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    Anno /r/anno Questions Thread – February 26, 2021

    Anno /r/anno Questions Thread – February 26, 2021

    /r/anno Questions Thread – February 26, 2021

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:00 PM PST

    Hi /r/anno, welcome to our Weekly Questions thread!

    This is a place for you to ask questions and seek advice from other players. Additionally, if you'd like to share your knowledge and give tips to your fellow players, go ahead!

    Finally, have a look at the Community Resource Megathread!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Summary of the AMA

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:50 AM PST

    This is a somewhat complete summary for the AMA for everyone who doesn't want to dive trough the whole thing by themselves. For the content I've tried to compile what I found to be relevant and important answers concerning the series in a direct manner. Attention, I might have forgotten, overread or misrepresented some things along the way although if such a thing happened it was not in bad faith, corrections are welcome in the comments.

    This Summary was at around 12:00 or 12 am CET, I might update it if anything else of importance was answered later on.

    Of course, any of the information here is not definitive and might be subject to change as I am in no relation to Ubisoft and/or the Anno team.

    General Info

    About the game in general:

    The Team is very happy about the community and the great fan response, especially the growing international community. Ubisoft is happy too, as shown by the continued development on the game. The sales seem to have surpassed the expectations by a lot which in the end is great for us. The current team working on Anno is of a size between 50 to 60 people with some people having been involved and/or worked on Anno since 1503.

    About the next two DLC's:

    While we know no release date besides the rough estimates of Spring and Summer, we do know that they too will be released at 18:00 or 6 pm Central European Time (and probably on a tuesday too) like every other Update and DLC before. We did not get much info concerning Tourist Season and High Life except that they start with the tourist pier and maxing Investor needs respectively.


    We got a lot of answers for why things are the way they are or how they happened:

    First about the general approach they had concerning the development of Anno 1800 which is supposed to be a compilation of all the very well received features of the previous Anno's and then being expanded on. Apparently, most inspiration came from 1404 because it was the best received and last Anno in the past.

    There were 3 more expansive answers that I will just link to:

    Story management: https://www.reddit.com/r/anno/comments/lpl1mi/anno_1800_dev_team_ama/gogd6vf?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

    DLC development process which took 3-5 months but not with the full team: https://www.reddit.com/r/anno/comments/lpl1mi/anno_1800_dev_team_ama/gofzx0c?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

    Session simulation: https://www.reddit.com/r/anno/comments/lpl1mi/anno_1800_dev_team_ama/gocwxgi?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

    We got two answers concerning the visual design process: One concerning Inspiration which comes mostly from a ton of historical references like books and photographs some of which is in their in house library. The design of buildings is best shown with this GIF: https://anno-union.com/content/uploads/2017/10/ConceptArtFrameAnimation-1.gif

    We also got some explanation for generic questions: The Choice for why the Islands are handcrafted and not generated by a program is mainly for control and balancing reasons but they don't completely rule out doing generated or partially generated content in the future.

    There is also an answer why DLC's only indirectly interact with each other (concerning the Crown Falls castle and Tourist season but also Botanica) which is mainly for fairness reasons as to not force anyone to buy a DLC to experience the full content of another.

    As to why the Great Eastern looks different between the main screen and the actual game, it's because those were designed by different teams, one being an external one responsible for some of the artworks in the game.

    About the choice of wonders they had to say that while there is a lot of choice the choose to go with what seemed most fitting for the theme of industrial revolution which is why we have the crystal palace and not Westminster Abbey (or any other cathedral).

    And if anyone ever asked itself why a certain industry is in one category and not another it's most likely because of balance reasons which is why Telephone manufacturing is not carpentry.

    We learned that the Editor is a pacifist which is why he reports all declarations of war in a negative way.

    As for the final and greatest Question of them all: We still don't know who is responsible for the uneven size of the palace, but we do know that Com_Raven posed in a golden Anno throne. Make of that whatever you want.

    New Content

    We had a load of questions concerning new content and they had a boatload of answers (most of which consisted of not having plans for it though).

    First things that are not going to happen: More airships (cause they're arctic exclusive), new warships in season 3, any big balancing changes (because that would break saves) and land combat in 1800 (or probably any big overhaul of the combat system).

    The things that are not planned: Submarines, new roads and bridges, using ornaments as roads, diagonal roads, a use for the courthouse, new islands, Asia, a map editor, scenarios (though they see that that is something the community is very interested in), native mod support, and in fact season 4 before season 3 is done. (Pleases don't get your hopes up to high)

    And then there are the things that will happen which include but are not limited to: More ship skins, more cosmetic DLC's, new items, building skins (only maybe but have been hinted at), more easter eggs and references and a rework/addition for Enbesa.

    The Enbesa rework might contain a working version of the Chronicles of Enbesa as well as a way to fix the Temple of Elam. (the two hints: https://www.reddit.com/r/anno/comments/lpl1mi/anno\_1800\_dev\_team\_ama/gobwyre?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/anno/comments/lpl1mi/anno\_1800\_dev\_team\_ama/got1lbr?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 thanks ubi_natacha)

    Quality of Life

    Concerning the things that make our lives easier or harder they had the following things to say:

    First because I've read it a lot, but it seems that at least some of the lags might be a driver problem that they are currently looking into together with Nvidia.

    Second they also recognize that some of the game elements are not getting explained as well as they should be and might change something about it sooner or later.

    Concerning UI and settings there is no planned ingame clock but you can look at the clocks on the buildings, they work. We might get stacked research if they can make it work. There will be no active pause because it would be difficult to implement but maybe an even slower speed if the demand is there. We will also not get any major statistics changes ore additions. There is also no plan for a default skin setting to change them for all ships.

    Concerning buildings, we will get a change that will make ornaments fit better with plain ground as well as a reforesting tool in the next big update.

    There were also a few questions regarding multiplayer but we'll get neither the Enbesa story nor multiple Crown Falls but they have recognized that there might be an interest for this in the future.

    Future of the Anno Series

    Finally, there's the question about the future of the series in general. While not much is planned yet for after season 3 we do know that they wish to continue the development for future titles in a similar manner as this one, including the community trough Anno-Union in the development process. They will however be clearer with what to expect from said influence.

    It has also been stated that Anno for consoles would be cool but is not planned.

    Whatever is going to happen however they are looking forward to giving us the best experience possible. And I doubt they will run out of ideas anytime soon.

    Once again, I'd like to state that none of this is in any way definitive Information as I am in no relation to Ubisoft and/or the Anno Team.

    Thank you for answering our questions, Devs!


    A lot of things are going to happen, a lot of things might not happen, we know a lot more about how some things happened, we know why some things didn't happen. It's going to be fun in the future. Bye *runs away*

    Edit: Posted it on the forum as well: https://forums.ubisoft.com/showthread.php/2323740-Reddit-AMA-Summary?p=15358120#post15358120

    If anyone needs a translation to german I might do that later

    submitted by /u/03_szust
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    District for the top 1%

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:40 AM PST

    Obreros and Farmers hate him! Click here to learn this one simple trick to...

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:26 AM PST

    The Visitors

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:37 AM PST

    [Anno 1800] How do I delete Quay buildings outside of harbour area? I have no clue how I got them there in the first place.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:36 AM PST

    Charcoal kilns and hunting lodges can no longer share space

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:56 AM PST

    After the last update it is no longer possible to build charcoal kilns and hunting lodges relatively close to each other, since now they work at reduced capacity. This was not the case before.

    Is that intended?

    submitted by /u/Avalyah
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    Moving Gas Deposits

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:31 AM PST

    Hello fellow anno players

    Is it possible to move gas deposits in the arctic with the research institute? On my gas mining island there is one spot where i can only reach 2 out of 3 deposits with the gas mining station. I really don't want to build a fifth one and supply an additional 250 technicians for a single gas pump.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Eddie_T_H
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    [DOCKLANDS] DLC bug "1:inf" ; infinite trading item

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 03:54 AM PST

    Encountered a game breaking bug with MULTIPLE import/export materials or goods;

    Across multiple importing companies, majority of low to high tier materials (e.g. Coal, Iron Ore, Bananas, etc.) showing as a negative two million import item, or "1:inf" in the description box of the import/export.

    Have started 2 new saves reaching to Artisans after file verification and error still occurs; most other items that are intermediate and non/raw materials or agriculture products are fine. Removed all mods before the Docklands release and did file verification twice to no avail.

    Anyone encountered this issue, please advise what fixes you have made or reports to Ubisoft devs. Thanks.

    Edit: Updated info; Mods were definitely the ruling cause. Did a full clean removal of all mods and the ratio became normal again. Problem now is identifying which mod caused the issue; nevertheless, gonna start removing some mods I don't use.

    submitted by /u/EvanJoeRedditSurfer
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    I just want to continue in the new world.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:03 AM PST

    When I reach the new world, can I get rid of my islands in the old world?

    I can't deal with all that detail, I want to focus on the new world.

    submitted by /u/Ramazandro
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    Residential next to industry

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:20 PM PST

    In games such as cities skylines or even transport fever, it is rather a no no to build residential next to industry. In Anno 1800, there is the vulgarity criteria which I believe serves for the entire island. Plus each house that you click on, has its individual happiness tab where industry has an effect. But in general, mostly due to space constraints on islands in Anno 1800, can you build your residential right next to industry without having major ill effects?

    submitted by /u/max-power14
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    My roads just stopped working and I don't know how to fix it. It worked before and I cant find anything helpfull anywhere so I thought maybe this sub might know...

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:58 AM PST

    Super Symmetrical Harbor

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 12:30 PM PST

    Trade route destination bug, pretty gamebreaking

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:20 AM PST

    Ships get stuck

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:02 PM PST

    Hi! I think i found a bug in Anno 1800. I have a Ship-of-the-line equiped with a common Mortar. If I fire with the Mortar somewhere far on the map, the ship starts to go to fire the mortar and is locked. I cannot make it turn again or do anything else, until it finished with the mortar.. if i can give additional info please let me know.

    submitted by /u/Svixiee
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    Dockland Quest doesn't complete

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:32 AM PST

    I am currently doing the Dockland quest to get the Item for building the new ship. The current task is to escort the shark (White Lady).
    My ships have escorted her for many hours now and multiple enemy ships have spawned an been defeated. BUT the quest doesn't seem to finish.
    Sometime the shark changes position, but besides that and the enemy there is nothing.

    Am I missing something to finish this quest?

    submitted by /u/marceljoint
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    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:49 AM PST

    Any super performance mode/mod possibly available?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:57 AM PST

    Anno 1800 runs fine on my PC at high settings, but on laptop, the big cities have huge performance issues. I use laptop while not near PC, and use it plugged to power. In laptop, time passes like 4 real time seconds to 1 in game second for big cities. Small cities run fine, before investors. I am using the lowest possible settings from in game settings. I have Lenovo IdeaPad s340, with ryzen 3500u and vega 8, 8 gb ram. The laptop is probably heating up because as the temperature touches 70C the game freezers for a few seconds then resumes. Is it possible to improve it any further?

    submitted by /u/tardigrade1001
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    Looking for players!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:38 PM PST

    Any Australians, That would love some new friends to play anno 1800 with?!

    submitted by /u/Volcanic_spyder
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    New soundtrack is beautiful

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:37 PM PST

    If I recall correctly it is a homage to Anno 1602. I can hear the similarities, although my memory might by fooling me.

    But I have an even clearer vibes of Knights & Merchants. It was a wonderful, but totally different game, the only thing it has in common with Anno series is the emphasasis on economy and being developed by Germans. :-)

    K&M also had an awesome soundtrack, so my nostalgia is doubly tickled by the new tracks.

    submitted by /u/MateuszC1
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    Unify Enbesa Quest Trigger

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:50 PM PST

    How does the quests for unifying Enbesa get triggered, I have been in Enbesa for more than 20+ hours, but none of the 3 side quests lines showed up? The quest for my previous play through showed up pretty late too

    submitted by /u/youngestyle
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    Docklands Module Bug?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:48 AM PST

    I have a long running saved game and I've started Docklands on it. I have multiple specialty goods (I, II, 2/3 III, and all IV filled up. With multiple other goods at a "IV" but since removed from pyramid diagram).

    However, I stopped getting module upgrades (to Export Office) a while ago. Since then, I have brought 3 new goods to a IV ranking by reaching 1k exports. And upgraded 2-3 from a IV to a III or II. Im still capped at 12/12 export offices (and thus, contracts).

    Is there another requirement Im missing?

    submitted by /u/WestC0astTravels
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    ideas for future dlc wish list

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:02 AM PST

    ideas for future dlc wish list
    1. naval academy: beautifull victorian style building to enable new type of (war) ships
    2. stock market or some kind of neutral ai player (could be Venice) for lending money. if you cant pay back in time with interests prapare your navy for a massive naval punishment attack
    3. skins pack for rersident buildings

    these are my choises for now . what's yours


    submitted by /u/Kaankaan7
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    Fps drops

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:04 PM PST

    Hello, i have been trying to play the new patch and having massive fps drops. I have a 5900x, rtx 3080, gen4 nvme hdd and 32 gigs ram. But i am seeing fps all over the place on a new map. Fps as low as 15-20 and all the way up to my vsync max of 144.

    I have seen a couple forum posts but most people seem to be okay based on screenshots i see on here but for me it's basically unplayable. Any help would be amazing

    submitted by /u/Gartic1
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