• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 2, 2021

    Anno Tobias just unloaded 3200 Iron ore, this is 2 minutes later while he's still in the harbour. Fuck.

    Anno Tobias just unloaded 3200 Iron ore, this is 2 minutes later while he's still in the harbour. Fuck.

    Tobias just unloaded 3200 Iron ore, this is 2 minutes later while he's still in the harbour. Fuck.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:35 AM PST

    Anno 1404 (SBM/ BBM) - City: Utopia

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:37 AM PST

    slowly filling in the gaps between the sets.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 06:17 PM PST

    Incipium Production Increase and Powerplants (fix)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:45 AM PST

    So, I've been getting back into playing Anno 1800 lately and since I wanted to have an easy time try out a few things, I used the updated Incipium Mod for (among other things) the increase in production. I mainly play this game to chill, relax and have some fun, while building - to me? - nice looking cities. This post is supposed to show you a way on how to deal with the production increase of powerplants while using the Incipium mod. It is divided into a backstory, an explanation of "the problem" and a way to fix work around it. I don't think that there is anything wrong with this mod or that it is broken, I just stumbled upon a few people asking for a solution to this issue (mainly on NexusMods) and wanted to write down a way to fix it that I have found.

    If you don't care about the backstory or any of my rambling, jump straight to the description of the problem I occured and my workaround further down

    The Backstory

    I went to Nexus Mods was super happy to find that Incipium had upgraded their mod and it was actually compatible with the newer game versions, while making the tweaking of numbers a helluva lot easier than it was before. The last time - about a year ago - I spent up to 1,5h to get all the values into the asset file and seeing that I only had to tweak one number, I got incredibly happy! So I (the boring modding cheat I am) wanted to up the production increase to crazy levels and set it to 900%,

    which is a number I used because I am bad at math, since I actually wanted to get a 1000% production output, and thought to myself "this number is for sure added onto the production value and not the production value itself, so if I want to reach 1000% production output I have to add 900% to reach 1000% production, since 100% is already there". Yes, I know, I am dumb. Anyway:

    This would give me the ability to build one factory of anything and still sustain the needs of my people easily. While I quickly learned that the explosion of stuff is linked to the production percentage (I had distilleries blow up faster than I could say "firestation"), I also ran into a weird bottleneck after about 2 hours. The production efficiency of all buildings that had any kind of output would be set to "900%", meaning that even my poor power plant was pumping out electricity at that value. This lead to me being able to sustain power for my Engineers and Investors at the same level of reliability as the power providers of the US State of Texas during winter time. The powerplant was guzzling through oil faster than my little Thomas the Dank Engine could provide it. I quickly found the culprit by reading the buffs on my powerplant - it was using the same 900% buff as all the other factories.

    So naturally I looked into the modding files and fiddled with the numbers, but nothing could fix it. I was devastated. I couldn't get past Engineers reliably - I had to pause the powerplant, wait for it to be topped with oil and then allow the output of power and hover my Engineers to upgrade them into Investors that promptly greeted me with some audio of how incredibly unreliable the electricity in my city was. As if I didn't know that you entitled little bitch great addition to my capital. I started googling and couldn't find a "fix".

    The "Problem"

    The problem in this specific situation is, that Incipium wrote their mod in a way that applies - as far as I can tell - the output increase in production to anything that produces something. This includes powerplants (since they use oil and produce electricity), which means they are blasting through the oil incredibly fast, usually way faster than your trains can provide it, leading to an unstable electricity network in your town and through this an unstable production of goods that need electricity, non-upgradable Engineers and unhappy Investors.

    The "Fix"

    I suck at formatting on this website and since I am not an IT person - my fields of expertise couldn't be farther from programming - I will try to walk you reading this through the process as good as I can. I will assume that you already know how to install a mod and where to find the place to install or change the mods. If this is not the case, you can find more information on how and where to start with modding in this guide.

    The "fix" for the "problem" is actually a lot easier than I thought it would be and it took me only a few minutes hours of trying. In general Incipium has divided their mods into certain fields and what we need for this "fix" is two folders, the one labled "Increased Productivity (100%)" and the one labled "Enhanced Power Plants".

    • You will want to open both the "asset.xml" files found in "your directories\Anno 1800\mods[Incipium] Enhanced Power Plants\data\config\export\main\asset" and "your directories\Anno 1800\mods[Incipium] Increased Productivity (100%)\data\config\export\main\asset". From now on I will refer to those files as *asset.xml powerplant and asset.xml production. In my example I will be upping the production by 100%, without affecting the powerplant. You can tweak that value to anything, as long as you follow this it should work.
    • In the asset.xml production you want to scroll to one block of code that is labled "Factory Upgrade" in

    line 33:

    <FactoryUpgrade> <ProductivityUpgrade> <Value>100</Value> (you can use any value) <Percental>1</Percental> </ProductivityUpgrade> </FactoryUpgrade> 

    Here you can change the value to anything you want the production to be increased by. It can be 50, 100, 900, 1500 - anything. This value is responsible for the amount of production percentage your producing factory (or farm, etc.) will reach. Whatever the Value is, you will want to type in a value and then copy this block of text.

    • Now use ctrl+s to save your changes and close the asset.xml production.
    • Then you want to go to the asset.xml powerplant.
    • In the asset.xml powerplant you want to scroll to one line of code labled "FactoryUpgrade" in

    line 30:

    <FactoryUpgrade /> 

    What we will now do is known as the magic of workarounds programming!

    • In the asset.xml powerplant replace the


    <FactoryUpgrade /> 

    with the lines:

    <FactoryUpgrade> <ProductivityUpgrade> <Value>-100</Value> (spotted the difference?) <Percental>1</Percental> </ProductivityUpgrade> </FactoryUpgrade> 

    that we copied from earlier with the addition of adding a minus before the peercentage value. This way we are cancelling out the effect that is done by the modding in the asset.xml production. Since one is upping the value by 100% and the other is lowering the value by 100% in the end the value for the electricity output production (the speed at which the oil is used) stays exactly the same!

    • Now use ctrl+s to save your changes and close the asset.xml powerplant.
    • Start up Anno 1800 and make happy Anno noises because now you are able to play Anno 1800 with the production increase by Incipium enabled without your little Dank Engine Thomas sweating from the hustle of providing gallons litres of oil for your powerplants.


    I hope this has helped some of you who, like me, love playing Anno a little easier than the easy difficulty, without having to completely forego core gameplay elements like electricity. I also hope that the formatting worked out, because I have never made a post this long, and I will not be able to know if the formatting looks even close to what I had hoped before I click post.

    If you have any more questions concerning this workaround please feel free to ask them!

    *Edit1: The bullet point formatting didn't work close to as good as I wanted it to, but it's okay-ish, so I will probably keep it this way!

    submitted by /u/RotNS
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    Redundant Harbour (Docklands)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:40 AM PST

    Now that we have the docklands buildings, I really don't understand why we HAVE to keep the initial harbour/warehouse.

    Normally, and I'm sure many are similar here, I want to dedicate a whole coastline to the docklands. This means you have to place the harbour elsewhere - this lead to ship queuing issues for me where 7 ships were waiting by the harbour building, rather than going round the (very small) island to use one of the 5 vacant piers that were part of the docklands.

    I mean, the ships queueing is a really irritating and separate issue - but you're forced to either have an ugly mish mash harbour/docklands or ,move one, and face issues with trade route queues.

    JuST let Me rePLaCe thE HarBouR pLS

    submitted by /u/Astromanatee
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    What is the cheapest way to get all Anno 1800 DLCs?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:37 AM PST

    I own the Standart Edition of Anno 1800. Now I want to have all of the DLCs. The Season Passes are currently 52.47€ in total, which is a lot. There is something called "Investorenausgabe", which contains all DLCs and the main game for 82.49€.

    Is there a cheaper way to get them?

    submitted by /u/KesterAssel
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    Palace in combination with dockland wharf

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 04:50 AM PST

    How well does the palace policies and the docklands wharf interact? How well do the bonuses from either stack?

    submitted by /u/lordfil
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    Enbesa Farm Layouts?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 11:40 AM PST

    Hello, recently wanted to do some reorganizing stuff in enbesanian crop farms. I want to use tractors and trading unions. I have seen that linseed farms layout here but it is super complicated and I don't understand way it is build. Ok.. i can copy it but it looks so random for me. Maybe you have some tips that I can use with making my own layouts?

    submitted by /u/Henias
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    Does somebody know when the sale if the free weekend is running out?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 11:29 AM PST

    I think about buying a DLC, but can't right now, so I wanted to know when the sale will stop...

    submitted by /u/KingBauzi
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    Speculations for Tourist Season

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 11:21 AM PST

    Does anybody else hope that they will allow the hotel and new tourist citizen tier to be built in the New World and Enbesa? It seems like these would be places that Old World citizens would travel to for vacation.

    Would it really be that hard to implement from a developer standpoint if they did allow it?

    EDIT: Also, I would like to see the following in the next DLC:

    1.) Hot Air Balloon Rides - This would be done through a new building that would add a higher chance of a special visitor arriving and more attractiveness to the city.

    2.) Cruises - These would be a new type of expedition that would provide current items and specialists along with unique items and specialists that would not be available through research.

    submitted by /u/ReformedSlate
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    Enbesa or New World?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:57 AM PST

    Just getting my feet wet playing the campaign and I'm at the point where I've got new settlements in both Enbesa and the New World.

    Is there any advantage to focusing on one over the other? Should I work on both at the same time? Can I leave one alone without falling too far behind?

    Since my island in the Old World is still having some significant growing pains, I'm worried that I might be missing stuff by trying to focus on expanding in three different theatres at once. Any advice or strategies to cope with this?

    submitted by /u/brasswirebrush
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    Do or do not. There is no try.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 03:44 PM PST

    Docklands quest bug

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:32 AM PST

    So we know that there is (hopefully was) a bug with the docklands quest. Has this been fixed yet?

    submitted by /u/lordfil
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    Will there be a coming update to increase the harbor area?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:47 AM PST

    I'm aware there's a mod for it and I've tried to run with it. For some reason my DX12 crashes when I put buildings into that area. That area does a constant flicker then freezes following up with the crash error. I have the updated file so that cause is out of the picture

    Reason I'm asking is due to a end game docklands the clumped up docklands looks too aesthetically unpleasant to look at

    submitted by /u/jram22
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    Performance issues (1440p, RTX3080)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 09:56 PM PST

    Hi folks,

    yesterday I bought Ubisoft+ and wanted to try Anno1800. Had a blast the first two hours in but whenever I use the arrowkeys to scroll around the map it feels very choppy.I turned all settings to high (down from ultra high), no resolution upscaling activated. Even with GSync Ultimate it feels weird and not how it should feel, I guess.

    Are there any tweaks I could do?

    Edit: I got a 5800X and 32GB RAM.

    submitted by /u/BREgATRON
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    Way of making pirates gone for good (intentionally)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 07:32 PM PST

    So I stumbled into what I believe to be a reliable (so far) way to make the pirates go away forever. After doing this Anne Harlow has not tried to rebuild her base even though Jean La Fortune has about two or three times. She also appears in the diplomacy screen which Jean does not so I believe this to be a bug.

    So here's the story.

    I used to be allied with her and sold her beer, bought items and occasionally ships. Then she started offering me quests and I wasn't interested in doing them so I declined them and took a -3 or -4 reputation hit here and there.

    At one point though she cancelled my alliance. No biggie, I thought, I just flattered and gave payments and got myself back on her good graces. Then she did it again, and this time she started to threaten me. Since I had no navy (I'm playing with no AI and have only 3 ships guarding against Jean returning), I paid up. After three times of this in less than an hour though I was done, she had to go.

    I bought ships (mostly from her) and pirate flag items (all from her) and built up a navy of battle cruisers, monitors, and ships of the line. Then I proceeded to activate the black flag items all at once and crushing her base while technically being on friendly terms. Once the base surrendered it switched to the abandoned look and I THINK the game said "Pirates defeated" but she hasn't been back since. I can still interact with her, flatter, bribe, establish non agression pacts, all that so I think the game is just in a weird state.

    Anyways, not sure if this will hold and not sure if there's any way to undo it, so don't necessarily recommend it. But if you started the game with pirates and are sure sure you want them gone it's worth a try.

    submitted by /u/yarian
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    Defeat without reason

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 04:00 PM PST

    Hello there

    Just bought the game and got invested rather quick, started the campagne and all went well until I lost a few hours after I colonized the new world. Thought yeah well, let's try again and started a new round. And then, not even colonising anything yet I lost again. No indication, no explanation, no nothing.

    What did I do wrong?

    I do enjoy the game, I love the esthetics but it does ruin the fun if this happens with every save game.

    Excuse any spelling, English is not my first language.

    submitted by /u/heoweo
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    It doesn’t start?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:08 PM PST

    Hey I just got anno 1800 on the epic games store and it doesn't start. Does anyone have any idea why that might be?

    submitted by /u/Peter_Baum
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    how do you use the research kit on an item

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 03:30 PM PST

    got a research kit as a secondary bonus for collecting more scholar houses.

    but I have no idea how to use one, I want to use it on a gritty gas extractor so i dont have to grind those resources anymore.

    except the problem is, is that I have no idea how to use it on anything.

    Does anyone know how to do this?

    its probably something super basic that i am over looking

    submitted by /u/tylerbagot
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