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    Monday, November 9, 2020

    Anno Me trying to fit in my fields be like:

    Anno Me trying to fit in my fields be like:

    Me trying to fit in my fields be like:

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 10:07 AM PST

    Just got to investors for the first time!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:52 AM PST

    Probably nothing special to most people here. I've been playing since launch on and off, I had a problem previously where as soon as I got to engineers I'd get overwhelmed and stop playing, only to come back a couple months later and start the cycle again.

    This time around I took it slow. I rarely used fast speed, didn't rush to DLC areas, actually took my time to develop the New World, stopped ignoring steam engines (seriously, what was wrong with me?) and yesterday I upgraded to investors for the first time!

    I might take some screenshots of my current capital tonight, but as for now I can't wait to go unlock Crown Falls!

    submitted by /u/spacejester
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    Anno 1800 Game Update 9.1 Release Notes (coming Thursday Nov 12)

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 08:25 AM PST

    My ranking of the citizen tiers by their character

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 10:53 AM PST

    1. The engineer: She´s a nerdy woman who wears glasses to work and wears a fancy-ass hat in her free-time. I´m just a man, where else would I put her?

    2. The "our mental image of Cosby before we found out" jornalero: Just a nice man working the field in 35 C° weather, more concerned with the future of the Obrero generation and his bosses shoes than his own physical safety. Has the n-word pass but chooses not to use it. Good lad.

    3. The ballin´ investor: Spends 30 minutes in the morning to get his beard arranged in that exact shape by a servant while another one reads the newspaper for him. Can tell he is being lied to immediately, don't even try propaganda on him. Says he is better than everyone else, it isn't arrogance if its right tho.

    4. The explorer: up-beat, adventurous, knows what she is in for. Went to Norway before her expedition to the passage to learn the best seal-clubbing techniques.

    5. The obrera: Just a woman trying to get ahead in life. Passionate about democracy. Interesting to talk to.

    6. The shepherd: has a poetic side to him, I hope he asks that girl out some day.

    7. The nice farmer lady: close minded but friendly, working hard so her children can get an education. Really appreciates the tractors but too proud to admit it. Kinda dull but makes great apple pie.

    8. The elder: passionate about Jesus and little else it seems. Would rather make carpets with her old arthritic hands than let the shepherds mess them up. Shares the image and voice of the Kidusi priestess and is less sympathetic for it.

    9. The technician: I want to like this guy, but if he starts condescending about seracs again I will throw him out of this airship and sleep like a baby afterwards. Would be lower on this list if u/Acidello didn't use him as his picture.

    10. The "I pity those not fortunate enough to know me" scholar: A bad mix of investor and artisan, he has the ego of the investor but hasn't earned it and the overall vibe and style of the artisan. Likes to go to the fair and just stand in the mirror maze to look at 12 reflections of himself. Might become a somewhat ok person with age tho when he actually tries to become employable in todays economy. Today being 1929.

    11. The worker: raging alcoholic, father of 12 1/2 children, beats them regularly, blames his bad character on his lot in life instead of taking responsibility. Would unironically wear a Che Guevara t-shirt.

    12. The artisan: cooks goddamn goulash for a living but is talking about it as if he's saving lives, unbearable voice and bad taste in clothing to boot. Doesnt appreciate his great medieval looking house at all. An image of his face is the last thing your mind produces when you die.

    submitted by /u/ThatStrategist
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    Just experimenting and working on some Lord Of The Rings logos, may upload them if I'm happy with the results!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 09:11 AM PST

    How to select several specific island in the statistic menu ?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 09:04 AM PST

    How to select several specific island in the statistic menu ?


    Hi ! As you can see, we can select multiple islands on the statistics menu. It show us an production/consumption average.

    For now, I can Shift + left click to add to the selection all island between the first island I've selected and the other island. For instance, if Bright Sands was the first island I've select and I Shift + left click on Röshenhof, it will give the result on the image.

    What I have to do if I want to select only Bright Sans and Röshenhof but not the others ?

    Edit : Of course, I found by myself a few minutes after writing this ... For those who would like to know how to do it, just CTRL + click on the other islands you want to add.

    submitted by /u/Ezard94
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    So we can only move 1 clay pit/oil well, then have to research another major discovery?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Am I understanding this correctly? You don't get to move one of those per island, but it is 1 period. Then to move another you have to put all the time and resources into another major discovery that gets more expensive each time?

    submitted by /u/japinard
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    uPlay Rewards

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 07:43 AM PST

    I've reinstalled Anno 1800 on a new PC only to found that the uPlay rewards appear all locked in my game.

    Not only that, but the rewards for playing the closed beta (The flag icon and that garden with the chess tables), it's there any possibility to get those rewards back?

    submitted by /u/magdakun
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    Traderoute problem (Anno 1800)

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 09:30 AM PST

    So basically, i saw a function some days ago, which allowes you to select with shift + leftclick an amount of the ware to stay on the island you have selected to put the ware from.

    I tested it but it did not work. And now I ask myself if this function is still in the game and if yes, can somebody tell me pls how to do it or am I just stupid? :)

    Sry for bad english

    submitted by /u/Taxifahrer187
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    1404 Question about a ship

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:31 PM PST

    How do you start with one? I started a continuous game and was dunped on an Island without a ship. WhenbI watched a letsplay the guy started out sailing around.

    submitted by /u/honingkweker
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    how do you build up/upgrade

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 09:50 AM PST

    So I have been playing for a little bit and noticed that I have a tendency when I want to do upgrades for my people:

    I get really nervous about making sure that I wont have negatives for their needs. Right now I'm doing investors and elders and I am going VERY slowly to upgrade them for fear that my systems wont keep up.

    Then I got to thinking:

    What if I just upgraded them all and solved any shortages after. So the question came to me:

    Do you guys upgrade first and fix problems later or make sure your production lines can handle the upgrade before going for it? Both ways seem to have merit.

    submitted by /u/Gartic1
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    Is my Research Institute quest bugged?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 09:49 AM PST

    Hi! I have a question about the research institute quest line. It abruptly stopped for me once I completed the quest where I needed to research an item. It seemed a bit anticlimactic to me, so I was wondering if that's it? Or did it bug out and now I should load an earlier save? I should mention that so far I only have 5 scholar houses with 0 of their needs fulfilled, so maybe the quest continues after I have more scholars?

    I also want to mention that I think another step of the quest bugged for me. There was a quest in the chain to recruit some international professors or something, where I needed to click on a group of engineers. I completed that part but then I had load an earlier save and that quest never popped up again(I'm 100% sure that in this earlier save I had to load that quest has not been completed).

    Am I missing some important part of this chain? It was weird that the quest line just stopped so suddenly without any kind of reward.

    submitted by /u/Killdestroy
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    LR40 Multiplayer problems

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:13 AM PST

    Hello guys,

    Recently, my multiplayer game encountered LR40 Synchronization error. Everything was okey, all the way up to 40 lvl of population, then every next time so wanted to start my game it was getting worse. Last week it used to finally work after couple attempts, but right now I cannot play my game at all. I tried so many, including changing graphics setting, cleaning my computer, changing the hosting player, updating my graphics driver. Of course, Ubisoft support doesn't work at all. Is there any one of you who have any solution?

    submitted by /u/SalimPL
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    Can't find again this mod about beauty points

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:15 AM PST

    what is this mod that increases a lot the beauty points given by decorations? Is it part of Spice it up?

    Thanks for your help :-)

    submitted by /u/PocusFR
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    Can't Sell Ships to Waha Deshir

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:34 PM PST

    Is anyone else having trouble in the quest where you need to sell 2 frigates to Waha Deshir? I don't get any options to sell them when I click on the trading post.

    submitted by /u/ReformedSlate
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    I can't select any on my Anno 1800 rewards

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:14 PM PST

    I just recently bought the season pass for Anno 1800 however I can't select any of the logos or portraits. can anyone help me fix it?

    submitted by /u/Terravum_Dominum
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    Palace crashing the game

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:33 AM PST

    Seconds after i place down the palce, the game freezes, is there any work around this or am i doomed to live like a peasant ?

    submitted by /u/Holten
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    HELP! Investor Houses not counting correctly???

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 04:27 AM PST

    I took a screenshot of my investor layout: https://imgur.com/a/iTSX9HP

    I have 6 of these layout there's 120 residences per layout but the population statistics tab only shows 696. WHY???

    EDIT: SOLVED. I COUNTED WRONG. i need to take a break from this game......

    submitted by /u/justinsy
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    Beginner Help in New World

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:51 PM PST

    Hello I am a beginner in the anno series, my first game is anno 1800. My question is how many islands from the new world do I really need to have a constant supply of goods to my main island and cape trelawney and not run out if there are 3 other AI? Thank you

    submitted by /u/Iam_a_CulturedMan
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    Tractor Barns in Enbesa

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:41 PM PST

    I see that you can build a tractor barn in Enbesa, but I don't see that you can create an oil harbor so they will have fuel. Is this a bug, or am I overlooking something?

    submitted by /u/bearcatnat
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