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    Wednesday, October 21, 2020

    Anno Crown Falls Lake

    Anno Crown Falls Lake

    Crown Falls Lake

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    What do you guys think? Any suggestions?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    Some tips to get you started in Land of Lions!!

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    Hey guys! Had an awesome two days streaming Land of Lions on Twitch for the Drop Event (HUGE thanks to Ubisoft for inviting me!!). Got to meet lots of people from here and other places that came to check it out. Back to work today, but I will be streaming in the evenings (US time). Hope you're all excited for tomorrow!

    So a few tips for when you jump in to Land of Lions!

    - The expedition unlocks at 500 artisans. I highly recommend using the Great Eastern if you have it unlocked in the save you are adding the DLC to and want to explore everything on the way. You'll need the space while you journey there! A cargo ship or Extravaganza Steamer will also work. If you just wanna rush to Enbesa and don't care about exploring, a clipper is fine.

    - You don't need to bring any old world building materials to get started. No steel beams, timber, clay, rubber, etc that you may have seen people stocking up on. Everything you need to build with and get up to the second tier is ALL available in Enbesa.

    - Things that will be needed from other regions.... cotton (raw cotton from the plantations not the fabric), glass, tobacco, spectacles, raw wood. You don't any of this, though, until later in the second tier of residents.

    - Enbesa itself is fairly inexpensive to get going in. Production chains are very cheap for the most part and consumption isn't very high.

    - There is only one neutral trader in the region. He will sell you Wanza Wood and, later, mud bricks for building materials. They are VERY cheap to buy so easy to supplement your building material needs with.

    - There are a LOOOTTTT of side quests. I think it took me like 7-8 hours to go through ALL of them, but I highly recommend you do. You can get some very nice rewards in the form of buffs to different industries or residents on your islands.

    - Decisions... lots of decisions. Just about every storyline has one or more decision trees. Your decisions in these matters have a major impact on the region and how your story progresses, so don't blindly click through them.

    - Each island has a limited number of river slots that are used for canal starting points, clay mines, and paper mills. Use them wisely. Import clay from the old world or new world if needed.

    - Canals are tricky to figure out how to place correctly. Each 1x1 canal tile generates a 4x4 grid of irrigated ground in each direction from canal (so a 9x9 total area) that your farms MUST be placed on. Each canal can have a maximum of 250 canal tiles built (there are items to increase this as well as some other ways I won't spoil). I have a few layouts I played around with, but definitely will be a trick to get a GOOD layout going. I am sure many will start coming out soon.

    - Animal farms do NOT need to be on fertile ground, but if they are, then their production is boosted by 100%. If you add a silo (assuming you have Bright Harvest) you can get another 100%. That is 300% production on an animal farm!!

    Have questions? Let me know and I will see what I can do to answer them! VODs are up on my Twitch page https://www.twitch.tv/takarazuka and 1-hour segments will be on YouTube starting tomorrow!!

    submitted by /u/Takarazuka012
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    Rating every Legendary and Epic trade union specialists

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    ★★★★★: Major trade route advantage. Cuts off the intercontinental transfer.

    ★★★★: Minor trade route advantage. Some items are not needed anymore

    ★★★: Major production advantage.

    ★★: Minor production advantage.

    ★: Who uses them?

    Written in purely a subjective view. Made this because I get bored with preparing the LoL DLC.


    Angela "Meg" Iver, The Polyvalent: ★★★☆

    Affects: All Production Buildings


    Workforce Needed: -20%

    Provides electricity

    Great if you're short on oils. However, you're going to need oil import anyway and she doesn't provide a productivity boost from her. So she is left out when you're going for full productivity.

    Brother Hilarius, Purveyor of Monastic Mixtures: ★★★★★->★★★★?

    Affects: Brewery, Schnapps Distillery


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Rum every 3rd cycle

    Workforce Needed: -50%

    Investors don't need rum so you can fill out most of the rum needs with him. However, the new DLC's researcher requires rum. So you're likely to import rum in the new DLC.

    Bruno Ironbright, Engineering Giant: ★★★☆

    Affects: Bicycle Factory, Cab Assembly Line, Sewing Machine Factory


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Advanced Weapons every 3rd cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Steam Motors every 3rd cycle

    Productivity is good. However, AW is not essential to living and Steam motors can be left out if you hire Epic Susannah.

    Cosmo Castelli, Agronomic Trailblazer: ★★

    Affects: All Old World Crop Farms


    Productivity: +70%

    Workforce Needed: -80%

    No. of Modules: +35%

    Priority on old-world crops is quite low and this is especially true with Bright Harvest DLC. Furthermore, the need for extra modules gives him a minus.

    Cristobal Taffeta, The Trendsetter: ★★★☆

    Affects: Bombín Weaver, Poncho Darner


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Work Clothes every 2nd cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Fur Coats every 3rd cycle

    Attractiveness: +8

    Could exploit his fur coat production, but you have to import it. It becomes three stars if you're with Epic Franke.

    Dr. Ali Al-Zahir, the Botanical Director: ★★

    Affects: All New World Crop Farms


    Productivity: +30%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Red Peppers every 16th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Potatoes every 13th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Grapes every 17th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Grain every 14th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Hops every 15th cycle

    Attractiveness: +7

    You're not going to import old-world crops from the new world.

    François Strindberg, Crown Jeweller: ★★★☆

    Affects: Jewellers


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Pocket Watches every 4th cycle

    Needed: Pearls -1%

    Lots of other specialists give pearl as a bonus item and he's competing for the position with Hans Klein. Priority for the clock is higher than jewelry. If you don't have any old-world pearl production and/or Hans he's four stars.

    François Thorne, The Industrial Reinforcer: ★★

    Affects: Brick Factory, Concrete Factory


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Wood Veneers every 2nd cycle

    Attractiveness: +8

    Substitute Workforce: Farmer

    Construction material is low on priority and wood veneers could be omitted if you have Epic Johan. You have to manually use the construction item or trade it fit his extra production into the production chain.

    Gennaro Garibaldi, Chocolatier by Royal Appointment: ★★★★

    Affects: Chocolate Factory, Fried Plantain Kitchen


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Sugar every 4th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Rum every 5th cycle

    Attractiveness: +8

    Chocolate is no.2 need for investors and rum is essential for new-world guys living.

    Gerhard Fuchs, of the Patent Eyeglass: ★★★☆

    Affects: Spectacle Factory


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Pocket Watches every 3rd cycle

    Replaced Input: Instead of Brass, the building processes Wood.

    You're going to need brass anyway but a nice bonus.

    Hans Klein, Old Grandfather Time: ★★★★

    Affects: Clockmakers


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Jewellery every 3rd cycle

    Substitute Workforce: Worker

    You can skip Jewelry production if you maximize the outputs. Still great if you can't.

    Henri Zanchi, Man of Steel: ★★

    Affects: Heavy Weapons Factory, Steelworks, Weapon Factory


    Productivity: +50%

    Attractiveness: -50%

    Maintenance Cost: -75%

    Workforce Needed: -25%

    Attractive minus is actually a bonus as these buildings emit negative attractiveness. However, all of the buildings he affects are not essential for living.

    Hervé Savonne, Suppressor of Grime: ★★☆

    Affects: Soap Factory


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Dynamite every 3rd cycle

    Workforce Needed: -50%

    If you really need some boosting for soap then why not. However, he does nothing beyond that.

    Jörg von Malching, Augur of the Auric: ★★★★☆

    Affects: All Mines and Quarries


    Productivity: +70%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Gold Ore every 6th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Oil every cycle

    Great product bonus and all bonus items are must be imported stuff from the new world. However, you'll still need some of the imports.

    Lady Jane Smythe, Queen of Haute Couture: ★★★->★★★★★?

    Affects: Framework Knitters, Fur Dealer


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Ponchos every 6th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Bowler Hats every 6th cycle

    Attractiveness: +8

    Currently, she just boosts cloth making and gives some bonus items for the world fair. However, the new DLC's researcher will require bowler hats.

    Marcel Forcas, Celebrity Chef: ★★★☆

    Affects: Artisanal Kitchen


    Productivity: +100%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Sausages every 5th cycle

    Replaced Input

    Instead of Beef, the building processes Pigs.

    Pig is easier to raise than cows and you can get rid of cow farms entirely with him. However, Epic Chef Michel allows you to replace the whole Goulash with pigs and he will give sausage per 2 cycles. The only downside of using Marcel is that you don't get the goulash for the world fair. Marcel is a good substitute for Michael if you don't have him.

    Marco de la Mocha, Crusher of Beans: ★★★★

    Affects: Coffee Roaster


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Coffee Beans every 2nd cycle

    Attractiveness: +10

    He doesn't cut off any items but Anno 1800 is all about making more coffees.

    Marie-Antoine, Pâtissier Royale: ★★★★

    Affects: Bakery


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Grapes every 6th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Chocolate every 5th cycle

    Chocolate from worker's needs? Sure!

    Mark van der Mark, Breeder of Shepherd Dogs: ★☆

    Affects: Animal Farms


    Productivity: +100%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Alpaca Wool every 3rd cycle

    No. of Modules: +100%

    You need almost double spaces with him and that's a big no-no. Three versions of Feed Yard, even the uncommon one give you a 70% product bonus without any space requirements. You can use him in an alpaca pen, but still disappointing.

    Maxime Graves, Delicatesseur Extraordinaire:

    Affects: Slaughterhouse


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Goulash every 2nd cycle

    Replaced Input: Instead of Pigs, the building processes Beef.

    The cow is harder to produce than pigs and as I said above you can skip goulash.

    Mme. Elise "The Nose" Bouquet: ★★★★

    Affects: Champagne Cellar, Rum Distillery


    Productivity: +50%

    Attractiveness: +7

    Special visitors: when equipped in a trade union, The Nose changes the pool of special visitors that want to stay on your island.

    Product bonus with special visitors.

    Mrs. Mayson, The Very Good Housekeeper: ★★★☆

    Affects: Cannery


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Tortillas every 3rd cycle

    Replaced Input: Instead of Iron, the building processes Flour.

    You can use Tortillas at the world fair. Iron and flour comparison is dependent on the background.

    Prof. Ram Devi, The Bundle of Energy: ★★★☆

    Affects: Gramophone Factory, Light Bulb Factory


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Pocket Watches every 16th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Glasses every 14th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Penny Farthings every 15th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Steam Carriages Stea Carriages every 17th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Sewing Machines every 13th cycle

    Provides electricity

    You can't rely on bonus items but it's good to have it. Nice production bonuses.

    Seraphim Papadikas, The Window Dresser: ★★★

    Affects: All Carpentry Works


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Wood Veneers every 3rd cycle

    Provides electricity

    He affects more factories than he sounds like, but just some production boost is all.

    Steven MacLeod, Geological Surveyor: ★★★★★

    Affects: Clay Pit, Limestone Quarry, Saltpetre Works, Sand Mine


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Pearls every 3rd cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Gold Ore every 3rd cycle

    Use him on sand mine with the palace's Coastal Reforms Act(300%) and you don't need pearl imports. Gold ore is another humongous bonus.

    Susannah Brightwoman, A Glimmer In The Darkness: ★★☆

    Affects: Clockmakers, Jewellers


    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Gold every 5th cycle

    Attractiveness: +8

    That's about 20% resource consumption save without any production boost.

    Tlayolotl Savor, King of the Corn: ★★★★

    Affects: Tortilla Maker


    Productivity: +50%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Fried Plantains every 3rd cycle

    Replaced Input: Instead of Corn, the building processes Plantains.

    You can skip corn making and fried plantain is essential for the new world. However, you'll still need corn if you want to use silo from bright harvest DLC.

    Ursula Green, Guardian of the Forests: ★★★

    Affects: Charcoal Kiln, Hunting Cabin, Lumberjack's Hut


    Productivity: +50%

    Forest Density: -10%

    Reduces the number of trees needed to reach optimal productivity by 10%

    Attractiveness: +8

    Some bonuses for forest things. You can use her in Charcoal Kiln with Rare Park Ranger to get some Caoutchoucs.

    Victor Perfecto, Cigar Daddy:

    Affects: Cigar Factory


    Attractiveness: +7

    Maintenance Cost: -100%

    Substitute Workforce: Jornalero Workforce.

    No productivity boost, no extra items, and no replaced input. Use workforce saver if you're short on one.


    Alexander Hancock: ★★

    Affects: All Old World Crop Farms


    Productivity: +80%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Potatoes every 8th cycle

    No. of Modules: +35%

    Same with legendary Cosmo.

    Bekonin, Spirit of Liberty: ★★★☆

    Affects All Production Buildings


    Productivity: +25%

    Maintenance Cost: -20%

    Workforce Needed: -25%

    Universal production boost.

    Brewmaster Bill: ★☆

    Affects: Brewery, Schnapps Distillery


    Chance of Riots: -100%

    Provides electricity

    I would just use some product boost items instead of him. You can use him if you're short on electrics.

    Cecilia the Coffeessieur: ★★★★

    Affects: Coffee Roaster


    Productivity: +40%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Chocolate every 4th cycle

    Two greatest enemies in Anno 1800: coffee and chocolate. She'll ease both of them.

    Chantelle the Charcutier: ★★★

    Affects: Slaughterhouse


    Productivity: +40%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Tallow every 3rd cycle

    Charlotte the Chocoholic: ★★★

    Affects: Chocolate Factory, Fried Plantain Kitchen


    Productivity: +40%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Sugar every 4th cycle

    Chef Michel: ★★★★☆

    Affects: Cannery


    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Sausages every 2nd cycle

    Replaced Input: Instead of Goulash, the building processes Pigs.

    You don't need a goulash with him. This means you can not only replace all the cows with pigs but also support enclosure movement in all red pepper farms and replace them with pig pens.

    Chronometrist Chiara: ★★★★

    Affects: Clockmakers


    Replaced Input

    Instead of Gold, the building processes Brass.

    Maintenance Cost: -40%

    You can save most of the gold consumption with her. You can eliminate it if you're with Hans Klein.

    Dario the Mechanical Engineer: ★★★

    Affects: Bicycle Factory, Sewing Machine Factory


    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Pocket Watches every 8th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Gramophones every 8th cycle

    Replaced Input: Instead of Steel, the building processes Iron.

    Feras Alsarami, the Persuader: ★★★★

    Affects All Production Buildings


    Productivity: +50%

    Maintenance Cost: -10%

    Workforce Needed: -10%

    Chance of Riots: -20%

    50% production boost is legendary level and he's universal.

    Ferhat the Experienced Builder: ★☆

    Affects: Brick Factory, Concrete Factory


    Productivity: +40%

    Provides electricity

    Another François.

    Former Pyrphorian Whizz:

    Affects: Oil Power Plant


    Maintenance Cost: -25%

    Workforce Needed: -80%

    Chance of Fire: -100%

    Chance of Explosions: -100%

    The oil refinery is the exploding one, not the power plant. However, there are so few specialists for power plants that you'll use her if you're planning to use a trade union on the power plants.

    Goldsmith Gilbert: ★★

    Affects: Jewellers


    Replaced Input

    Instead of Gold, the building processes Gold Ore.

    Attractiveness: +5

    Saves some workforce but gold ore is still required.

    Grigor the Geologist: ★★★

    Affects: Clay Pit, Limestone Quarry, Saltpetre Works, Sand Mine


    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Pearls Pearls every 4th cycle

    Provides electricity

    Use him with Steven.

    Horticulturalist Hermann: ★★★

    Affects: Caoutchouc Plantation, Cocoa Plantation, Coffee Plantation, Cotton Plantation, Plantain Plantation


    Productivity: +20%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Red Peppers every 12th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Potatoesevery 11th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Grapes every 13th cycle

    No. of Modules: -20%

    The reduced number of modules is the best part.

    Johan the Inventor: ★★★★

    Affects: Gramophone Factory


    Productivity: +40%

    Replaced Input: Instead of Wood Veneers, the building processes Timber.

    You don't need to produce Wood Veneers with him.

    Kantyi of the Quinoa: ★★☆

    Affects: Tortilla Maker


    Substitute Workforce: Jornalero

    Workforce Needed: -40%

    Lily the Fashion Designer: ★★★

    Affects: Framework Knitters, Fur Dealer


    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Ponchos every 4th cycle

    Workforce Needed: -40%

    Mariana the Master Stylist: ★★★

    Affects: Bombín Weaver, Poncho Darner


    Productivity: +40%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Work Clothes every 3rd cycle

    Master Craftsman Franke: ★★★★★

    Affects: Fur Dealer


    Productivity: +40%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Ponchos every 12th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Work Clothes every 12th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Bowler Hats every 12th cycle

    Replaced Input: Instead of Furs and Cotton Fabric, the building processes Iron and Wool

    Best of the best. Cuts off all the cotton fabric imports and fur production.

    However, the new researcher from LoL will require the cotton fabric, so you'll need to make a cotton trade route in the late game. On the other hand, he gives a bowler hat as a bonus item which is a required item for the researcher. So it's a tie.

    Master Craftsman Morris: ★★★

    Affects: Coachmakers, Gramophone Factory, Marquetry Workshop, Sawmill, Window Makers


    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Pearls Pearls every 4th cycle

    Maintenance Cost: -80%

    Pearl is nice. But there are other guys who are better at it.

    Master of the Forges: ★★

    Affects: Heavy Weapons Factory, Steelworks, Weapon Factory


    Productivity: +40%

    Workforce Needed: -25%

    Medal-Winning Producer: ★★★

    Affects: Grain Farm, Red Pepper Farm, Vineyard


    Productivity: +40%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Champagne every 8th cycle

    Micaela the Mining Engineer: ★★★

    Affects: All Mines and Quarries


    Maintenance Cost: -100%

    Workforce Needed: -100%

    You can use her if you're short on gold at early games.

    Miss Rodriguez, the Conservationist: ★★☆

    Affects: Charcoal Kiln, Lumberjack's Hut


    Productivity: +40%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Cotton every 4th cycle

    Not a cotton fabric but cotton. Better in the new worlds.

    Mrs. Brown the Cultivator: ★★★

    Affects: Corn Farm, Sugar Cane Plantation, Tobacco Plantation


    Productivity: +20%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Cocoa every 11th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Caoutchouc every 12th cycle

    Occasionally produces extra Cotton every 13th cycle

    Optometrist Otto: ★★★

    Affects: Spectacle Factory


    Productivity: +40%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Glass every 4th cycle

    Pâtissier Patrice: ★★★

    Affects: Bakery


    Productivity: +40%

    Attractiveness: +5

    Perfumier Prunella: ★★☆

    Affects: Soap Factory


    Replaced Input: Instead of Tallow, the building processes Wood.

    Attractiveness: -100%

    You can produce soap without any pollution.

    Rodrigo the Ranchero: ★☆

    Affects: Animal Farms


    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Beef every 4th cycle

    Maintenance Cost: -80%

    No boost and beef can be omitted very easily.

    Sir Lewis Brindley, the Chemist: ★★★★☆

    Affects: Schnapps Distillery


    Productivity: +100%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Rum every 3rd cycle

    Rum is nice to have.

    Sommelier Raymond: ★★★

    Affects: Champagne Cellar, Rum Distillery


    Productivity: +40%

    Attractiveness: +5

    Susannah the Steam Engineer: ★★★★

    Affects: Cab Assembly Line


    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Light Bulbs every 4th cycle

    Replaced Input: Instead of Steam Motors, the building processes Filaments.

    The steam motor is out of the essential production line. Still need some of it for ships and tractors.

    Tatiana the Taste-Tester: ★★★

    Affects: Artisanal Kitchen


    Productivity: +40%

    Substitute Workforce: Worker

    Torcedor Lucia: ★★★★

    Affects: Cigar Factory


    Productivity: +40%

    Replaced Input: Instead of Wood Veneers, the building processes Timber.

    Wood veneers are out of the new world production line. This is extremely helpful in the new world where the population is scarce.

    Wild Frontiersman Steen: ★★

    Affects: Hunting Cabin


    Productivity: +40%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Beef every 4th cycle

    Both fur and beef can be bypassed.

    Yvonne the Yeowoman: ★★★

    Affects: Hop Farm, Potato Farm


    Productivity: +40%

    Extra Goods

    Occasionally produces extra Schnapps every 4th cycle

    submitted by /u/mtgrhox
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    To all the modders

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    Just a friendly reminder to all the people that have save games they've used mods with. Once Land of Lions hits us (can't wait!) that it will most likely break the mod loader. Meaning if you try to load that save game with the mods, anything related to the mods won't be there (or possibly corrupt the save game) and you'll lose tons of time replacing those assets. The wonderful modding community usually has the mod loader updated within a day or two of a game update.

    submitted by /u/Jkadadler
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    O’Mara is my favourite builder

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    I think ubisoft finally fixes their Club rewards

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    I was in a game and got spammed with club rewards redeemed and achievement rewards for a few minutes straight

    submitted by /u/TheRickinger
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    Land Of Lions - Release Time

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    Does anybody if Land Of Lions will be available at midnight today?

    EDIT: For anyone - release will be on the 22nd of October, 6PM Central European standard time

    submitted by /u/Chris_Breetzi
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    Hell or Progress

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    all ubisoft club rewards activated

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:35 AM PDT


    i just got all ubisoft club rewards ingame. is this a bug or did ubisoft gave all rewards to the community for free?

    submitted by /u/koksman1994
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    Land of Lions - Release countdown timer

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    What time and time zone will Land of Lions be available to play?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Scholar residences on multiple islands?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 03:33 AM PDT

    Does anyone know if we are limited to one island to build our scholars on? Otherwise i would probably dedicate multiple islands to it

    At this point i assumed to only have one big student island late game, but im curious to your ideas

    submitted by /u/lordfil
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    The Anarchist DLC | Anno 1800

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    Does Dr. Hugo Mercier, the Anarchist, get any island in the New World or/and The Passage/Sunken Treasures/etc. before the player, in the campaign mode? That is if the player did not start any of the expeditions (for example, did not accept the quest for Sunken Treasures at Archie's lighthouse)


    submitted by /u/jazz-the-taz
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    QoL Traderoute gimmick

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    would be nice to be able to drag the first ressource across the slots. Would be a huge QoL Update for Trade Routes where you only transport 1 ressource. I saw a gif, a long time ago, where somebody that, but could get it to work so I think its either edited or a mod. Does anybody know if it is in vanilla Anno 1800?

    submitted by /u/ValusYeet
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    Is season 2 included in uplay+

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    now that s2 is completed its time to get back to anno once again.

    S1 was in Uplay+, but i cant find any information about s2.

    submitted by /u/Holten
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    LOL Release

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    What time will it be released? Like if I jump on at 12:01 am will I be able to update and play?

    submitted by /u/NY17blue
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    Item sharing between islands/sessions

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 01:44 AM PDT

    Hey guys I have a question regarding the item distribution. I find it very hard and annoying to keep track on every item i have and in which contor it is stored. Is there a mod around that combines the inventory for all islands? So that i can use every item on every island whenever i want. Not talking about ressources, only the items.

    submitted by /u/kingdave33
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    Any save games available?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    Hi Annoholics,

    I recently lost my saved games. And due to my work I lack the time to fight my way through the progress again. That's why I'm looking for a Save that can serve as a basis for Land of Lion.

    I found some maps in the German Anno Forum. But there it is more about the population. I am rather looking for something more beautiful.

    Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/JanisIO
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    Any info on moving/changing deposits?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    It's one of the more intriguing features to me but it's not really explained. We can only build one institute, so is it restricted to that island? That session? I really hope it's like a consumable of some sort and can be applied to every region.

    submitted by /u/Dave10293847
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    Land of Lions World

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    Does anyone know or heard if you can jump straight their instead of going to new world or do you have to go in a specific order. I haven't seen anything. Just want to know what kind of weekend I need to plan

    submitted by /u/Low-Cheesecake6777
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