• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 7, 2020

    Anno Those cards now have a great place at my wall!

    Anno Those cards now have a great place at my wall!

    Those cards now have a great place at my wall!

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    After 1500+ hours in anno, i finally achieved my next personal goal :)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    New ubdate farm optimised at 550% and make potatoes, champagne, cigar !

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Over 100+ Logos

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Over 100+ Logos

    This modification adds over 100+ new logos. These include logos from games, movies and gaming platforms. There is also a new colour palette, specially adapted to the new logos. Currently the mod contains 130 new logos.

    My goal was to create a little change from the usual logos. Everybody always has his personal logo, which is usually never changed. And I hope that some of you will like a new logo. Each logo was specially cut and converted.

    You can download my Mod on Nexus Mods: Link


    submitted by /u/DreS0X
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    I like the possibility of changing the looks of farms, but I'm not going over 216 farm fields 1 by 1

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    Really digging the new update! Now my farms look better than my citys

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    My New World Recreation of U/GreenManCH's Soccer/Football Field

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    Robots will never replace humans. Or?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    Should I get Anno 1800 if I enjoyed sandbox game like Cities Skylines?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    I've spent 1k+ hours on cities skylines just designing the perfect cities mirroring real life. I enjoy paying attention to small details like street decoration, billboards, etc.

    Will I like Anno 1800? At first look it seems this game is a lot more restricted and railroaded than CS.

    submitted by /u/ownagesoldier
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    My Way to Max Population (long post)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    My Way to Max Population (long post)

    Some key factors to making this method work:

    Based on 'end game' progressBest to have unlocked the palaceHeavy investment in specialistsSpace management better than me (shouldn't be hard from what I've seen, lol)I believe these are all base-game participants, meaning no DLC required.

    For the progression of each pod, if your goal is all Investors, the following specialists are recommended:

    In order of use;


    Farmers and WorkersBrasserie Patron MertensEpic


    Bonus Supply
    Residences with the 📷 Pub need fulfilled, are provided with 📷 Sausages, 📷 Bread, 📷 Beer, 📷 Church

    Arch-Archbishop ArchibaldEpic


    Bonus Supply
    Residences with the 📷 Church need fulfilled, are provided with 📷 Schnapps, 📷 Pub, 📷 Beer
    Impact of working conditions: -35%


    Artisans through Engineers

    Critically-Acclaimed Tragedian OR Maxime Renard the One-Man ShowEpic



    Happiness: +7
    Provided Needs
    Residents are provided with 📷 Variety Theatre.



    Happiness: +3
    Bonus Supply
    Residences with the 📷 Variety Theatre need fulfilled, are provided with 📷 Rum, 📷 Canned Food

    Mr. Garrick, Founder of the Entrepreneur Gentlemen's ClubEpic


    Bonus Income: +5
    Residents gain bonus income from 📷 Bank.
    Bonus Supply
    Residences with the 📷 Bank need fulfilled, are provided with 📷 Pocket Watches, 📷 Jewellery



    Mr. Garrick, Founder of the Entrepreneur Gentlemen's ClubEpic


    Bonus Income: +5
    Residents gain bonus income from 📷 Bank.
    Bonus Supply
    Residences with the 📷 Bank need fulfilled, are provided with 📷 Pocket Watches, 📷 Jewellery

    Fernando de Faro, Coffee-Lover and All-Round CadLegendary


    Happiness: +10
    Provided Needs
    Residents are provided with 📷 Coffee.

    Joseph Beaumont, Historic Society FounderLegendary


    Bonus Income: +5Residents gain bonus income from 📷 Members Club.
    Bonus SupplyResidences with the 📷 Members Club need fulfilled, are provided with 📷 Cigars

    Aristelia Bataille, of the "Novelty Store"


    Happiness: +10
    Provided Needs
    Residents are provided with 📷 Champagne.



    For Variety Theater in Lieu of Building



    EffectsProvided NeedsResidents are provided with 📷 Variety Theatre.

    Very Senior Lecturer


    Bonus Supply
    Residences with the 📷 University need fulfilled, are provided with 📷 Variety TheatreWorkforce: +15%


    Here are my 'pods' https://imgur.com/LWJH2yJ with a complete layout when not using any specialists, usually early on in the game. You could place the palace or local office, in planning, at the center of a cluster of pods to effect the most at once. To save 32 squares per pod, eliminate the street section between the market/pub and residences. As you acquire the specialists listed, you can eliminate the buildings I have marked with an 'X'. https://imgur.com/bRqu73y

    I would offer up some screenshots of how the pods can optimize space (in my experience) but since bright harvest, some of the game features have become corrupted. Like the screenshot function. But to give a written example, my first island of the story, I would build in straight rows. It became crowded quickly as I progressed. I managed to squeeze a motor assembly, 8 schnapps, oil harbor, fishing piers, steam and shipyard, sails, and a few other things in there. But I only had about 70 residences in there and no room for a bank, barely enough for a single member's club. With the pod revision I used in crown falls to fit my 50k investors-only, I was able to fit 100 residences, plus the bank, another member's club, an additional power plant and the local office, which I moved to a more central location later, which means I also got to remove the university, the schools, and churches that were also there supporting the worker residences.

    Once the palace is open, there are two key bumps I use:

    • +10 Influence for each zoo/museum module. It's free building of the modules to 100. I have 3 zoos and 4 museums.
    • +1 Influence for each Engineer Res for connected Town Halls (make sure the roads are connected folks! I missed this at first, lol)

    Again, this is my own process, and I'm open to suggestions to optimize it further. But the focus is on the residences rather than the supporting public buildings. I work through the palace for that.

    Some questions I am curious about, other players, is;

    What level is your palace at?

    What's your profile level?

    Have you surpassed the 100k population mark?

    How many zoos, gardens, and/or museums do you have on a single island?

    Have you managed to clear up the 'Unknown' items list so everything has been collected at least once?

    P.S. - I feel like I have missed something, I will edit as I remember or it is mentioned in comments. Here are some previous entries from my other posts with the pods:
    In progress: https://imgur.com/zpk2DXV
    After upgrade before removal of aux. buildings https://imgur.com/EKAZxsY

    Edit 1: Images broke...tried fixing them.

    submitted by /u/spec_a
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    Chartered Company - recent

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Hi guys, maybe late to the party. But after a frustrating failed attenpt at getting the 'chartered company' achievement (before arctic dlc) and then there was something about happiness which didn't pop the achievement (even at 48/18 happiness) I then read somewhere here, that it requires 3k engineers BEFORE upgrading to investors.

    So can anybody who recently got the achievemt tell me what works currently? (As of bright harvest) I tried loading a save an playing for a bit, but it hasn't done anything... Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/MiRyu77
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    Having an issue with RAR mods?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    Certain mods like Project Distinction and the new logo mod that just came out are RAR files that don't seem to be loading like the other folder mods.

    Do I need to do something different with the RAR files when it comes to loading mods? I'm a total newb

    submitted by /u/Kale8888
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    Passive trade chart?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    I seem to remember there being a chart at one time that would show you all recent passive trade at your docks.

    I cannot for the life of me find it right now, and I need it bad. Help!!

    submitted by /u/BuryTheMoney
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    Separated production chain. is it wrong?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    What would be the disadvantage of doing something like that https://i.imgur.com/jnLCXON.jpg

    have specific areas for each part of the production with a warehouse for each area/stage instead of having a layout with everything together. to organize and expand it seems to be more flexible.

    is it wrong?

    submitted by /u/krakou
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    Anyone else seeing really weird behaviors since the update?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    I just spent 10k expanding some of my tortilla production, looked up, 300k was gone....

    Literally no freaking clue how 300k up and vanished.

    Minutes later I successfully completed a chain quest from Qing- but she gave me the failed quest dialogue, dropped -6 diplomacy, but also started part 2 of the quest all at the same time...

    Then I got a quest to find workers in my corn fields. Couldn't find them for the longest time. They weren't in the corn fields...they were standing underwater in a river apart from my fields...

    Update make game go "Brrrrrrr"

    Edit: the money drain was my fault. I don't know if they jacked up the prices on some stuff, but I made the mistake of supplementing my coffee supply from Kahini for ABSURD amounts of money, which is embarrassing because I make more then enough & could replace that with additional import. I don't remember this being as expensive in previous files I've played doing the same thing. 🤷‍♂️

    submitted by /u/BuryTheMoney
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    Trade History?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:49 AM PDT


    Sorry, I know this question has been asked a hundred times but I can't for the life of me find an answer that seems to apply.

    How do I view trading history - specifically what is bought and sold and how much for? I have looked in my harbour/warehouses etc and can't find anything to tell me!


    submitted by /u/bxwie
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    Anno 1800 causes GPU artifacts for me

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    As the title says Anno 1800 causes GPU artifacts for me and it's the only game that causes them for me. I have GTX 970 and yes it's overclocked. If I tone down the OC the artifacts stops appearing for a while but after a few hours those reappears. Is there something in this game that causes the OCed GPU to artifact? Is there something I could do in the settings to prevent it? First time I noticed it was yesterday while my game was 10 hours in. Now I noticed it again in a fresh game. I can take the OC off but first I want to know if it's the only solution. I have few hundreds of hours in the game and yesterday was the first time the artifacts appeared.

    I have played many different games with these OC settings and only Anno 1800 and Warframe have problems with my GPU. Anno 1800 makes it artifact and Warframe rarely makes it crash/restart.

    So after all this babbling the question is: Is there something I can do to prevent GPU artifacts in Anno 1800 without taking OC off?

    Edit: I played for a while with OC off and artifacts still appears.

    submitted by /u/DeadlyGreed
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    Save/Load Game Settings in Multiplayer Game Creation

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:34 AM PDT


    I played Anno1800 (on uplay+) in January with my lad. I can remember loading the game settings and not changing one setting so we had to do it all again.

    Now I bought the Complete Edition, started the game and tried to check out some things. The main thing that came to my attention I can not load my Game Settings in Multiplayer game creation anymore - only in Singleplayer.

    Was that a desired change? Is there any workaround (.cfgs?) to save the settings?


    And if an AnnoDev reads this: Mate. Please! Give me the ability to create a player profile as I could in 1404.

    Because it is a real pain in the behind to change every damn little detail every time I start anew - from player face to colour to logo to island size to map size... I am lazy and this clicking is unnecessarily userunfriendly. :/

    submitted by /u/NMND-Floh
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    Is season 2 worth it?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 01:28 AM PDT

    It seems like season 1 you get two new islands, but in season 2 there is only one in the lions dlc as far as I can see. Doesn't worth it to me?

    submitted by /u/chudthirtyseven
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    This Smokestack

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    Missing notifications

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    This drives me nuts. After playing some hours, I didn't get notifications for fire, strains and some other catastrophes at the "old world" when I do things in the "new world". But when I return to the old world, houses are destroyed, ships are destroyed, inhabitants are angry and me to, because I'm not notified.

    Is that only me, not getting this notifications?

    submitted by /u/Eare1986
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    Some Noob Questions

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 09:56 PM PDT

    I played Anno 1404 for quite a bit and really enjoyed it. I'm finding that in Anno 1800 I am having a hard time telling what is going on.

    Considering I played Anno 1404 so much, and that I like a challenge, I've been trying the difficult campaign settings. I've died 4 times now. I keep running into the same problems, and would like some help if anyone's willing. Here are my questions(please number your responses with the question it's referring to).

    1.) How does influence work? I understand that I can spend influence temporarily for propaganda. Besides that I have no clue how to spend influence... from the influence menu I see no options to spend it. If I for instance want to "upgrade" my trading, how do I do it? I've been playing with JUST spending propaganda, and I feel it puts me at a detriment. Nothing in the campaign tells you how you actually use influence.

    2.) How do I do diplomacy? Once again, I don't understand how I interact with the AI's in order to prevent war, and make trading agreements/upgrades/etc.

    3.) I keep getting MASSIVE, CONSTANT income swings after I'm a few hours into the game. Like, it will go from -1000 income to +1500 income over and over again. I look at the "income breakdown", and it's hard to tell what the problem is. I know that being "on the edge" with resources that provide income from artisans can cause it... but I don't have that situation, and causing a constant 3000 income change every 15 seconds seems a bit much even if that situation was happening.

    4.) In anno 1404, you basically tried to upgrade your workers/farmers/nobles as much as you can because it brings more income. Time and time again when I get to artisans I seem to LOSE income when I upgrade them, even when I'm not running short on anything. Is the strategy in anno 1800 to ONLY upgrade enough high tier citizens as you need for jobs(which is the opposite of anno 1404)? Like should I only upgrade farmers to workers, and workers to artisans when I need them for jobs?

    5.) Also, any military tips/strategy is appreciated. For a while I was just using frigates as my trade ships, and sending 2-3 frigates to protect the trade ship, but a ship o the line or 2 seems to destroy frigates. What types of ships should I be building... and what kind of "micro" can I do to maximize my ships' efficiency? Can I use influence somehow to make my ships better?

    5.) Is there any way to tell what is causing the "horror" music to start playing. I'll often times hear it playing, then realize way too late that there's a fire or riot that's out of control. And, more often, I'll hear the "horror" music, and search frantically for 5 minutes for what's wrong, and never find out what's wrong. It makes the game a lot more nervous hearing that music, and having no way to tell why the hell the horror music is playing, or what is wrong.

    6.) How do I increase the amount of trade ships that come? Influence? Diplomacy? Buildings? All 3? In Anno 1404 it was vital to upgrade trade relations, so you could sell your extra stuff. In Anno 1800 I'm stuck with tons of extra stuff in the late game that I can't get rid of, which causes production problems. Even if I constantly micro'd 3 ships, it'd be hard to keep up with.

    7.) What are "charters"? It's never explained, and it wasn't in anno 1404 as far as I'm aware.

    8.) Any other strategy/hints/tips, especially in the context of what is different from anno 1404 would be appreciated.

    Seems like a good game so far... I just don't seem to understand the intricacies that are vital to being decent. I always beat the other empires economically... by a massive margin. I just can't seem to get dipolomacy, military, and late game economic balance down.

    submitted by /u/getaroundbans4
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    Where can we get the soundtrack?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    Is it available for download if you have complete edition? Otherwise, is it available, I'd like to mix it in with my other music.

    Also that new piece with the cello solo is sick yo.

    submitted by /u/semi_automatic_oboe
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    Robots will never replace humans. Or?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    Items only available from competitors?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Is there a list anywhere of items that are only available from competitors? I tend to play without competitors (or when I do play with them, I eventually get fed up with them and wipe them off the map) but realized I have a few neat items that were only available from Mercier / Anarchist quests. Has anyone seen other items that are only available from certain competitors that may be worth keeping them around for? In particular, from Mercier I had:

    Pietro Jonah Proud, The Philosopher of the Public Good

    Ella Golden, The Anarchist Luminary

    The International Liberal Forum on Art and Craft

    I can't find any other items that are sourced from only a specific competitor, so perhaps its only with the Anarchist. But I also haven't done an exhaustive search of the items list

    submitted by /u/Anumidium
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