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    Anno /r/anno Questions Thread – June 05, 2020

    Anno /r/anno Questions Thread – June 05, 2020

    /r/anno Questions Thread – June 05, 2020

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Hi /r/anno, welcome to our Weekly Questions thread!

    This is a place for you to ask questions and seek advice from other players. Additionally, if you'd like to share your knowledge and give tips to your fellow players, go ahead!

    Finally, have a look at the Community Resource Megathread!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    In the middle of the city

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    Layout Alpakafarm with silo´s (Fountains=silo)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    Super Seed Item

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    Super Seed Item

    I have been playing with the Spice It Up Mod and I was using the super seeds items for my farms but they have all gone missing now with the update. Is it a mod that I am missing or part of the game?

    It boast production by 50% and it is a legendary item.


    submitted by /u/XinHoMTG
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    Welcome to Friedrichsfels!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    Finally got Anno 1800!!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    So I just bought Anno 1800 with both season passes. I've played a bit of 1404 and 2070 but not much before this, but I'm loving this one!!!

    Admittedly my first two islands went bust. Second one I got to the artisan class and even some settlements in the new world, but for a variety of reasons money became a real issue and I couldn't get out of a hole.

    I'm on my third one now and really getting in a groove with it. Started using some of the the production layout sets on the wiki to help maximize efficiency. I had been hesitant because I thought it would take the fun out of it for some reason, but I really like laying everything out with the blue print and then slowly constructing it. It's really satisfying to watch the town slowly grow from my plans.

    I was wondering if there was anything else I should be thinking about or ways to make the most out of each island?


    submitted by /u/Tarkus93
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    Is this a bug or me being bad at layouts?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Tractors and farm storage - we've hit a wall, and it needs a fix with the next patch

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Does anyone else think that with the release of Bright Harvest, even despite the much needed addition of another upgrade level to warehouses, carts still cannot unload goods fast enough to keep up with the production boosts?

    Take the example of the coffee plantation: at 100% efficiency it takes 60 seconds to produce one item, so 2 minutes to fill up the storage. That's the time the cart has to go unload its contents at a warehouse and come back before the farm starts dropping efficiency due to full storage.

    At 450% efficiency it takes ~13.3 seconds to produce one item. Farms have a maximum storage of 2, so that's ~26.6 seconds for the cart to make it to the warehouse and back again before the plantation is backed up. This is cutting it really close, considering that the cart takes around 1 second to cross 1 tiles, then around 14-15 (!) seconds for the unload. By the time the cart makes its way back and forth the farm will be full and not working. Farms however have 2 carts attached to them, so taking that into account and assuming the warehouse is right next to the farm and never full, it will be all right as long as the cart journey takes less than 26 seconds.


    But lets work this through a "real life" scenario where you may have multiple farms running at 450% in one location being boosted by a trade union with multiple warehouses present. Like in this image:


    Note that this layout does not attempt to fit as many farms as possible into the range of the trade union as you might be tempted to do, because putting warehouses outside of the trade union range increases cart travel time substantially.

    Lets say you fit all of your warehouses between your farm buildings. Remember that the cart has an upper limit of 26 seconds for the journey + unload here. Everything is fine as long as the cart picks the warehouse closest to it, however that same warehouse also has 3 other farms that are closest to it. That makes a total of 8 potential carts trying to unload at that warehouse at the same time. This means if all of the farms are producing at 450%, they will quickly overwhelm a New World warehouse with carts even at maximum possible level.

    There is a selection process for the cart to drop off however, and I think it will try to pick closest available warehouse to drop off its goods. This means that its very easy for it to pick a warehouse where even if the cart does not have to wait at the warehouse for its unload slot, the journey itself will add up to more than 26 seconds and make the farm start backing up with goods. Note that this is a problem that itself creates an upper limit to how much actual efficiency (vs. reported ingame efficiency) you can get from your farms, and if you take 4 farms to every max level warehouse in the New World (4 slots) that efficiency currently peaks at around 375% (~16 seconds per item) because the farm will keep shutting off and dropping its efficiency due to producing faster than carts can unload above that. And this is assuming your layout is optimised and all farms have best possible journey to warehouse each taking only 1 tile. If they have to travel further at any point, this maximum actual efficiency drops even further.

    In conclusion: With the release of Bright Harvest we have effectively hit a wall in terms of farm optimisation due to the mechanics of carts. Using just fuel stations usually avoids this as long as you have enough warehouse slots available (1 per farm) unless your layout requires carts to travel long distance (5 road tiles or more). Using fuel stations + trade union items to boost efficiency above 375% on 60 sec production time farms is effectivelly a waste of your influence. Coffee and grain are two examples of 60 sec farms, and potatoes for example are a 30 sec farm, but since their maximum storage is 4 their maximum actual efficiency is also at 375%. However, this "magic number" still discourages late game optimisation as you hit a wall with warehouses due to it becoming impossible to build a layout where all farms are exactly 1 tile from a warehouse, and because they are so big they end up occupying a very substantial amount of precious space. To be honest I think it should be addressed for gameplay's sake, and there are a number of options that can fix this issue:

    1. Make carts unload faster at warehouses. ~15 seconds to unload before travel time is pretty extreme to be honest.
    2. Add more storage to farms. Doubling farm storage capacity for example will largely alleviate this problem as long as carts can carry more than 1 ton at the same time. Each unit of storage at a farm will add around 125% to the maximum actual efficiency of a farm in a layout of 1 farm per warehouse slot. Storage of 4 tons on a 60 sec farm (so 8 on 30 sec, etc.) will put the maximum actual efficiency at 625% which is beyond what you can reach with any available items right now.
    3. Make the tractor module change carts into motorised vehicles at farms, per what happens with electrified factories. This will completely eliminate the issue as steam trucks unload extremely fast, and it's the reason why industry doesn't run into this problem at all.

    What do you guys think about all this? And /u/Com_Raven if you are reading this can we get this addressed in the next patch?

    edit: fixed some minor errors in the text

    submitted by /u/blodo_
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    What happend to my ships?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    So just started anno 1800, activated harvest festival, went AFK a few hours, came back and found my 100K investors missing this and that. My peaseants missing stuff. I have had a balanced game, where EVERY one of my 150k citizens have had every single need, and luxery fulfilled, ALWAYS.. So aparently there must be some trade route bug in the new DLC, since they arent getting their wares. So off to trade route menu I go, and lo and behold, im missing some 30ish steam ships, fully kitted out with peace flags, propellers, and whatever nice items they would need. WTF just happend there? Anyone had something similar?

    submitted by /u/Dimhilion
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    Anno1800 | Ep. 4 | With Mods!| Bright Harvest and DLC!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 10:01 AM PDT


    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    I have noticed, like many others, that Anno 1800 rewards high unemployment with higher income. I'm a US player and the recent economic downturn and high unemployment rates in our country got me thinking...

    What if there was an expert setting where every citizen that was unemployed would reduce your income by the median amount that the citizens of that tier were paying you in income? For example, if workers were paying $25 per citizen and you had 40 unemployed then your income rate would go down by 40x$25=$1000!

    I don't think I would like this in Anno 1800 because I've developed a certain style of play that would get wrecked by this feature, but I'm curious what the community's thoughts are on this. There would probably need be a little more balancing the devs would have to do with income to make it possible to play this way. Would this be a feature you would like to see in a future title?

    submitted by /u/GerthQUAKE2
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    How do you guys plan and build Crown Falls?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    I am doing a little Let's Play series and am about to start building on Crown Falls. I am not sure if I want to do a boring grid layout or put the houses only in Town Halls for items. What is your way to go? How do you plan those things?

    submitted by /u/iTz_Proph3t
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    Low resolution full screen

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:10 AM PDT

    Hey I want to play Anno on my laptop. My laptop has a 2800x1800 resolution but I only want to play at 1680x1050 because of my GPU. I set my Windows to this resolution. however, the Anno Screen only shows in the top left corner instead of fullscreen when choosing the lower resolution. How can I fix that?

    submitted by /u/charlesGodman
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    Noob needs help on campaign

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    Hello guys, I'm new to this game. Starting my campaign and barely made it into the phase when I blow up the passage lead to the Iron mine, I realised that I'd messed up my layout so I started a new campaign. Was doing ok in managing workers but I'm now bankrupt after building the furnace. How can I earn profit? My income is always negative, I can trade but barely make any profit from it. How many production building do I need to build at the start of the campaign?

    This game is turning me crazy.

    submitted by /u/Forevercule26
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    Searching for item adder mod

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 03:08 AM PDT

    Is there a where i can add items by item ID list, or any other mod in general that helps with items other than the legendary trader.

    submitted by /u/thebigbadwold69
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    Escorting Charter Ships Between Worlds?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2020 01:02 AM PDT

    Hey there! is it possible to assign a military ship you own to escort a charter ship between worlds, say on a Cotton run between the Old World and the New World? I tried before and the military ships never made the full round trip, and I wanted to make sure if it's a known issue or if I maybe did something wrong. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ihniwtr
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    I accomplished something (Achievement)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    Well, I thought I had a screenshot, but my screenshots aren't saving, some graphics are missing too, since the update. I reached 50k Investors! Yay!

    Edit: I forgot I have a phone. Pictures of screen warning






    submitted by /u/spec_a
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