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    Wednesday, June 16, 2021

    Anno The Anno Team is participating in the Green Game Jam!

    Anno The Anno Team is participating in the Green Game Jam!

    The Anno Team is participating in the Green Game Jam!

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    Ship Modernization: Between Sail and Steam

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    I'm sure I'm not the only one severely let down by the performance of Battlecruisers and Monitors. You setup your power network, get your first investor, build the incredibly expensive (and rather niche) Advanced Weapons chain, and wait a good while to build your first Battlecruiser. You eagerly go attack some pirates and....

    It barley out damages a frigate.

    Yes, I know it has range and isn't effected by the wind, but that just isn't good enough for a vessel so expensive to produce and maintain.

    And the Monitor is in an even worse place, there is no reason to use them over Frigates imo. Maybe only if they are escorting steam ships between regions.

    I'd like them to completely revolutionize warfare and make stock sailing ships obsolete. Now, thats pretty extreme I grant you. The Clipper, Gunboat, Frigate, and Ship of the Line should still have a place throughout the entire game so what I'd like to see is the opportunity to modernize such craft to be more competitive with the now-buffed steamships.

    When you unlock the Steam Shipyard, you should have access to new modernized designs of the old sailing ships that incorporate Advanced Weapons and Steam Turbines into their designs. Warships get a damage boost, as expected from using Advanced Weapons, while all sailing ships become akin to the hybrid Flagship, albeit less 'best of both worlds' and more 'master of none' when it comes to speed.

    Existing ships can be modernized by sailing them in the vicinity of a Steam Shipyard and pressing the upgrade button or something. It is more efficient time and resource wise to do this than to make a ship from scratch.

    The Ships

    Schooner => Runabout

    Just a schooner with a motor, admittedly 'runabout' is a term you don't see until the 1900s and refers to speedboat-type ships but I thought it was a better name than just 'motorboat'. Its big thing is being able to smuggle; it can only be detected by other factions when they get too close. Sacrifices one of its cargo bays to fit the engine, which I think is a fair tradeoff for stealth. Now you don't have to worry so much about those prison soap runs.

    Clipper => Steamer

    Based off the paddle-driven 'Great Western', older sister to the Great Eastern and one of the first successful wooden steamships for commercial trans-Atlantic use. Same stats as the Clipper but uses hybrid power.

    Gunboat => Torpedo Boat

    The TB doesn't have any cannons, but does have a rechargeable ability to fire a torpedo at a target for lots of damage. However, its even more fragile than the gunboat due to the volatile torpedo's it houses.

    Frigate => (Commerce) Raider

    Based off of screw-driven light warships used for commerce raiding like the Confederate CSS Alabama, these ships have the same damage as frigates but do bonus damage to shipping vessels.

    Ship-of-the-Line => Ironclad

    Based off the HMS Warrior), the first armor-plated warships, iron-clad warships (not actually the first Ironclad, that was the French Gloire). The most straight upgrade of them all that improve basically everything about the Ship of the Line. These are to give you a fighting chance if you can't support the Battlecruisers but your opponent has one.

    Adding these ships as a stopgap between sail and true steamships will A) Allows actual combat steamships to be worth a damn B) make combat more interesting and C) Give you more opportunities to develop your empire by modernizing your old ships for the lategame.

    submitted by /u/Sugnuhc9000
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    What is the correct strategy for anno 1800?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 03:16 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I have a lot of hours playing this perfect game, however I always ends with the following question:

    What is the correct strategy for this game?

    I'm wondering that because I always follows the steps below:

    1. Improve my initial island in old world
    2. Capture other islands faster than NPCs to avoid missing resources and be prepared for wars
    3. Go to New World asap and improve the initial island there.
    4. Capture the other islands faster than NPCs and start wars if I need to get an island that has a lot of resources - a bit crazy idea but after some ship on the line, he will ends the war with you :D
    5. Get Investors in the island. - Now it becomes confusing for me
    6. Go to Cape Town, settle my big island there
    7. Capture new island to support the main island there
    8. Now I have to improve the island adding World Fair, hotels and everything of the DLCs. Where should I add it?
      1. I did it in the old world but it seems we have a lot of pollution there and limited coast for dlc.
      2. If I do it in Cape Town I will have to change all my trade routes to deliver New World resources there. At the end, I will have steam ships delivering resources in Old World and in Cape Town. Its confuse, because its sounds replicated and not correct for the game. So I still stucked in this part, and if I try to move for the other places like "land of lions" and "artic" I will get in trouble.

    Could you share the experience and how you manage it? Do you have steel factories in Cape Town?

    submitted by /u/beuleal
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    I want to play with cheats

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    However, I play on Geforce Now, so some cheats that need to be installed in the game folder are not suitable for me. Are there any cheats that don't need to install, but that just need to "run" for them to work?

    submitted by /u/Bogette
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    Upon every loading of save, the specialist visitor message pop up prompting to accept/deny a specialist

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 06:03 AM PDT

    That is despite the fact that the decision has been made long time ago. EVERY SINGLE LOADING into the game results in that popup of the most recent specialist visitor's visit. It's annoying af. Please fix.

    submitted by /u/doitrodiz
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    His disappears mid multiplayer game

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 04:55 AM PDT

    I have a strange bug since the newest patch. My hud sometimes disappears in multiplayer matches. Need to alt F4 then and start the latest save game. Any hints ?

    submitted by /u/kbhamm
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    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 05:49 AM PDT

    just wondering if we have any news about the release of the next cosmetic packs


    submitted by /u/poppytat
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    Obreros Portrait

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    I noticed when looking at all the available player portraits you can't choose obreros or jornaleros is there any reason for this?

    submitted by /u/Catgirl_Katyusha
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    Last year I played a lot with season pass 1. And decided to back to the game. Bought SP2 and SP3 too. So as you can see in this picture which way should I go ? I'm playing story mode not sandbox. Go to new world or Land of Lions ?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 12:26 AM PDT

    What happens when victory conditions are met?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 02:22 AM PDT

    I know, I know, you win - duh. But my question is, can you continue playing the game? I have foolishly set my vitory condition to build 3 monuments - not knowing what is a monument exactly, figured it's something optional. Now I have built a World's Fair and a Research Institute - as far as I understand these count as monuments. Now I would like to explore the arctic as well, but the hangar is another monument as far as I know. If I cannot continue my game after that I would rather skip the arctic for this save.

    submitted by /u/Palci
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    New player, question about moving production off my main island and sustaining stable levels of consumer goods on that island.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    Decided to use Crown Falls as my main island. I use the anno1800calculator to calculate base need of production for an island.

    Is there any ingame way of seeing how many tons of production are currently being shipped to your island per minute? I only see stats for production.

    Is the general strategy to produce more than you need off island and to add more ships to the trade route until your levels stay stable?

    submitted by /u/codz007
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    Anno 1800 - any way to get the Anne Harlow In the Name of the Father quest series?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 03:50 PM PDT

    I've been allied with Anne for a very long time, probably over 100 hours, and I've received plenty of quests, yet the elusive personal questline of hers "In the Name of the Father" is nowhere to be found. I've been doing any mission that pops on the map for her, or asking her to give me one.

    So I'm wondering, isn't there possibly something I'm missing? Is it perhaps that she will only offer it on her own and me clicking on her ship or asking her for quests could ruin this? Am I simply being unlucky? Could it be that I broke the allience couple of times in the past? (Although I've immediatelly asked her to renew it.)

    The annoying thing is that I see her quests are repeating and I've done some more than twice already - makes sense, that's how it works, but it's annoying to see them go by, when I'm waiting for the story questline that I've never seen before.

    submitted by /u/lefiath
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