short while on your island, but give your trade ship a small speed and unloading boost.

    I think that there are several other "economic strategy games" such as Hearts of Iron that have a Manpower resource for vehicles, and it seems like the workforce element of islands would do pretty well translated into the naval aspect of the game too.

    What does this change from an infrastructure perspective? A small amount of sailors, say from only a few trade ships, wouldn't make much of a dent in your island's good stores, but a massive fleet of 10+ SOTLs certainly would. So this could make large scale conflicts in the New World or Arctic particularly difficult to pull off in the early game, because if your warships in those regions dont have a place to make port, the morale will keep dropping until you send them back home to refit and give the crew a chance to get more morale from consumption of goods.

    To me, this more accurately represents the challenges in operating a vast fleet in foreign waters. Supply chains during wartime are very important because of this. After all, a war can't be won with hungry sailors (or ships without ammunition for their weapons, but that's probably reaching unmanageable level of complexity in a game series like anno). Sure, you can set the ship/fleet's Home Port to a local island in the New World or Arctic, but keeping them supplied with goods, especially with large scale navies, would be difficult to pull off.

    submitted by /u/Sylamatek
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    Maps seed current patch

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 09:56 PM PDT

    Guys, has anyone found a good seed in the latest patch? I already checked the wiki but the seeds seem already modified. The thing i care the most is having good starting island with resources to hit artisans. And low water presence in NW.

    submitted by /u/floz1994
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    Difficulty setting for beautybuilding and mods...

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    Hey all.

    Somehow my save file got deleted when it merged with a multiplayer game for whatever reason. Tried to fix it, but no, it's gone.

    That said. Now I need to start over. Meh. I was wondering what difficulty setting people play. I usually play on advanced with Margaret and Silva. Scarse resources. Low money earning etc etc. I never made super giant cities though. Best thing I did was level 52. I do like "beauty" building though, does playing on scarse make me able to make more and pretty cities? Obviously there is plenty of islands in the old world.. but the new world, is just the new world. Would playing with scarse items screw things over late game where there is simply to few resources to make a lot of islands?

    What settings do you beautybuilders play on? Untill now it was beautybuilding/advanced for me. But does this work very late game?

    Aside that, how does playing with mods go? Does it slow down or lower fps by any bit playing with mods? I take it all these assets need to load in extra, making the game run more unstable?/fps drop. I mean I got a pretty beasty pc, but even without mods in end game theres a big difference between just starting the game, or being in one for ages.

    Thanks, hopefully I will get some meaningful answers.

    submitted by /u/Mrkoekie
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