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    Wednesday, January 6, 2021

    Anno Santa, now is NOT the time.

    Anno Santa, now is NOT the time.

    Santa, now is NOT the time.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 06:25 PM PST

    Stuck on campaign, why is the build mine button greyed out?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 03:00 AM PST

    "Late Game" Help

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 09:21 AM PST

    Hello Everybody!

    I have played Anno 1800 for 140 hours (I know, be gentle) or so on different story campaigns/sessions and for various reasons, I've quit them. This is the first Anno game I've played and the last time I played a game similar was Rise of Nations in like 2005. So I am no expert and Anno really scratched an itch I didn't realize I had.

    My question however is late game building, i.e. Power Plant and Engineer and Investor requirements.

    You see, I have gotten to these levels and found that if I didn't plan in the very beginning of building (for example that I need to have a railway feeding power plants for Engineers/Investors) I was in a position where I wasn't able to add a railway that felt optimal. Or that I need to add a power plant and possibly eliminating a production chain to make space. So I've tried to do that on a couple "test" play throughs and found that I run out of space and resources quickly. Maybe I am expanding too quickly or not quickly enough?

    When I start a play through I always seem to be in the same situation late game and not really gaining any new knowledge on how to perform better. I have also looked for guides online, but they really don't give information that I don't already know. Besides optimal production layouts from anno1800.fandom.com, it only helps slightly with small tips and tricks (which were definitely appreciated!)

    I guess the question is, after getting to a certain level, do I demolish production chains on a "main" island that I have an abundance for on other islands and utilize trade routes to the "main" island where I have Investors and Engineers to provide their needs?

    Sorry if this is a dumb or noob question, I just want to feel accomplished 80 hours into a session lol. I appreciate any and all feedback.

    submitted by /u/kooms1800
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    Anno 1800 DLC's question

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 03:41 AM PST


    Yesterday I bought myself the Anno 1800 Standart Edition and I need to say, that I love the game and the art style. Maybe gonna start one day with anno 1404. So the question is;
    When I finish my run on anno 1800, which DLC's should I get? Which one are good? Maybe I'm going to get myself the Season pass 1 or 2. But idk which one adds the best expirience. Sadly all of the DLC's are expensive for me rn, so i'm thinking about a season pass because its 24€ or should I just buy the DLC's one per one.


    submitted by /u/Sybeiria
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    Christmas Market Place, GTFO

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 09:23 AM PST

    Just Bought the game with all DLC and the Christmas pack is installed but now that Christmas is over the Market place is still decorated as Christmas and its still snowing and Santa flys overhead. Can this be disabled?

    submitted by /u/atham42
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    Help with Seasson pass

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 08:02 AM PST

    So the issue is that I bought time ago Anno 1800 by Steam but now i wanted to get the Season one pass cause in the epic games store I could have it with a 50% discount. However, I can't buy it there cause Epic Games detect that I don't own a copy of Anno 1800 so I can't buy there the Season pass, seems like it doesn't recognize that I have a copy of the game with Steam. So when in the main menu of the game i clic in the option of "additional content" and try to buy from there the DLC, the only way to get it is through Steam, the price I see for that DLC is with a discount of 50% because is a promotion of Epic Games Store, but when I wanna buy it using Steam the price is full with no discount. So the final price in Steam is with no discount at all.

    Does someone know how to solve this problem? Are there discounts for Anno 1800 content on Steam (like summer sales or similar) or will the price never change (€ 24.99)?

    Sorry for the weird question, I just hate this change they did from one company to other. I just wanted to know if there is a way I can buy the Season 1 pass with a discount if you own Anno 1800 via Steam.

    submitted by /u/Ferdigan23
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    Large Navy Wiped Out by Pew-Pew Island Guns

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 07:03 PM PST

    Hey guys, I am a new Anno player so still trying to get the hang of everything. I was recently at war with two AI players and was by all account winning in every engagement with a navy consisting of 5 Ships of Line, 6 Frigates, and 4 Gunboats. Went to take over an island and within seconds of entering the harbor had ships just blowing up. It looked like there were about 3-4 big cannons and a few small ones. I barely managed to escape with just 3 of my Ships of Line left. Meanwhile, across the map, the other AI smashes one of my feeder islands to bits (b/c I'm dumb and didn't add defenses) and takes over. IDK, do I start over? Any tips for Anno warfare? Fml this playthrough is my longest thus far.

    submitted by /u/_SaltySalmon_
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    I made a small modification to Spice It Up/Harborlife's quaystreet textures

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 03:11 PM PST

    I always found Harborlife's quaystreets a bit jarring to look at, as they never blended properly with the rest of the quays, both in their old and new world versions. These modified textures just revert the quaystreets to look like regular quays again, since I don't have enough artistic ability to make them better instead.

    The goal is to have quaystreets look ok without resorting to the nuclear option of turning every quay or building into a road (which is a mod that's been floating around), now they look strictly identical to quays but one acts as a road and one doesn't.

    You'll want to unpack this .rar and drop the six .dds files in your Anno 1800\mods\[Addon] Harborlife\data\graphics\hc\props\quay folder, replacing the ones inside (back those up just in case).

    Here's the MEGA download link to it.

    This is the limit of my modding ability, and I realistically won't be able to improve on it any further, all I did was swap the texture files. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this small adjustment!

    Edit: And here's a link towards Spice It Up itself, for those who haven't yet tried it out; a collection of smaller mods aiming to generally improve upon the Anno 1800 experience in a variety of ways.

    Edit: Screenshots of Before & After changing the textures

    submitted by /u/BlackGyver
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    How can I remove Santa from the game?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:59 PM PST

    I purchased the game on 24 Dec, since then, I have played 90 hours, still I am seeing Santa flying in sky in the old world and Santa home in arctic. How can I remove that?

    submitted by /u/tardigrade1001
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    Some help with deciding what to buy

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 12:29 PM PST

    Hello everyone,so I was planning to buy anno 1800 and its now on sale epic games

    The standard edition is 21 usd

    Do I need any dlcs?how is the experience without

    Also If I buy the games in epic games Is it possible to buy dlc in uplay ? The complete edition is 50 usd as well "if its worth it or not and if I will miss stuff like season passes since I dont know a lot about them I am new to anno series so I dont know Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/Killer17X
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