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    Anno Me vs others playing Docklands

    Anno Me vs others playing Docklands

    Me vs others playing Docklands

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:50 AM PST

    rocks on water

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 07:21 AM PST

    The German voice of Captain Tobias has the same voice actor as Hassan Ben Sahid.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 06:54 AM PST

    I love it when the Anno team does stuff like that.

    Including old voice actors from previous Anno titles is something I already loved in 2205.
    Please keep on doing that!

    submitted by /u/Ch0ky
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    How to Improve low FPS drastically on some systems

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 08:27 AM PST

    Ok, so this is my first Reddit Post ever and I am sorry if I am doing something wrong, but I wanted to share this tip for anyone who has the same problem and like me, couldn't find a solution to their low fps problem even after hours of googling.

    I have a rather good system I would say:Ryzen 3600 OC @ 4,4 GHZ16 gb 3200 MHZ DDR4 RAM3060 TI, overclocked

    Now when I first played Anno 1800, everything was fine. Performance was great. But after getting into mid-late game I started noticing that my fps would tank reaaaaaaally hard in city areas. Even on the lowest graphical settings and resolution I would only get 18-20 fps in a city. Graphics settings and resolution actually had absolutely zero effect on fps.

    I will get straight to the fix that worked for me:

    All I did was moving my pagefile of Windows 10 off of my system drive (a SATA SSD Crucial MX500) to another drive, which is an NVMe drive (Kingston A2000), restarted the pc and it fixed the low fps completely, I now get full 60 fps everywhere again with maxed out graphical settings and 1080p Resolution (fps are limited to 60, to keep my gpu quiet).

    Please Note that this may cause issues on certain systems as someone in the comments has pointed out. So if you have the capability to update your RAM, that might a better option.

    How I found the solution:

    I read somewhere online that SATA SSDs can only do sequentual reads, whereas NVMe drives can do parallel reads. I don't know if this is even true, but it sparked the idea.

    Things I tried before:Updating driversRestarting pcdifferent graphics settings and resolutions

    and much more ...

    PS:I also have improved performance in Horizon: Zero Dawn and the Witcher 3. No fps drops anymore in dense areas.

    submitted by /u/randomInterest92
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    Port/Harbour Ornaments mod?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 10:24 AM PST

    I've been using this mod to make my ports alive (mainly with ships) but it seems that support is now discontinued as mod has been deleted from nexus. It was an awesome mod so I'd love to use it but with Docklands it doesn't work any more :( On saves, already placed items are there but I can't place new ones (apart from one item) as they all have "construction area blocked" info.

    Is there any way I could solve it?

    submitted by /u/Pinstrip3
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    Sending > 1 ship to expeditions

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 10:11 AM PST

    Is it in any way possible to send more than 1 ship to an expedition? Doesn't matter which expedition.

    Hypothetically: You are playing medium/hard AI and you know they will settle in other regions quickly, even before you do. So when you get to your destination, you might want to settle a couple of islands quickly from the onset of arrival. But the ship you sent doesn't carry enough materials for you to do that.

    By the time you settle in your first island, the AI might have nabbed another big and good island. So....

    Is it possible to send 2 ships together on an expedition?

    If not, how long does it take for a second ship to arrive at the destination which you have just arrived at?

    submitted by /u/max-power14
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    "A new season has been unlocked"

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 05:11 AM PST

    But confused by this. I just rushed the best islands in the cape for later and as soon as I arrived in the region it said, "A new session has been unlocked". Complete with a lovely UI like when you get an achievement.

    Because there was none else there it got me thinking. Was it changed, like the artic that the AI only enters the cape after you've arrived?

    When I got to enbessa and the new world the AI (all two stars) where already there. It didn't say new session unlocked or anything.

    The cape was completely empty, and it got the new session unlocked voice over. Has something changed?

    submitted by /u/uncleseano
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    When does the "sunken treasures" expedition to Cape Trelawney appear?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 04:55 AM PST

    I read that it appears once you have 700 workers. It didn't, but I'm certain that I activated the DLC. Was it 700 artisans? Or is this a bug?

    submitted by /u/Low-E_McDjentface
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    Lands of Lions AI bug still around?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 04:17 AM PST

    When LoL released there was this bug, that AIs would reach Enbesa and settle islands before you did and before you reached elders. A lot of streamers said back then, that is not intended. Then a lot of people here mentioned that youre not to build hospitals, as that seems to be the trigger and if you dont build them, the expedition and the story progress as they should.

    So the question is, is that still around or was it fixed in the meantime?

    submitted by /u/NekyoArc
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    Harbor buildings bug after docklands

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 10:13 AM PST

    Is anyone experiencing issues with placing harbor buildings such as fisheries, public mooring etc, after the docklands dlc? Whenever I try to build a fishery or some other harbor building, it tells me construction area is blocked even though I have no other buildings in that harbor. Is this a bug after the dlc or does docklands not interact well with some mods?

    submitted by /u/sspada
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    Driver for Anno 1800

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 06:49 AM PST

    Hey guys, i wanted to ask u which diver version do u use for anno 1800 and does anyone has some good tips for reducing the lags. In my PC is a Nvidia geforce gtx 1650 with the driver version 461.4 but it lags hard.

    Thx for awnsering and some help

    submitted by /u/Calltolose0403
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    World-Class reefer

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 05:54 AM PST

    Who is best specialist for World-Class reefer. Ermenegilda Di Mercante?

    submitted by /u/saeKn
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    City_Ornaments_2.0 update and adjustment to GU10

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 02:25 PM PST

    City_Ornaments_2.0 update and adjustment to GU10

    hi there,

    City_Ornaments_2.0 was updatet to be fully compatible with SiU and GU10


    \-adjustments to the water levels of the channels: are now identical \-by request: muddy marketplaces/stalls are added \-by request: some cultural attractiveness from the objects removed \-various adjustments to GU 10 (DLC-Docklands) \-is now compatible with \[Ornamental\] World-Fair Items from SiU \-the eiffel tower is now in the buildmenu from City\_Ornaments\_2.0 in the category "Statues and Fountains" after receiving it from the world exhibition \-In order not to disturb old savegames, the farmers market will be placed after updates from the investor market 

    Download on Nexus

    muddy marketplace

    greetings muggenstuermer

    submitted by /u/muggenstuermer
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    Where I see the actual name of a island before it's colonized?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 04:49 AM PST

    In the campaign NPC ask for permission to settle an island and they name it. I don't know how to check what island they are talking about. Where can I see it?

    submitted by /u/Alert_Economics
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    Any idea what to do with all the item slots in my Docklands Harbor?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 06:02 PM PST

    After the specialists which improve passive trade, there are still like five useless slots.

    submitted by /u/10z20Luka
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    I am disappointed with you guys.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:45 AM PST

    For the past couple of days, after docklands were released, there were multiple threads emerging regarding its potential imbalances and fixes thereof, as well as examples of the extremely OP things that can be done with it.

    Unfortunately it turns out this subreddit is not as nice as it seems, because when a discussion about games issues occurs, the downvotes keep coming towards anyone who dares to have thoughts of perhaps introducing limits to provide better balance.

    Shame on you - not only is downvoting opinions wrong, you are also actively trying to stifle the discussion by downvoting the topics themselves to bury them before people can see them and discuss.

    Shame on you.

    EDIT: I don't really know why I'm writing this, after all this will get downvoted without discussion as well.

    EDIT2: Obviously I'm not talking about the entire subreddit here, but those select few who harm discussion.

    submitted by /u/Avalyah
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    First time playing, anyway to make the AI not be so frustrating to deal with in the campaign?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 06:48 PM PST

    I have restarted the campaign twice, and i am currently working on getting canned goods going for my Artisans. I am probably 10 hours into the campaign going at my own pace.

    Beyrl (Not wily/Chinese princess) has been getting increasingly upset with me. For reasons i don't know why, she bought shares in some of my islands (i did not know this was a thing). Then she eventually declared war on me, and is constantly going after everything i have. Recently declared war on me and has been constantly attacking me non-stop for the last hour or so. Unfortunately it is pretty much causing my entire empire to fall apart.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? I remember Anno 1404 being pretty laid back unfortunately this is pretty much the direct opposite. Is there a way i can do this campaign without dealing with any AI's?

    submitted by /u/SonOfSpades
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    The Sugar Shutdown.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 01:10 PM PST

    The Sugar Shutdown.

    In a previous game Bente and Willie stopped progressing their islands at Artisan. As soon as made some New World islands with sugar fertility available, they both rushed them and their progression resumed.

    In my current game I am playing with much more challenging settings and harder AI (Beryl and Hunt) so as an experiment, I decided to test the sugar theory. I rushed Artisan, got to the New World first and immediately claimed every island with sugar fertility.

    Now at 11 hours, I am approaching investor and both are still on artisan. Look.


    Lady Hunt

    Both have built rum distilleries but have nothing to put in them.

    Normally Hunt and Beryl would be well into engineers by now, mb even investor, but both are stuck. Both want me to sell them sugar in the New World. I suspect that them moment they have even one sugar that this barrier will be lifted. I suspect that sugar is some hard coded progression requirement for the AI. I will test this later in the game when my little merchant empire has evolved past the brink of financial disaster and report, whether selling them one sugar is enough to get them moving again or if they require an island with sugar.

    In the meantime, this is 2 games now where sugar has been a thing blocking AI progression. Something for you strategists and exploiters to consider.

    Edit: Lady Hunt has been selling Rum in the NW now for about 4 hours, buying the sugar from Isabel presumably, (the only other person with sugar in game is me and I ain't sellin') and still no progress on her OW home island. So she has had access to everything required to progress to engineer, if she was a player, for over 10 hours. More than enough time for her to reach investor under normal circumstances. So I am convinced now. It isn't the rum. It isn't access to sugar. It is an island with sugar fertility.

    (BlueByte, go away. Stop reading my posts and stealth nerfing stuff. I saw what you did to the sell price of Polyglot Scholar Rahim. I was relying on that in my current game. I managed, regardless, but - just ... idk.)

    submitted by /u/SoggyTowelette
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