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    Thursday, December 31, 2020

    Anno [Anno 1503] I built a tiny aristocratic island. It's amazing how much this game allows you to do

    Anno [Anno 1503] I built a tiny aristocratic island. It's amazing how much this game allows you to do

    [Anno 1503] I built a tiny aristocratic island. It's amazing how much this game allows you to do

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 03:28 AM PST

    Residential Blocks be like

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:04 AM PST

    God I love this game, Happy New Year to all!!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:43 AM PST

    This has probably been posted before, but this article is teasing elevators and skyscrapers! So excited

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:59 PM PST

    /r/anno hit 30k subscribers yesterday

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 06:55 PM PST

    Your picks for season 3

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 07:59 AM PST

    Since season 3 info is soon coming (January, the anno gods have said) we have a few days left to freely speculate what it could include. One thing is for sure, a new session will not happen. So what are your picks for the three dlc? Considering all that already exists, I would say (and mostly wish) the following, also considering what has been discussed here in the subreddit:

    -Ships and houses DLC: add new stuff for ships, maybe one or two types (maybe like the flagship, they can be both sail and steam?), Items and mostly cosmetic variations for them and maybe the population houses, just to have variety

    -Hotels and Tourism DLC: special building (high rise tease could fit), with a limited amount per island, makes special specialists (ah ah) arrive, that give different bonuses than before: maybe one that gives different rewards in the world's Fair, one that gives a higher chance of a certain festival,etc... Maybe, who know, the queen herself could have an own festival, like 1701!

    -Free New World DLC: quite simply, a new tier for the new world, giving them economic viability and their much deserved independence. While my new world is already crowded, I feel like this could be the biggest dlc they can still add.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Seilofo
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    Still can't access rewards in Anno 1800 (e.g. portraits, flags, items) and it says I own them. Is this due to be fixed anytime soon?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:17 AM PST

    Sorry to ask about an issue I believe the Devs are already aware of but it seems to have been quite a while now. I own all the DLC and although the rewards page says I own all of these items I cannot access them.

    What's the deal? Is it being sorted?

    submitted by /u/KillTheKeyboard
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    [Anno 1800] Campaign with Season 1&2 DLC all included. How the hell it is supposed to be played?? (May contain spoiler)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 04:56 AM PST

    So I really like the game and decided to pick up both season 1&2 dlc. I started a campaign with all contents turned on, and holy hell, not only the extra new world that I need to manage, but also 2 other worlds. I have to say it is really hard to keep up with 4 worlds with one or two islands each. In old world I need to keep competing with this lady, in the new world I waging a war with Pyrphorians, and another two worlds with African Kind and the escaping Queen. In short, my hands are always full lol. Either I do it wrong, or the dlc for campaign is not meant to be turned on at the same time. Hence the question: how it is supposed to be played?

    submitted by /u/sloikalamos
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    1800, first play-through - without disabling all hints, is there some way to turn off the constant "click this button to sell your ship to a nearby trader" messages?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 07:16 PM PST

    I keep getting stuck

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 02:17 PM PST

    I keep getting stuck at artisans, barely making it into engineers before everything suddenly feels like a huge mess and I kinda just tire out from the whole experience. I quit for a couple of months and then I repeat the cycle. I've never managed to get to investors, ever.

    I reach workers, start up my iron production, until the playthrough before this one I would try and make a 1:1 iron production chain, figured it just doesn't work out as I then spend way too much time trying to gain enough workers for 3 steel mills, 2 foundries etc, you get the point, its a bad idea with each mill requiring 200 workers. I end up spending hours just trying to balance out production chains, making a surplus while having enough slaves left to move to the next need or tier. I open up a new production chain for their next need, then I need more farmers and/or workers, make some more houses, then the rest of the chains are insufficient and it creates this whole vicious cycle where it feels like I start over on everything as soon as I start producing any new type of goods.

    To put it simply its a loop of this: too few inhabitants -> build houses -> random goods production becomes insufficient -> increase production -> too few inhabitants -> build houses -> etc. etc.

    I get to artisans, no big deal, then I spend a while satisfying their needs and finally reaching engineers, this is where Im stumped. Suddenly everything I've made so far needs to be entirely rearranged to make room for universities and I have all four tiers in the same city and it all turns into a hot mess.

    Where am I going wrong?
    Should I just be saying fuck it, and brute force my way to engineers, get the commuters pier and outsource the low level productions to slave islands or is it actually feasible to have everything on the same island, as long as fertilities allows it obviously?
    Should I cut down on the building material productions? I tend to make 4 sawmills, 3+ brickworks and used to do 2 steel mills, but have cut down to just 1, then I do 3 window makers and usually I only have a single limestone node on my island, so thats self explanatory. Is patience key? Or maybe I just need to buy more materials from the NPC's?

    Not even mentioning the new world, when I try and start that up its easy enough, since theres only two tiers, the hassle for me on that part is to produce enough rum to satisfy my obreros while having a big enough surplus for my artisans and engineers. The arctic, been there once and all it did was mess it up for me even further, it seems Im not good at having different worlds running at the same time, I did fine in Anno 1404 as it was all on the same map, but with 1800 Im in way over my head here.

    Any tips would be appreciated, I really want to enjoy this game for more than just the first 30% of it!

    submitted by /u/_Damale_
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